Hendrick Middle School Update
April 25, 2024
Links Needed:
Join the PTA!
Support Hendrick Middle School students and teachers by showing that you value your child’s education by joining the PTA. Your membership helps pay for student programs, parent education programs, teacher resources, student socials, and so much more! While we encourage you to be involved however your time and talents allow, joining PTA does not obligate you to volunteer. It’s simply the easiest and most affordable way to be involved in your child’s education. By joining, you are helping us give every child a voice on issues directly affecting their school experience. Please help us reach our membership goal!
Please Visit our website: www.hendrickpta.org
World Wear Bin
If you are cleaning out closets, please support our PTA by placing items in the World Wear Bin located in the Hendrick parking lot.
Hendrick Middle School
Website: pisd.edu/hendrick
Location: 7400 Red River Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-5600
HMS Office Manager