Birchwood Banner
May 2024
Mission & Vision
Mission: Birchwood ABC promotes a positive Attitude, excellent Behavior, and a Commitment to lifelong learning
Vision: Our commitment is to ensure all students receive a high quality education and to produce responsible students in a safe environment that values lifelong learning
Principal's Corner
Birchwood ABC Families,
As we enter the month of May, we are filled with a sense of excitement and accomplishment. It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of another school year, filled with remarkable achievements and cherished memories. Our students continue to excel in their studies, demonstrating dedication and perseverance in their academic pursuits. We congratulate all our students on their hard work and commitment to learning. We're proud of the initiatives taken by our students to make a positive impact in our community and beyond. Their efforts in volunteering, fundraising, and advocacy reflect the values we hold dear at BWABC!
Please remember that teacher appreciation is the week of May 6th-10th. If you have a moment, please be sure to share with your child’s teacher all that you appreciate about them. Also note that snow gear and winter boots are no longer needed for students, woohoo!
I am deeply honored and privileged to have the opportunity to serve as the principal at BWABC. It brings me great joy to get to know each and every one of our wonderful families and to be a part of this wonderful supportive community.
Thank you for your continued support,
Tammy Hershman, Principal
Office Corner
Please help us with our goal! We need to get 100% of our returning students registered for the 24/25 school year! Our goal is to accomplish this by May 16th! The number of students registered will help determine our staffing needs for the upcoming school year. As an incentive, with help from our PTA, we will be giving away three $10 Cold Stone gift cards. MARK ONLINE REGISTRATION OFF YOUR LIST! Here's how you or your student can win one:
- Parents: If you register ALL your student(s) by May 16th, your name will go into a drawing for a chance to win one of the gift cards. If your students will not be returning, you will also have your name entered if you let us know by May 16th.
- Students: Each student who is registered by May 16th, will have their name entered into a separate drawing for a chance to win one of the gift cards.
- Teachers: The first teacher whose ENTIRE class is registered will win the third gift card. Parents, the teachers will need your help with this one!
You can register your student(s) now by visiting Q Parent Connection and selecting "Online Registration". Please call our office at 742-3450 if you need help with your PIN or password. If for some reason your student will not be returning to Birchwood ABC next school year, please let our office know so that we can update our records.
REGISTER TODAY at: https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/production/parentportal
Next year I will be teaching P.E. at Clark Middle School. I will forever be grateful for my time here at Birchwood ABC. I have really enjoyed getting to know you all and your students over the last 4 years. Thank you for all the wonderful years and being such an amazing group of parents. I will miss this school so much but I will pop in to say "hi" to the kiddos when I can. I wish you all the best!
-Rachel Arvelo
NED Assembly
As you know we recently hosted an assembly event called NED’s Mindset Mission. We trust your student was encouraged by the show which taught about having a positive Mindset for learning and life!
Mindset Mission yoyos are still available for purchase to support the free show and message. Students need to bring exact change on 5/2-5/8 and fill out an order form. Order form https://assets-global.website-files.com/60f9d11908866a0b6a25adac/64d52203aa7aca5ec734f0f0_MM-US-SH-PIF-FT18_080823.pdf. If your student has already purchased a yoyo, here is an important link to help them get off to a good start with proper string length adjustment, click here.
Additionally, here are a couple of our favorite follow up home resources from the Mindset Mission website. You may want to use these with your child as they are designed to go hand in hand with the program.
NED Coloring Face Masks
Parent Encouragement Notes
If you'd like additional resources, they are available here.
And don’t forget to ask your student what they learned in the show about having a growth mindset from YET the Yeti, Captain Kindly and during NED’s visit on the spaceship!
Educating together!
P.E. Corner
Healthy Futures
April activity logs are due by May 3rd to Mr. Olson or Ms. Rachel. This month we are doing a double prize, get those April activity logs filled out. [activitylog] We will also be drawing the winner who summited all 6 healthy future logs for the year. https://healthyfuturesak.org/
Field Day-Tuesday May 22, more details coming soon. Volunteer times will be 10:30am - 3:00pm.
Sign up to volunteer & Sign up to bring in food donations
Kids Don't Float
5th graders attended Kid's Don't Float last week. They learned a lot about boat safety, life jackets and water safety.
