Ben Davis High School Class of 2019
College & Career Ready!
Dear Students and Parents,
Planning the next steps after high school can feel overwhelming at times. My job is to work as a member of the Student Services team at Ben Davis High School to provide programming and resources to help you find your way through the maze. Other educators who will help you with the college application process process include your School Counselor, and the Wayne Township College and Career Readiness team. This team includes; Wendy Skibinski, the Wayne Township Director of College & Career Readiness, and Adam Pearish, who is the Administrative Assistant.
I hope you are able to join us on February 28 at 6:30 p.m. for College Planning Night. This event will include 30 minute sessions on topics including; an overview of the application process, financial aid, college admission testing, college visits, and college athletics. In addition, representatives from both private and public colleges will host panel discussions to share an overview of what they look for when evaluating a college application.
Please keep reading for important information about the SAT & ACT, Hoosier Girls State, Hoosier Boys State, and summer opportunities!
I am looking forward to getting to know the Class of 2019!
Mrs. Coyne,
College Admission Coordinator
Its time to Register for the SAT and the ACT!
Most four-year colleges require students to submit a score on either the SAT or the ACT as part of the admission process. It is important that students take both the ACT and SAT during their junior year. Following this timeline enables students to repeat their preferred test early in their senior year of high school.
The document below includes; dates and deadlines for both tests, information about fee waviers, and links to the registration websites for both tests. Let us know if you have any questions or need more help!
How to Prepare?
The best way to prepare for both the SAT and ACT is to take and work hard in rigorous classes. Specific test preparation is a great way to become comfortable with the content and format of each test and to review key topics.
SAT prep is available online through the Khan academy. This program is free for all students and will use prior tests (including the PSAT) to personalize a program based on the needs of the student.
ACT prep is available online through Kaplan. This program is free for students who pay for the ACT with a fee waiver. Like the Khan Academy, the Kaplan program will use prior test scores to design a personalized program for each student.
College Planning Night
The agenda for the evening will include;
SAT & ACT - registration, scoring, preparation
Finding Your College Fit
Timelines & Application Strategy
Financial Aid Overview
Presentations from College Admission Counselors
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018, 06:30 PM
Ben Davis High School, North Girls School Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Summer Opportunities are here!
Looking for something to do this summer?
If you are searching for even more options, check out the list of Summer Enrichment programs in Naviance!
The American Legion Boys State & The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State
Hoosier Boys state and Hoosier Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs sponsored by The American Legion. This program is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government and instruction for high school students. Attendance is free for selected students thanks to a generous scholarship from the American Legion. More information can be found at the following links.
Balfour Scholars Pre-College Academy
The 2018 Balfour Pre-College Academy is scheduled for Sunday, July 8 through Saturday, July 14, 2018. As a rising high school senior participating in the pre-college academy, you'll spend one week living and learning at Indiana University Bloomington. You'll participate in informational sessions and activities to develop your ability to make informed and personalized decisions regarding your collegiate and career paths.
The second week of the academy is available for a portion of the students participating in the first week of BPCA who are interested in the selected subject area each year. In the 2017 BPCA, the second week of the academy was focused on STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
The Balfour Pre-College Academy is for students who are:
High School Juniors
African American, Latinx, and/or Native American
Enrolled in a college preparatory curriculum (Core 40 Diploma or Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma in Indiana)
Have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher
Applications are due 3/31/2018.
Meet Kelley
Meet Kelley is a pre-college summer program offered through the IU Kelley School of Business. Selected students will live on the campus of Indiana University while learning more about careers in business and making new connections. Transportation to Bloomington is the only cost incurred by participants.
MEET Kelley is for high school students from historically underrepresented groups, namely students who identify as African-American, Latino/Hispanic, American Indian/Native American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or multiracial.
To be considered, applicants must:
Be a high school student finishing their junior year and
Have a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale
Questbridge College Prep Scholars Program
WHY QUESTBRIDGE? Top colleges are actively seeking students who have excelled academically despite financial hardship, and they partner with QuestBridge to find students like you. All of our college partners — including Stanford, Yale, Amherst, and Duke — distinguish College Prep Scholars as being among the nation’s brightest high school juniors.
ELIGIBILITY: The College Prep Scholars Program is open to high school juniors who demonstrate:
- Academic Achievement and Strength in Character
- Primarily A’s in the most challenging courses available
- strong writing ability, and motivation to succeed
- Class rank and test scores are also evaluated, if available.
- Financial Need: Household income of less than $65,000 annually (for a typical family of four), with minimal assets.
College Bound Quick Start 2019
Save the Date! College Bound Quick Start for the Class of 2019 will be held on June 20 and June 21 (choose one date).
During this one-day workshop, students will work with Ben Davis faculty, college admission representatives, and other professionals to develop an application strategy and begin work on college applications and essays. Some of the tasks students will complete during the one-day workshop include the following.
- Completion of the application target list - including reach, match & safety options
- Prepare and receive feedback on application essays
- Obtain guidance on the financial aid & scholarship process
- Talk to college admission representatives from public and private institutions
- Obtain guidance on the financial aid and scholarship process
More details and registration information will be sent to student and parent emails after Spring Break.
Wednesday, Jun 20, 2018, 08:45 AM
Ben Davis High School, North Girls School Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Ben Davis High School Student Services
Sherman Woodard, Director
Anna Coyne, College Admission Coordinator
Mike Horning, School Counselor
Andrea Norcross, School Counselor
Jamika Jones, School Counselor
Kaylen Wanek, School Counselor
Susan Williams, School Counselor
Brian Abney, School Counselor
Sonya Hicks, School Counselor
Wendy Skibinski, Wayne Township Director of College & Career Readiness
Adam Pearish, Administrative Assistant
Email: anna.coyne@wayne.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.wayne.k12.in.us/bdstudentservices/
Location: 1200 North Girls School Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States
Phone: (317)988-77000
Twitter: @bdhcounselors