Reeceville Raptor's MMM
November 18, 2024
Dates to Remember
- November 20: MVP Award Parade
- November 20: Restaurant Night-Caln Pizza
- November 21: Garden Club
- November 21: Picture Re-takes
- November 22: Kindness Assembly
- November 25-26: Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
Celebrating Veteran's Day!
Look at our Pride!
So Patriotic!
Working hard for our Veterans!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Dear Reeceville Families,
The staff at the Reeceville Elementary School cordially invites you to attend parent teacher conferences. Conferences will be held on Monday, November 25th from 1:45pm-4:15pm and Tuesday, November 26th from 12:00pm-7:30pm. Students have an early dismissal on Monday, November 25th and there is no school for students on Tuesday, November 26th. The purpose of these conferences is to provide you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, and to help plan for the remainder of the school year. Please note that the end of the first trimester is November 22, 2024.
We will again be using the on-line scheduling system. Each time slot will be 15 minutes in length with the teacher(s) of your choice, and you may schedule to meet with as many teachers as you would like. Please follow the directions on the website for scheduling a conference, scheduling multiple conferences, and/or scheduling multiple children. All conference times will be filled on a first come first served basis. To schedule a conference online, please follow the link below:
The link can also be found on our website at: https://www.casdschools.org/reeceville
If you are unable to schedule a conference online for any reason or would prefer to schedule your conference(s) via telephone or via Zoom, please call (610)383-3785 and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you for your continued support of your child’s education, and our staff looks forward to meeting with you!
NED Assembly
Penny gets a balloon hat!
NED gives advice!
The students love NED!
Students performed an experiment using sugar cubes as a model for rocks to understand the process of weathering and how this process explains why rocks at the tops of mountains are jagged, while those at the bottom are rounded.
Reading Olympics
📖REECEVILLE'S READING OLYMPICS TEAM- open for 4th and 5th Grade Students📖
The Chester County Reading Olympics is an exciting, county-wide event that encourages students to read more and enjoy it! The program helps students develop strong reading habits, which are key to a successful life.
Designed to inspire a love for reading and teach teamwork, students get to discuss books with their peers and prepare for a lively, county-wide competition. Last year, over 1,200 students from various schools formed teams and read 45 books to get ready for the big event.
Reeceville's Reading Specialists visited 4th and 5th grade classrooms to present information on what Reading Olympics is and how to join the team. All 4th and 5th Grade Reeceville Students are welcome to join.
PTA Information
Highland Orchards Pie Fundraiser
Order pickup: Monday, November 25 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Restaurant Night - This Wednesday, November 20
Caln Pizza & Pasta - ACME shopping center
Dine in or takeout and the PTA will earn some cash
Flyers are going home today/tomorrow
Holiday Shop - December 2 - December 6
Flyers will be going home this week
PTA Meeting - Tuesday, December 3 @ 7:00 p.m.
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org