Greensview News
December 16, 2024

Dear Greensview Families,
As we approach the holiday season, I want to share a few updates and highlights:
Goodbye to Mrs. Estepp: After 25 years of dedication to Greensview, we bid a heartfelt goodbye to Mrs. Estepp as she begins her well-earned retirement. We wish her all the best in this exciting new chapter.
Welcome to Karen Hampel: Please join us in welcoming Karen Hampel as our new Head Building Secretary. Karen brings years of experience and a deep connection to Upper Arlington schools and community.
Holiday Parties: Student holiday parties will take place on December 20th and are for students and pre-determined parent volunteers only, thank you!
Winter Break: Begins December 23rd. School resumes January 7th.
Digital Wellness Tips: Over break, consider family-friendly activities to balance screen time with quality face-to-face interactions. Check out our tips for device-free dinners and engaging offline activities!
New World Record!: Greensview helped set a world record in the sport stacking challenge! Learn more at the link in our newsletter.
Enjoy a safe and joyful holiday season!
Warm regards,
Principal Wulf
Hello to Karen Hampel, our new Head Building Secretary
Note from Karen:
“I am overjoyed for the opportunity to support and work alongside the students, staff and families of the Greensview community. I’m approaching ten years of service in the UA school district, most of which has been at Hastings Middle School. Previously, I’ve worked in early childhood education and in public libraries as a literature and literacy advocate for youth and teen services. I’m an UAHS alumni and life resident of Upper Arlington. My family includes my son, a college freshman, my daughter, a high school junior (both are Greensview graduates) and a newly adopted cat. I spend my free hours enjoying music, time with my family, traveling to Lake Erie, daily crossword puzzles, thrifting, biking, gardening and pretty much anything and everything that involves the sunshine and the outdoors.”
Calendar of Upcoming Events
December 20th: Holiday Parties for Students and Room Parents
Winter Break: December 23rd -January 6th
New World Record in PE Class:
Greensview Elementary School helped set a New World Record: thewssa.com/stackup/2024/the_sport/?rid=44515
Arrival to school in the morning
This is a good time to review and remind everyone about our Stop, Drop and Go. We are very lucky to have a system in place that gets students into the building quickly and parents on their way to work in an efficient manner. You can help everyone by adhering to the following guidelines:
Have the children ready to exit before getting into the drop line
Drivers and adults must stay in their vehicle. If you have to exit the car to help your child, the Stop, Drop and Go line is not the best place to drop off your child (Park on the South side of Langston and assist your child if they are not yet able to navigate the drop off on their own)
For their safety, have your child exit the car on the curbside and not into the street, if you have to shuffle car seats, the Winter Break is a good time to make that change.
Please pull all the way forward when entering the Drop Line.
Children can arrive at 8:00. We have many cars arriving between 8:07-8:15, come a couple minutes early and the line is much quicker.
Following the guidelines, ensures safety and everyone gets to where they are headed quickly and with a smile on their face!
Thank you!
Winter Reading Club at UAPL
The Upper Arlington Public Libraries are hosting a Winter Reading Program. It starts Sunday, December 1 and continues through January 31, 2025. It's a simple and fun reading challenge for all ages. Participants can fill out a coloring sheet as they read, pick an item from the prize basket every week, and enter drawings for grand prizes along the way. Stop by any Upper Arlington Public Library location to pick up a reading log or download it on their website. For more information, check out this video. Happy reading!
Your voice matters! Phase two of facilities master planning
Your voice matters! Phase two of facilities master planning
It’s time to join your friends and neighbors and get involved in phase two of facilities master planning!
Serve as an expert and committed stakeholder for your school(s) of choice by signing up to volunteer for one or more building teams — Hastings, Jones or Burbank. Each team will have three meetings between December 2024 and April 2025. To sign up and learn more, visit the Building Teams page on our website.
Progress Reports for students with IEPs
Unfortunately, the Progress Report icon for students with IEPs in PowerSchool has been eliminated. This was out of Upper Arlington’s control. In order to access your child’s progress report, your child’s intervention specialist or speech language pathologist will share the report via an email from Same Goal after each reporting period. You should receive the 2nd quarter progress report by January 9th for students in grades 6-12 and by January 22nd for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Digital Wellness Activity for Families During Winter Break
What's topping your kids' holiday wish lists this year? Chances are it has a screen, Internet access, and games. With a little planning -- and kids' assistance -- you can balance your family's tech activities with much-needed face time.
