Lincoln High School Patriot Press
January Newsletter 2025
Important Days to Know
January 1st - No Classes - Holiday Break
January 2nd - Classes Resume
January 8th - 9th - Semester Testing
January 9th - 8th Grade Parent Meeting, LHS Auditorium, 6:30 - 7:15 PM
Special Session Spanish Immersion, 7:15 - 7:30 PM
January 9th - End of 1st Semester
January 10th - No Classes - Teacher Workday
January 11th - 8th Grade Parent Meeting, LHS Auditorium, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Special Session Spanish Immersion, 9:45 - 10:00 AM
January 20th - No Classes - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observance
January 31st - Senior Photos are due for the Yearbook
February 3rd - No Classes - Teacher Inservice
February 8th - ACT
February 17th - 18th - No Classes - Presidents’ Day Break
February 21st - Jostens Sophomore Class Meeting, LHS Auditorium, AD Room
February 26th - Department of Labor Job Fair, Cafeteria, 2:55 - 3:55 PM
February 28th - Josten’s Sophomore Ordering Day, LHS Admin Foyer, 11:15 AM - 1:30 PM
Notes From Dr. Raeder
Happy New Year!
As the new calendar year starts at Lincoln High School, we are ready to finish the first semester and begin the second semester. While concluding coursework, students will begin to study for semester tests. For additional information, students can talk to their classroom teachers and counselor. Best of luck to all our students on their semester tests.
Below are some study strategies from The Princeton Review article "How to Study for Finals".
1. Make a finals game plan.
If you plan out your study sessions (for ALL your exams), you’ll get a better handle on how much work you’re facing.
2. Start early.
Start studying for finals a few weeks before the first exam, and figure out how much time to set aside each day for each subject.
3. Study in this order: a) definitely b) probably c) might be on the final
Don’t just start from the beginning of your notes and try to cram everything in: Think about what you know for sure will be on each test and review that material first.
4. Give yourself more time to study for your toughest classes.
If chemistry gave you trouble all semester, devote more time to that subject—even if it’s your last final.
5. Form a study group.
Make a plan with friends to review the class material, compare notes, or work through tricky concepts.
6. Talk it out.
Not only is it more fun to study with your friends than studying by yourself, but you’ll also learn more.
7. Get creative with study aids.
Now that you know what key concepts from each subject you need to prioritize, find the best way to review and internalize what you predict will be on the final exam.
8. Study your notes.
Outline your class notes for daily review. Notes and flashcards are also great for last-minute review the morning of your exam.
9. Quiz yourself.
If you’re studying at home, have your mom or dad quiz you on the information you’ve already studied.
10. Make sleep a priority.
While it may be tempting to pull an all-nighter and cram everything in at the last minute, it’s a bad idea.
11. Take five.
Take breaks to improve your concentration when you return to studying.
12. Brain food is real.
Eat healthy and drink plenty of water to keep your brain firing on all cylinders.
Note that our semester test schedule is below. This schedule allows students to have lunch and start school at the same start time as a regular day of school.
AP Exam Payment Spring Semester 2024-25:
∙ Register for your AP Exam by January 31 (US Government, MacroEconomics or Human Geography only) at myap.collegeboard.org. All other AP classes registered and paid in the fall.
∙ Payment is due Feb 13, 2025
∙ The cost for each exam is $99 and may be paid with a check, money order, cash, or online through Parent Portal.
∙ Payment by check or money order: turn in a single check or money order (Made out to “LHS”) for all of your tests (1 test = $99, 2 tests = $198, 3 tests = $297, etc...) and turn it into one of your AP Teachers or Mr. Morrison in E219. Please remember to write the student’s name on the memo line of the check.
∙ Payment by cash: Please put cash in an envelope with the student’s name written on it and turn it into one of your AP Teachers or Mr. Morrison in E219.
∙ Online payment: Log in to Infinite Campus https://icampus.sf.k12.sd.us/campus/portal/main.xsl, click on Fees, then Optional Payments and select the proper test. (See detailed instructions on the following page)
AP Scholarships and financial aid:
The Sioux Falls School District provides financial assistance to SFSD students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch; these tests will be offered at no cost to the qualifying students. Application instructions are found at:
Limited financial aid for LHS students also exists for students who do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, although students who are taking multiple exams will have precedence. Anyone interested must see Mr. Morrison in E219 or adam.morrison@k12.sd.us to get information and forms for applying for assistance.
