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Benbrook High School Orchestra
Debbie O'Brien Sept 25, 2024 Edition
Dear Parents - We are going to have an awesome year! Please read my newsletter especially the calendar which is a the bottom. I look forward to making great music with our students this year!
TeamFunded Fundraiser!
Benbrook HS Orchestra Parents,
We just kicked off our 2024 orchestra fundraiser with TeamFunded and we need every parent to follow the below instructions and make sure your student has as many shares as possible. The more shares the better! We need to be shooting for 30-50 shares per student. This will only take each parent a couple of minutes to complete on their device. Here are the easy steps to get this done! If you follow these steps you only have to do this ONE TIME and you are done.
1. Download the TeamFunded App
2. Insert your student’s phone number (or parent if student does not have a cell phone)
3. Press the RED share button.
4. Press the GREEN bar that says click here to start sharing.
5. Click on as many contacts as possible, up to 100.
6. Share and Submit
7. If you have more than 100 shares, repeat above steps 3-6.
If you have any issues logging into the app - please contact our TeamFunded rep, Bruce Cox at 512-913-6449. Thank you for participating and please share to as many friends and family as possible!
Follow us on:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bmhsorchestraboosters
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bmhsorchestra/
Fall Concert - Monday, Sept. 23 @ 6:00pm Cafeteria
Students report at 5:30pm with concert black or the darkest clothes they have. This is mandatory and for a grade. Here is a link to the letter that needs to be turned in for a grade. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OiMf8PFo-R769B4s3-R7Uzca-Kyjjn44/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100243677838286476611&rtpof=true&sd=true
Homecoming Parade - Wed. Sept. 18th @ 9:00am. We could use some help decorating on Monday & Tuesday Sept. 16 & 17th. If you can volunteer, we need some parents to walk with us. Please let me know and please fill out a FWISD background check (renew every school year). https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MjI2Mzplbi1VUw==
Orchestra Booster Club Meetings
October 10, 2024 @ 6:00 PM – HS Orchestra Room
March 11, 2025 @ 6:00 PM – HS Orchestra Room
April 8, 2025 @ 6:00 PM – HS Orchestra Room
May 12/13, 2025 @ 6:00 PM – High School Auditorium
T Shirts/Orchestra Fee
The orchestra fee (one per family) is $25.00, which covers one Orchestra shirt (for 1 student), a Family Booster Club membership, an Orchestra sticker, and your family name in the concert programs as supporters of the Orchestra! Siblings in Orchestra - pay for the extra shirt below.If fees are an issue, please talk to Ms. O.
Payments for Orchestra can be paid with cash, check, or purchase online.
Extra T Shirt (or sibling in Orchestra)
If you want an extra shirt (family members/friends) - They are 15.00. Here is the link and we accept cash or checks.
How to pay for your instrument fee
School Owned Instruments
We are very fortunate that FWISD has instruments available for you to use at a nominal fee of $40.00 per semester or $80.00 per year. This fee goes towards maintaining the instrument, new strings and bows. When paying online select quantity 2 to pay the full amount or quantity 1 to pay ½. Please remember to pay the other ½ later in the year. You may pay by cash or check as well.
Here is the link https://fwisd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/8475/408/False/True
If the fee is a problem, please let me know. We have solutions.
All Region Help Sessions
If your child is auditioning for All-Region (Oct. 12) then I am working with each student before or after school. In addition FWISD is having Help Sessions that will greatly advance your child's ability to make the Region Orchestra. A bus will be available to and from.
Concession Stand Help - If you can help with the concession stands at school, please let Ms. O'Brien or Emily Gentry know. We need 2 parents per game and preferably boys games as they make more money. If the slots are filled, they will be adding more so please keep checking. Ms. O can help get students to help as well. If you would like to volunteer to help be the organizer for the concessions stand that would be so appreciated! Please contact us. https://m.signupgenius.com/?#!/showSignUp/8050C4FA9A628ABFD0-50615741-concessions
Volunteer needed - if you are good at Word, Canva, or Google doc we need someone to design our concert programs. If you could do this Ms. O would love you forever! If you can do this wonderful task, please contact me. Thank you in advance!
Band App Communication
We are using the Band App for quick communication for your students. Parents, if you want to see my messages sign up. You will need to download the Band App on your mobile device or open it on your computer.
1st Period – Honors Orchestra https://band.us/n/a9afA8Qbl4t5n
2nd Period – Symphonic Orchestra https://band.us/n/a1a8A8Qel9u38