We want to recognize Mrs. Lambert, Teri Ann Boyle, Amanda Culity, Magda Kopun and Rachel Arvelo.
As you all prepare to embark on your next adventure, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for everything you've done for us during your time here at Birchwood ABC. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering support have made a profound impact on each and every one of us.
Art Corner
As part of two grants awarded to Mrs. Turner this year, students recently experienced a special week in art. They delved into the world of printmaking, guided by the influence of Henri Matisse. As an additional treat, students received wildflower seed packets to take home, courtesy of Mrs. Turner's Botany in Art Grant, generously provided by The Wildflower Garden Club of Alaska and the Alaska Community Foundation.
Student Council
This year, the Student Council and Room Representatives coordinated a trash audit during lunch breaks. This involved measuring both trash and food waste to comprehend our weekly waste production more effectively. During this assessment, we had the privilege of meeting with Jodi Rodwell, the Manager of Denali Education Center and Zero Landfill. As a token of appreciation for their efforts and research, Jodi generously provided hats and patches. The Student Council aims to promote discussions about waste reduction and environmentally friendly practices among students, encouraging everyone to adopt greener habits.
Student Council Year End Wrap Up
Library Corner
All library books are due back Monday, May 6. Notices will be sent home on Monday, May 6 so that all students are aware of the books they still have checked out. Please check desks, under the bed, on your bookshelves and everywhere else to find all Birchwood library books. If you have looked everywhere and still cannot locate your library books, you can pay for a replacement. Replacement costs are listed on the library notice. Please contact me for other options to clear lost books from your child's account. tyson_tanya@asdk12.org
It's JOG-A-THON time and we would love your support! May 10th all of our students will run their hearts out for Birchwood ABC! If you haven't already, please take a moment and sign your student(s) up. It's super easy and every dollar counts, no donation is too small and $5 will get your student a pair of Limited Edition Birchwood ABC Sunglasses on the day of the run!
Please Sign up here:
If you would like to come to the JOG-A-THON, volunteer some time to help us mark laps or run with the kids, we would love your help!
Please sign up here:
Spring Photos will be taken on Thursday, May 16th, and everyone will have their picture taken. If you would like to be emailed when they are available to view, there is no obligation.
Please sign up here:
THANK YOU to GPS ALASKA for volunteering to sponsor Popcorn Friday next year, 2024-2025! We truly appreciate your support and the students will love the monthly treat! https://www.gpsalaska.com
THANK YOU to Tara Barndt for the Popcorn Friday Sponsorship for the past 2 years, we have been so grateful for all of your support.
PTA wishes all of our families the best summer ever! Thank you to all of our families that volunteered their time to make this school year fun and rewarding.
I personally will miss you all and am thankful for the time that I was able to contribute during our last 6 years here, and I am extra thankful for the many friendships that I made. You will be in great hands next year! (Make sure to sign up in the fall!)
Take care,
Sarah Thompson
PTA President
BAC Corner
The Birchwood Advisory Committee thanks all the members and volunteers! Many hands make light work. It’s never too late to get involved. The BAC helps maintain high academic standards and sustain the already recognized exceptional ABC Curriculum. We assist by highlighting and encouraging our values of leadership, citizenship, self-discipline, and character development.
Being a committee member is not required to attend BAC meetings. They are open to everyone. Please join us Thursday May 9th at 6 PM for our next meeting. We hope to see you there!
Volunteer Appreciation
If you spent any time volunteering this school year, please see the flyer below. We want to celebrate all our wonderful volunteers!
Character Trait
Dates to Remember
May 1st- May the 4th be with You Dress up Day
May 1st- PTA Meeting
May 6-10th- Staff Appreciation
May 7th-State Fair/ Native American Project Night 6-7pm
May 8th-State Fair/ Native American Project 9:45-11:00am
May 8th- Choir Assembly
May 9th- Kindy Bee
May 9th- BAC Meeting
May 10th- Jog-a-thon
May 13th-Dress like your teacher day
May 14- Barbie and Ken Dress up day
May 16- Spring pictures
May 17- R,W,B assembly
May 21- Hat day
May 22- Field Day/Beach Dress up day
May 22- Last day of school
Thank you to our sponsors this year, the 773 LRS and Tara Barndt