As an extension of the 2024 Digital Safety Week, Screenagers viewing, and Thanksgiving Digital Wellness Activities, we wanted to provide families with some Digital Wellness tips and strategies to consider during the Winter break. These two weeks are an opportunity to exhibit a healthy balance with device use.
Here are some ideas to try from CommonSense Media:
Be jolly -- but firm. Let your kids know that you'll be enforcing stricter time limits to create more quality family time. And tell them that the rules will apply to the grown-ups as well.
Make a list (and check it with your kids). Don't go cold turkey. Schedule some daily tech time for yourself and your kids. Get their input on which devices they absolutely can't live without, and allow some limited use.
Plan a device-free dinner. Put the phones and tablets in a basket and don't check 'em til the dishes are done.
Make setup fun, not frustrating. No matter how easy to use companies make new devices, there's always some (often frustrating) setup time. Truth be told, kids often figure out thorny tech glitches faster than parents, so involve your kids in the process. Use that time to discuss responsible use of the new device.
Try some tech togetherness. Unplugging for its own sake isn't the point. Family time is. Plan a night of video games, movies, or maybe preselected YouTube videos that you can all enjoy together.
Combine on- and offline activities. Document your family memories and consider compiling them into journals, cards, and scrapbooks. This is a perfect time to share your own holiday memories with your kids.
If no creatures are stirring … don't check your email. Remember, your kids learn their media habits partly from you.
By January 5th, discuss questions with your students related to this activity, such as:
Did you feel more present with your family?
What was the most challenging part of the break for you?
What was the one offline activity we did that you enjoyed the most?
Can you help our family create a plan to make this a more frequent practice?
If you do this with your family and feel comfortable to share, please share an anonymous feedback about the process. The Excellence and Engagement Office is committed to supporting families with exercises like these to help create a healthy digital balance for our students.
Riding the Bus with a friend - Transportation
Occasionally, students like to have friends ride home with them on the bus. If buses are filled to capacity, friends will not be permitted to ride. In order for friends to ride, parents must call or email the bus garage to receive permission before a student may ride.
Program Secretary:
Evelyn Bermudez: ebermudez@uaschools.org
Phone: 614-487-6477
Yearbook candid photos
It’s time to collect yearbook candid images for school. Every student will be featured with their school picture, but we are looking for group candid photos to include from various school sponsored events. These images could be from walking club, Walk for Greensview, Fall Family Fun night, field trips, and the Harvest/Winter parties. Please send your best 3-5 images from these events to greensviewyearbook@gmail.com
New: School Lunch Menu and December
Menu Change for the 11th and 18th of December
Please note that December 11th will be a Holiday Dinner again, like we did for Thanksgiving.
- Turkey, Gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, Pumpkin Pie and cookie.
December 18th will be Chicken Nuggets (the menu from the 11th)
NEW: iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology Department provides two ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, and manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer-level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to FamilyTechHelp@uaschools.org.
Explorations Updates
Dropping off items at school (in the office) for your children
We strive to support our students in every way possible, but delivering items to students during the day can present challenges. Our teachers are focused on instruction and may not frequently check their emails, and calling into the classroom disrupts the flow of lessons. While essential items like lunches and backpacks will always be prioritized, other items such as water bottles, snacks, or iPads (unless specifically requested by the teacher) are not considered urgent. To help foster responsibility, we encourage you to keep these items at home until the next day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
District Calendar: You can subscribe to the calendar and get automatic updates!
Greensview Webpage NEW Link: https://greensview.uaschools.org/students-families/back-to-school-information.
Greensview is on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter
Instagram: greensview_elem
Twitter: @greensview_elem
Facebook: Greensview Elementary School
We will be trying to do a better job of getting out information and updates on our social media pages. Take a minute to follow Greensview!
Flyer reminders
Flyer Connection is our online “bulletin board” of opportunities for students and families in our schools from nonprofit organizations in our area.
To Report an Absence
Please send an email to the attendance email listed below to report a student absent
If you know you will be taking your child from school, you can complete a Planned Absence Form and send that to the attendance email.
Greensview News
We are looking forward to an amazing year!