Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
May 14, 2024
Pigging out for DI Thank You!
Our Pigging out for DI event was a huge success. Thank you so very much for the support! Thank you also to all who participated, including our teachers and principal who were willing to kiss a pig!
🗓️ Important Dates
May 14: 5th Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 15: Field Trip (grade 1) & 4th Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 16: Field Trips (grades 5 and 8) & 3rd Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 18: Catholic Schools Relay Races (at SMR) & 1st Communion at St. Aloysius Church
May 20: 2nd Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 21: Field Day (grades 6-8) & 1st Grade Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 22: Field Trip (grade 8) & Kindergarten Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 22-25: Destination Imagination Global Finals Competition
May 23: Field Trips (grades 1-8) & Pre-K Summer Birthdays Celebrated
May 24: FAW Class of 2024 Graduation & No School for Students
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
May 29: Field Day (grades 1-5), 5th Grade Parent Night & Grades 3-5 Movie Night
May 30: HSA Ice Cream Social
May 31: Last day for Pre-K, Pre-K Graduation, and Middle School Monthly Activity
June 1: Catholic Schools Track Meet (at SMCM)
June 6: 9am Mass, hosted by 2nd grade & Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to our HSA and amazing families!
Last week our teachers were showered with gifts to show your appreciation. The week started with a beautifully decorated Faculty Room and a surprise assembly where each teacher received a special award. Teachers then got to go “shopping” from a cart of items and enjoyed a hot beverage before school (with cold beverages stocked in the fridge for later). Students expressed sentiments on the Wall of Fame and the week was capped off with a delicious boxed lunch to go. Thank you so much to our generous families and our Home and School Association who organized all the special events. Our teachers felt the love this week. Many thanks!
School Tool Box School Supplies
🎒📚 **Get Ahead of the Game: Order Next Year's School Supplies Now!** 📦✨
As the school year winds down and summer is in sight with its promise of relaxation and sunshine, we want to offer you an opportunity to ease into the next academic year with peace of mind. We're thrilled to offer a convenient solution to one of those back-to-school stressors: school supplies shopping!
We're partnering with School Tool Box again to streamline the process. Say goodbye to crowded aisles and endless lists. Instead, simply place your order for next year's school supplies, and they'll be shipped directly to the school, ready for pickup at our Open House event.
Here's why you'll love it:
1. Stress-Free Convenience
2. Time-Saving
3. Quality Assured
4. Support Our School
How to Order:
- Visit https://schooltoolbox.com/school-supplies/school/list-boxes/?schoolId=45764
- Choose your child's grade level.
- Review the supply list and consider any additional add-ons.
- Complete your order and mark your calendar for Open House pickup.
Ordering is open until June 9, 2024!
Note: Orders may be placed after this date and will be shipped to your home (shipping fees apply to orders under $85)
We understand the importance of a smooth transition into the new school year, and we're excited to offer this hassle-free solution to our families. Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a summer filled with relaxation and rejuvenation! If you have any questions, please reach out to bailey.katie.lynn@gmail.com.
A Friendly Reminder from the Bookkeeper!
If you are requesting the Catholic tuition rate for next school year, the Pastoral Verification Form is due TOMORROW, May 15th to the school office. This requires a signature from your Pastor, so don't delay if you haven't already requested it. The Pastoral Verification form is attached to this week's newsletter. If you have questions, please e-mail Karen Farr at bookkeeper@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Please turn in your Pastoral Verification Forms... due tomorrow!!
After School Tutoring is Available on Thursdays!
Our National Junior Honor Society would like to provide after school tutoring on Thursdays from now through May 16th. If you are interested in receiving tutoring for your child, please sign up HERE!
Have your student join members of our Linda Maloney Chapter of NJHS on Thursday afternoons from 2:45-4pm. This is open to students in grades 2-8 and tutors are available for homework help in core subjects as well as Math, Reading, Writing and Spelling practice.
Field Days are Coming!
We look forward to a day of fun with the many activities that Mrs. Stewart has planned for our students. The Field Days will be split into two groups. Most activities are outside so please be sure to put sunblock on your child at home before school.
- Tuesday, May 21: Grades 6-8
- Wednesday, May 29: Grades 1-5
**Wheeled Coolers are needed (to borrow) for the May 21st Field Day. Thank you for sending yours in labeled with your name for us to use that day. **
Middle School Field Day
Students in grades 6-8 will enjoy their Field Day on Tuesday, May 21st. Please have your middle school children wear Tag Day clothes with a colored (non-white) shirt and sneakers (sandals, flip flops and crocs are not permitted). Students will be participating in water activities so PE uniforms and extra tennis shoes must be sent in so students can change and then participate in their classes for the remainder of the day. Packing a towel might be useful.
