Paw Print Press 2.0
May 15, 2024
Hello Running Wolves Families,
Our school is buzzing with end of the year excitement! From 6th Grade ROPES presentations, field trips, classroom celebrations, the talent show, and the swing dance-our learning community is here for it all!! Thank you for your ongoing support as we finish this year strong.
Please find these final details regarding our last days of school:
Monday, May 16th - Field Day
Wednesday, May 22nd - Students' Last Day - NO BACKPACKS - Report cards will be sent home or available on Parent Connect.
Have a Great Summer
Morning Drop Off
Students may be dropped of as early as 8:30am to the playground. There is no supervision until this time. Playground supervision starts at 8:35am. Students that are having breakfast need to go to the cafeteria at 8:30 before going to the playground to play.
New Staff for 2024-25
J Prather will join us in HG Primary
Susan Best will join HG teaching 5th
Russell Gates will join us as our Primary Resource Teacher.
We are SO excited to have you all a part or our pack!
We still have openings for the following positions:
- NBHD 1/2 Teacher
- NBHD 4/5 Teacher
- HG Intermediate Teacher
- HG Kindergarten Teacher's Assistant
- NBHD Kindergarten Teacher's Assistant
- Special Education Paraprofessional
In-person Registration will be held at all Anchorage School District Schools
In-person Registration will be held at all Anchorage School District Schools
Tuesday, July 30 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday, July 31 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM & 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Thursday, August 1 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Spring Benchmark Scores Family Reporting Resources
Results for mClass and MAP Growth spring benchmark data has been posted to ParentConnect. The following resources are available to parents:
MAP Growth Resources for Educators and Families (grades 3-9)
- Family Toolkit: https://nwea.org/familytoolkit/
- MAP Growth Factsheet
- MAP Growth Reading Factsheet
- MAP Growth Math FactSheet
- MAP Growth Language Usage Factsheet
mClass Resources for Educators and Families (grades K-3)
Guides to assessment interpretation are located on the main ASD Assessment website, https://www.asdk12.org/Page/13702 and linked in ParentConnect. Translated copies will be posted as they become available.
To access assessment results, login to ParentConnect (https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/) and select "Assessment Results" from the list of items on the left side
Please forward questions to askassessment@asdk12.org.
Rogers Park Summer Camp Opportunity
RecTennis Summer Camps Scholarships
Our week-long (Mon-Fri) camps are available June through July and are for juniors of all skill levels, ages 5-17! Participants will refine their tennis skills and also engage in enjoyable activities, fostering a lifelong love for the sport.
In Anchorage we will be at three locations this upcoming Summer:
- Chugiak High School
- South Anchorage High School
- West Anchorage High School
All Equipment is Provided!
We also have scholarships of up to 100% ticket price in order for more families to pursue this play opportunity! Help these kids ACE summer by letting them know about our programs and scholarships!
Summer Reading Tutoring for K-3 Students
Alyeska Reading Institute will provide free virtual tutoring during the summer. K-3 students who have a reading deficiency and scored well-below on a universal screener, such as m-CLASS DIBELS 8 will be eligible for a four-week summer school session. Each session will meet the required twenty hours of summer school for third grade students with a reading deficiency, progressing to fourth grade. If room allows a student may attend more than one session.
The application can be found at this link.
Library News
It's been a busy year in the library. If your child still has a book out, please return the title by the end of the year. We hope to have a full collection for all students to select from at the start of the new school year. Wishing you and your family a safe and fun summer.
Notes from the Nurse
Please pick up all controlled medications from Nurse T by the end of the day on May 22nd. Controlled substances (ADHD medications) cannot be stored over the summer and will be destroyed the following morning.
If your student will be returning to Rogers Park next year and has an inhaler or epi-pen, those can be stored over summer. Please let Nurse T know if you would like to store your student's inhaler and/or epi-pen over the summer, or if you would like to have those sent home.
PTA Update
Thank you PTA Members for another wonderful school year. We're proud of all that we've accomplished this year at Rogers Park - from teacher reimbursement grants and field trip/bussing funding to family movie, game and skate nights, and so much more! Your time and donations help make this all happen!
At our recent meeting, we voted Vanessa Santos in as our new VP of Membership. Welcome, Vanessa! We still have two open board positions as well as many openings for committee chairs/leads.
2024-2025 PTA Board
President: Anna Spilker VP, Communication: Maria Crookes
Treasurer: Kate Blank VP, Legislative Liaison: Jennifer Collins
Secretary: OPEN VP, Volunteer Coordinator: OPEN
VP, Membership: Vanessa Santos
Please email rogers.park.pta@gmail.com if you are interested or have any questions about these PTA opportunities listed below. We are always looking for support and welcome any interest in supporting our students. Thank you so much for another great year. Happy Summer!
• Budget/Finance Committee
• Garden Club
• Kaladi Bros Coffee
• Movie Nights
• Multicultural Potluck
• Read Across America
• Science Fair
• Skate Nights
• Skating at recess
• Staff Appreciation Week
• Super Sweepers/City Wide Cleanup
• Yearbook
Upcoming Dates
May 16 - Field Day
May 22.- Students Last Day of School - NO BACKPACKS
- In-Person Registration
- Jul 30 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Jul 31 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM & 5:00 to 7:00 PM
- Aug 1 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Aug 5 - 6:00 PM - PTA Board Meeting
Aug 12 - Teacher & Staff First Day
Aug 14 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Rogers Park Ice Cream Social/Meet Your Teacher
Aug 15 - Classes Begin for Grades 1st - 5th
Aug 22 - Classes Begin for Kindergarten
Rogers Park Elementary
1400 East Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99508