Crews Middle School
2024 -2025 Student and Family Resource Updated 2-24-25
Principal's Corner
Our theme continues to be Back to Basics ~ Building Amazing Students who are Innovative, Creative, and Self-motivated. We are committed to our tradition of excellence by focusing on the essentials that spark curiosity and critical thinking; foster communication and collaboration; and promote rigor and relevance. Essentials that matter to each stakeholder of our school community. To ensure you have the essentials to support your family this semester, please review this newsletter with your student and keep it as resource and reference throughout the school year. Go Broncos!
In service to others,
Principal Moffett
📅 Save the Date! 📅
1/30-31: All As and As & Bs Celebration (Hosted in cafeteria during Bronco Time)
2/28: 7th Grade Social
2/28: Conclusion of Student EES Survey
3/1: Coding Event hosted by GSMST (must pre-register)
3/5: Early Release Day/Gwinnett Writes Testing for 6th and 7th/PBIS Reward Day
3/6: Early Release Day
3/7: Conclusion of Family EES Survey
3/11-13: Interim Testing
3/17-21: Makeup Interim Testing
5/6: 6th Grade Honors Night (By invitation only)
5/7: 7th Grade Honors Night (By invitation only)
5/8: 8th Grade Honors Night (By invitation only)
This list is NOT exhaustive of all school events. Please visit https://crewsms.gcpsk12.org/calendar.
💠2nd Semester: Scheduling Updates💠
- During 2nd semester, students will continue to have the same core classes (math, language arts, science, and social studies) as they did during 1st semester.
- Students with yearlong connections (i.e. performing arts, HS Spanish, Biology) will remain in those courses.
- Students' semester connections will change based on preference surveys completed in Spring 2024. Our goal is for students to have one of their top choices at some point during the school year. There may be factors that impact those placements. Based on staffing and scheduling, we will not be changing 2nd semester connections.
- Schedule changes will only occur for priorities such as correct placements based on learning programs, sequence for accelerated coursework, gifted segments etc.
- 2025-2026: Connection Preference Surveys are due by April 18th for all grades, including rising 6th grades. Please note that students are NOT guaranteed to get all of their preferences as some classes have pre-requisite criteria and/or seating capacity. However, we do endeavor to each of our 1400+ students into a preferred connection at some point during the school year.
To support student achievement and engagement, daily attendance is integral to school success. Please review our 24 -25 Crews MS Student and Family Handbook Information as well as the
district site for GCPS Attendance Policies & Procedures. When students have three or more unexcused absences, families will be notified. If students have 10 or more unexcused absences, families will have to attend meetings with our school's Student Attendance Review Committee (i.e. assistant principal, counselor, social worker) to determine student support plans.
Steps for submitting absentee notices, doctor notes etc.
- Families may alert teachers or support staff of students' absences as a mode to stay connected regarding assignments.
- However, please note emails do NOT constitute as absentee notifications. Families should have their students drop off absentee notes or medical excuses to their grade level office. Parents and guardians can leave these items at the front desk if needed for appropriate routing.
- When submitting absentee documents, ensure the document has the your student's full name, homeroom teacher's name, date(s) of absence, and reason for absence.
- Families must submit absentee notices within two weeks of student absences.
- Review the local school and district absences to see what is deemed excused vs. unexcused.
💎Go-to-Resources for Students & Families💎
School Contacts
6th Grade Leadership Team
- Assistant Principal Kristen Jesse (Students A - M), Assistant Principal John Tronolone (Students N - Z). Counselor Kim Dickson
7th Grade Leadership Team
- Assistant Principal Bernard Taylor, Counselor Shayla Thompson
- Assistant Principal Dr. Rochelle Mungin, Counselor Tajah Pinkard
Please utilize our school website to connect with our leaders via email.
Are you a new or returning family who needs to update records?
- Please note that enrollment and registration processes begin online. Visit the district website to get started - New Student Enrollment/Registration.
- If you have questions or need support with records (i.e., residency, immunization, withdrawal), please contact our registrar at sheree.lewis@gcpsk12.org or 770-982-6940. School business hours are 9:00 - 4:00.
School Communications: Stay Connected @ Crews
Crews Middle School’s newsletters and student progress reports are sent out weekly. Progress reports will come from 1 teacher but will contain grades for each of the student's six classes. Parents can monitor their student's grades, attendance, discipline and other key information through the StudentVue, ParentVue and the eCLASS portal. Staff will respond to emails/correspondences in 1-2 school days. If you have an urgent matter, please call our main office at 770-982-6940 and ask for your student's grade level assistant principal.
🔷Academic Knowledge and Skills🔷
The Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) standards were developed by our teachers, with input from our parents and community, in response to Gwinnett County Public Schools’ mission statement: The mission of Gwinnett County Public Schools is to pursue excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each student, resulting in measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards.
Learn more about grade level AKS for each subject for Kindergarten through 8th Grade.
Students will be assessed on their mastery of AKS. Please review weekly progress and monitor grades in ParentVue.
🔶Middle School Promotion Requirements🔶
Review the GCPS promotion criteria for each grade level by clicking or copying-and-pasting this URL address - https://www.gcpsk12.org/students/promotion-and-graduation-requirements/middle-school-promotion-requirements. Academic supports include: academic assistance programs, Bronco Time classes, prearranged tutoring, and summer school. It is imperative that students and families review school progress reports and grades through StudentVue and ParentVue. The last month of each semester will only be focused on projects, performance-based assignments, and final exams, not missing or overdue assignments.
🌏Middle School Testing🌏
- Teachers assess student learning through common formative and summative assessments. Those assessment dates vary by grade and subject. Review each teacher's syllabus to see grade weights and remastery opportunities.
- Outside of local school assessments, students also engage in other assessments. Review the 25 - 25 Middle School District & State Assessment Calendar.
- Please ensure students are present for testing. Most occur through a digital platform. Therefore it is also important that students have fully charged Chromebooks and chargers with them at school each day.
Daily Schedule
Students are released to homerooms at 8:55. Student class hours are 9:15 - 4:00.
Early School Arrival
- Students can only be dropped off in the car-rider area once a staff member opens our "Bronco Doors" at 8:05. Families may not drop students off at the front entrance, along sidewalks, in the teaching parking lot etc. Doing so can result in those families having to wait until 8:55 to drop off their students.
- When students arrive before 8:55am, they must report to the cafeteria to work quietly unless they have a teacher pass or permission to attend a before school club or activity. Students who do not follow expectations may lose the opportunity to be at school early and/or issued consequences.
Late School Arrival
- Car-rider lines will close promptly at 9:15. Families who arrive to the car-rider section after 9:15 must drive their students to the front parking lot for check-in.
- Students who arrive 9:16 - 9:24 may check themselves in at the front desk. At 9:25 or later, parents must bring their students into school for check-in. Families who have students with frequent late check-ins may have to participate in attendance review meetings.
- Students who arrive late on a bus will be allowed into class.
To support a safe, orderly school environment, it is important that all adhere to school drop-off and delivery procedures for bus riders, car-riders, and walkers. Review our Bus, Car Rider, Walker Infographic carefully. Safety is everyone's job.
Bus Riders
Important reminders:
- Middle school students are the last to be picked up and dropped off in GCPS. Expect delays in the first weeks of schools. Ensure your student is at their stop at the communicated/projected time.
- Note that bus drivers are not responsible for student behaviors at bus stops. Concerning student behaviors on the bus may lead to disciplinary consequences and/or loss of bus privileges. If you have concerns, contact your student's assistant principal.
Car Riders
Bus Passes
Please visit our school's website for Clinic Information and Forms. To support a positive teaching and learning environment, please refrain from strongly scented lotions, colognes, perfumes etc. These can major triggers for those with asthma and allergies.
🔑PBIS/ Student Expectations🔑
Electronic Devices (Phones, Smartwatches, and More)
It is important that students and families review the district's Responsible Use of Technology and Electronic Media for Students guidelines as well as our 24 -25 Crews MS Student and Family Handbook Information. As a 1:1 device school, we have schoolwide guidelines regarding device use that interferes with teaching and learning. Students that do not adhere to these guidelines can have their electronic device (phone, smartwatch etc.) pouched. Students who refuse to have their phones pouched and/or have repetitive device concerns will received escalated consequences (i.e. receiving a discipline step or referral).
Resources:1:1 Device Parent Support Page
📌School Fees/Technology Costs📌
- We encourage all families to monitor student accounts and clear any lunch fees and media fines incurred.
- Please note that technology fees for school issued devices have changed.
- Damaged Beyond Repair or Lost Chromebook: $200
- Damaged Chromebook or Parts (i.e, cover, keyboard, hinges): $25
- Lost Adapter: $25
- Technology issues that result from deliberate, intentional, and/or repetitive patterns can lead to restitution costs and/or disciplinary consequences.
- Unpaid fines and fees can limit participation in extracurricular activities or events.
- Resource: Parent and Student Responsibilities for Devices (includes fine structure)
🔶Dress Code Expectations🔶
Review our 24 -25 Crews MS Student and Family Handbook Information for more specific dress code guidance.
Interested in Gwinnett Online Campus?
Rolling Full-Time Enrollment throughout the year
GOC Centers
Accidental Insurance
GCPS does not provide standard General Liability insurance coverage that would cover student injuries; therefore, we provide parents an opportunity to purchase this accidental insurance policy through K&K. Learn more by visiting the K&K website for plan information or to complete the enrollment application online at www.studentinsurance-kk.com.
Basketball is in season. Soccer tryouts are in late January.