Grades 1-5 Field Day
Remember to apply sunblock on your child at home before school Wednesday, May 29th for the 1st-5th grade Field Day. Hats are acceptable to wear outside to stay protected from the sun. Students may wear Tag Day clothes (no white shirts please). Sandals, flip flops and crocs are not allowed. Students will change into PE uniforms immediately after Field Day.
Our Spring Book Fair is Coming!
Our Book Fair will be here soon! We would love to have volunteers help for a few hours each day from May 27th through June 5th. If you are available for a few hours, or a few days, or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hinkle at hinkle@fatherandrewwhite.org or sign up here.
You can preview our sale here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/fatherandrewwhiteschool
Important Dismissal Message
In order to provide for the safety of all of our students and a smooth dismissal, we want to give a friendly reminder regarding dismissal procedures.
1. Please notify the front office by 2pm if you are picking up your child early from school. This ensures for the proper notification of teachers, staff, students and front office.
2. Please avoid using the bus lane after 2pm for pickup.
3. Please ensure that the person picking up is listed on your student emergency contact list.
Thank you for your support!
Band, Chorus and 3rd Grade Recorder Concert
Congratulations to our Band and Chorus members who sounded so lovely at the Spring Concert! Also a high five to our 3rd graders for showing off their recorder skills. Thank you to Ms. Etter and Mrs. Cacko for all their efforts working with our students this year.
Progress Reports
Reports for grades 4-8 were posted to the portal last Wednesday We ask you to please keep in mind that we still have new lessons to teach and work to accomplish. We hope you will support us in encouraging the children to keep studying and to continue to make their school work a priority.
Return Library Books
It's time to start looking for all Father Andrew White School library books so they can be returned by the end of the school year. Sometimes our school library books get mixed in with your home library ones, so be sure to check all around your house. Thank you for helping your children find these books!
FAW Athletics
Catholic Schools Relay Races
Come on out for an afternoon of fun and cheer on your FAW Crusaders as they race around the track at St. Mary's Ryken this Saturday, May 18th from 12 - 4pm. We will be competing against the other local Catholic schools. See you there! Go Crusaders!
VIRTUS cleared volunteers are needed... see the opportunity in the volunteer section below.
Worship Singing next Wednesday!
Mr. Stewart is back with his guitar! Many of the students got to sing with him at retreat the past two years.
All students, teachers and staff are welcome to join Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart after school in the Gym on Wednesday, May 22nd from 3-3:30pm for some worship singing!
To God be the glory, great things He has done. See you there!
Donate to our Annual Giving Campaign that directly benefits our students!
Log your Volunteer Hours
Please remember to keep your logged volunteer hours up to date! You should have at least 23 hours by this point to be on track for your 25 hour requirement (for Service Scholarship families).
Relay Race Volunteers Needed this Weekend!
This year the Catholic schools are participating in relay races this Saturday, May 18, 2024 at St. Mary's Ryken. Volunteers are needed on the day of the event. Please let Katy Burfield know you'd like to help by emailing her at kateburfield@gmail.com or click on the SignUpGenius link below.
Lunch and Recess Monitors
Would you like to earn volunteer hours by assisting at lunch or recess time? Click the SignUpGenius Link to see the days/times you can help! Slots are in 30 minute increments and we truly appreciate your willingness to assist the teachers in this way.
Summer Maintenance Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to work on some maintenance jobs over the summer. Please contact Mrs. Richards at cptrbrown@aol.com if you are interested in being on our Summer Maintenance team! Thanks for considering!
Thank you to our 2024 Auction Sponsors!
Important Calendar Change
There will be no school on Friday, May 24th due to the eighth grade graduation at 10am. This was originally an early dismissal day for the start of Memorial Day weekend. Please mark your calendar!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Complete and Return Pastoral Verification Form - by TOMORROW
❏ Sign up for Tutoring - by Thursday
❏ Volunteer to help at the Catholic School Relay Races
❏ Attend the Catholic Schools Relay Races at SMR (Saturday)
❏ Order your School Supply Boxes
❏ Send in a cooler for Field Day
❏ Look for and return School Library books
❏ Sign up to volunteer for the various opportunities!
❏ Participate in our Annual Giving Campaign
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Phone: 301-475-9795
Website: www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fawschool