AP Test Accommodations:
If you believe that your student requires an accommodation (extra time, typed responses, etc…) for AP Tests please contact Mr. Morrison (adam.morrison@k12.sd.us) immediately. AP requires an application and approval process that may require several weeks of processing, even if students have a current 504 Plan or IEP.
If you need help on how to purchase the AP tests through Infinite Campus, please use the document below:
Salsa is for Everyone!
SALSA (Serve and Learn Student Association) allows you to meet new friends, earn volunteer hours for scholarship applications, and make a difference in your community. Join us on January 14th in the library at 3:20 PM, we will hear from Andy Wingert, the volunteer coordinator at the St. Francis House. He will tell us how The St Francis House, with the help of volunteers, help move people from homelessness to hope. We will also discuss and learn more about our next two large group volunteer outings, Feeding South Dakota on January 20th and the St. Francis House on January 25th. We will also be introducing our new hours database, Get Connected.
For any additional questions feel free to contact the SALSA Specialist at salsa@helplinecenter.org or 605-274-1409.
January Career and Post-Secondary Planning
9th Grade:
- Review the courses available at LHS – registration for next year’s courses begins soon: https://sites.google.com/k12.sd.us/hs-courseguide/hs-courses
10th Grade:
- Review the courses available at LHS – registration for next year’s courses begins soon: https://sites.google.com/k12.sd.us/hs-courseguide/hs-courses
- Take the O'Net MyNextMove Interest Inventory https://www.mynextmove.org/
11th Grade:
Review the courses available at LHS – registration for next year’s courses begins soon: https://sites.google.com/k12.sd.us/hs-courseguide/hs-courses
- Start thinking about the college application process.
- Research SD Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities https://sdcollegeadmissions.com/Students-&-HS-Counselors
12th Grade:
Complete the FAFSA https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Review SD Labor Market’s Hot Careers (high wage/high demand) https://dlr.sd.gov/lmic/menu_hot_careers.aspx
2024-25 Winter Sports
Subscribe to both of our YouTube channels to watch your favorite winter sports at Lincoln, it's FREE! As a subscriber, you will receive notifications when new events begin and when new videos are updated. Information and updates will also be posted on our Lincoln Livestream social media, Check us out and be sure to like and follow us. Lincoln's Game Day Production students will be live streaming and broadcasting varsity home winter athletic events and activities on the Lincoln High School YouTube channels. Please send any questions to charnelle.wooledge@k12.sd.us.
Lincoln's main YouTube channel and the auxiliary channel can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQieojWOsZGSVpKSlS-HSFvAYlauuKVu/view.
Like and Follow Game Day Productions on:
X: https://twitter.com/SF_PatsLive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sflincoln_live/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatriotBroadcasting
@SF_PatsLive @PatriotBroadcasting #LHSGameDay
Go Patriots!!
STUDENTS---Want to be a part of Game Day Productions? Fill out the student interest form and/or email charnelle.wooledge@k12.sd.us or text (605) 937-8613 (Google Voice).
Reporting Your Student's Absence
Parents and guardians will be expected to call (605-367-7990), email (sfsdlhsattend@k12.sd.us), send a written note or use the Parent Portal Absence Requestor.
- The Parent Portal Absence Requestor may be used for full days only.
- Any partial day requests submitted via the Parent Portal will be denied.
- All tardies and early dismissals must be communicated by either email, a phone call or a written note.
- E-hall passes will be written for students leaving during school hours.
- Students will receive their pass online via their chromebook for their requested dismissal time.
- Students will need to check in at Student Services when arriving late or returning from appointments, or from leaving campus for parent approved lunch.
- Notes from medical appointments will be accepted for tardies without parent notification.
- FAX # for attendance is 605-367-8492
Tripper Bus Route Information
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Class of 2025 Families: Concession volunteers needed for senior class party!
The LHS senior class is the ONLY school in the district who has the privilege of providing concessions at home games. The funds raised from providing concessions allows them to celebrate the culmination of all graduating students' K-12 education and celebrate together in a safe environment. Please sign up yourself, your SENIOR, or a grandparent/family member. Working concessions is lots of fun and great way to meet new people. We always have an experienced concession volunteer who is designated lead for each event. Sign up genius link is HERE: