Alternative Methods of Instruction
Student Learning Expectations for Grades 9-12 (2024-2025)
AMI Daily Procedures and Expectations
Students should sign in to Canvas and check the Announcement page for each course prior to 9:00 am to review expectations from teachers.
Announcements will be labeled by the AMI Day and the Date (Ex: "AMI Day 1 2/2/25) within each class announcement tab.
AMI days will be used as a review of items previously covered during seated instruction.
Teachers will provide supplemental material, if needed, to be reviewed by students prior to completing the day's formative assessment.
For each class period, a short formative assessment will be required. These are not optional and will count as a grade.
Teachers will be working remotely as well and will be checking their email and Canvas and responding to messages at the following times (at a minimum): 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11: 00 am, 12:30 pm, 2:00 pm & 3:30 pm.
Not completing the assigned task(s) will result in mandatory tutoring to complete the assignment with the individual teacher.
It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed assignments.
Students who attend the career center at OTC will not attend if school is canceled for inclement weather.
FLEX work students will not have assignments on AMI days but their logs/work requirements will remain the same.
A+ Tutors will receive guidance from Mr. Casey via email by 9:00 am.
Students with an OTC online course will receive directions/guidance from Mrs. Vestal via email.
Internet Access and Chromebooks
We understand that there are families without access to reliable internet and that coming to the school on a regular basis to access the internet is not a realistic option. If this is the case and you have no other options to access the internet please reach out to Mr. Casey via email (caseyj@cleverbluejays.org) or by using the Rooms app. Making arrangements prior to inclement weather days is critical, please be proactive!
For any student who does not have a Chromebook, another device, or internet at home we ask that you notify the office no later than November 1st. Every effort will be made to provide paper copies of review material and assignments in advance.