The Eagle Beak-on
November 1, 2024
Mrs. Campbell's Notes - Engaging Every Student for Success!
As we move further into the school year, our focus continues to be on building a supportive, engaging environment where every student feels motivated and connected.
Engagement in the Classroom
Our teachers are dedicated to creating interactive and rigorous lessons that spark curiosity and challenge students to think critically. By focusing on diverse learning methods, we aim to reach every student’s learning style. Whether through group projects, hands-on activities, or individual assignments, we believe that active participation in class helps students understand and retain information more effectively. We encourage all students to follow the SLANT model: Sit up, Listen, Ask questions, Nod your head, and Track the teacher. Increased student engagement is a focus for our staff the month of November.
Engagement at Home
Parent support at home plays a crucial role in reinforcing what students learn at school. Setting a designated study time, discussing what your child is learning, and encouraging goal-setting can make a significant difference in their academic progress. Simple conversations about their school day, assignments, or upcoming projects show students that their efforts are valued and that learning is important. Our Captruing Kids' Hearts character trait of the month is "Teamwork." You can engage in conversation by asking them about teamwork and ways they've experienced in the classroom or with peers.
Working Together for a Better Experience
Together, we can create an environment where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning, feel inspired to try new things, and enjoy their school experience. Thank you for your continued support and for partnering with us to help your child reach their full potential. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions.
Smile for the Camera
JAG & Freshmen Class visit Career Expo
Important Dates
Saturday, November 2nd - KMHS Band Mattress Fundraiser @ 8:00 @ KHS
Tuesday, November 5th - Picture RETAKE & Election DayWednesday, November 6th - Juniors take the WorkKeys Test @ 8:00
Saturday, November 9th - KMS SCKMEA Choir @ 7:00 @ Goddard High School
Monday, November 11th - KHS Veterans' Day Program @ 10:00 in KHS Varsity Gym
Friday, November 15th - KHS Basketball Pictures
Saturday, November 16th - KHS Play @ 6:00 @ KHS Auditorium
Sunday, November 17th - KHS Play @ 3:00 @ KHS Auditorium
Monday, November 18th - First day of Winter Sports Practice for KHS
Wednesday, November 20th - KMS Basketball Pictures
Monday, November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break
Looking Ahead...
Monday, December 2nd - Red/Black Scrimmage Night
Tuesday, December 3rd - KMHS Vocal & Band Concert @ 7:00
Wednesday, December 4th - Senior & Parents Financial Aid Presentation @ 7:00
Reading Helps Your Teen Much More Than You Think
Statistics prove that reading for pleasure as a teen improves the following:
GPAs and Assessment Scores ⇧
Vocabularies ⇧ - 30% boost
Critical Thinking Skills ⇧ - 75% of teens reported improvement.
Stress and Anxiety ⇩ - 68% drop, more than listening to music or taking a walk!
Empathy ⇧ - 68% of teens reported better understand of others’ feelings.
Pursuing Higher Education/Achieving Career Goals ⇧ - 20% more likelihood
Now here’s the good news: KHMS and the Kingman Carnegie Library are joining forces to get our teens into our libraries and reading more. Our school library has been restored, remodeled, and is refreshed regularly with new books! Our public library has a new Youth Services Manager, Kayla Schulte, who is committed to bringing more literary resources to our teens: She is currently taking applications to form a voluntary Teen Advisory Board to meet once a month to advise on teen programming, book selections, and volunteering to organize and run their own programming. Starting in January, if KMHS Library doesn’t have a particular book and the public library does, teens will be able to check out those books from the public library and have them delivered to the school library during their school day. Also, with a public library card, teens can access Libby 24/7. Libby is a library lending app that allows them access to over a billion e-books and audiobooks from libraries around the world (for free!) on any android or iOs device.
Attendance Update for the First Nine Weeks
First Quarter Attendance Rate for KHS in 2023 - 94.59%
First Quarter Attendance Rate for KHS in 2024 - 94.63%
Students chronically absent in the first quarter of 2023 - 17%
Students chronically absent in the first quarter of 2024 - 18%
Students are considered chronically absent if they miss 10% of the total amount of school days in a year, which is about 16. We already have 18% of our students moving in this direction if they continue to miss school.
Parents, we need your help! Please be sure to make school a priority and not allow students to miss.
Our Visual Attendance Wall and Homeroom Competition
All grade level homerooms are in competition with each other for a monthly attendance reward. Every day a student is at school and on time they earn their homeroom 2 points. If they are there, but tardy, they earn 1 point. In September we gave six homerooms donuts for the highest amount of points and for October, they will receive "BOO Bags" with Halloween candy. Winning homerooms are listed below. Continue to encourage attendance and the importance if you miss school, you miss out!
OCTOBER Class Winners:
7th- Milford
8th- Munz
9th- Adcock
10th- Higgins
11th- Hayes
12th- Swaney
SEPTEMBER Class Winners:
7th- Milford
8th- Munz
9th- Adcock
10th- Higgins
11th- Hayes
12th- Chisam
Greetings from the Eagle Match Mentoring Program!
We are excited to celebrate our 12th year at Kingman Schools with the Eagle Match program, run by Youth Core Ministries, a non-profit based in Greensburg, KS.
For many years, YCM has covered any funding gaps not met by local donations. However, as YCM continues to expand across Kansas, it has become increasingly challenging to send additional funds to Kingman. Over the past few years, we have been working diligently to secure full local funding to ensure we can continue making a positive impact on our students, parents, and teachers.
Local financial support is crucial to the continued success of our program and will ensure that Eagle Match remains a vital part of our community for many years to come.
If you or someone you know is interested in partnering with us, please click the link below to watch a video about our program. We’ve also included a QR code that will take you directly to our donor page.
Thank you in advance for your attention and generosity. Together, we can keep this important program thriving in Kingman.
Warm regards,
Please contact Jennifer Albright through email or phone if you have any questions.
At a recent Board of Education meeting, members discussed the possibility of installing vape detectors in our District 331 schools. I recently came across a program called Steered Straight, which highlights some alarming statistics on e-cigarette use. According to research, individuals who use e-cigarettes experience a 55% increase in depression and anxiety, are 44% more likely to suffer a stroke, and face a 34% higher risk of heart disease. Youth who start using e-devices are SIX times more likely to develop nicotine dependence.
Most of the nicotine youth consume comes from synthetic nicotine, which is used in e-cigarettes, yet fewer than 10% of surveyed youth even realize there's a difference. This form of nicotine is extremely harmful to the developing brain and body.
E-cigarette use isn’t just a school issue; it's also a challenge at home. Parents, are you regularly checking your student’s car, backpack, and room to ensure they aren’t hiding vapes? To truly fight against vaping and educate our students on the health risks of e-cigarettes, we need a united front both at school and at home.
Class of 2029 Fundraising
Hello everyone,
The 8th grade class is selling stadium chairs for their class fundraising. We heard the community was requesting stadium chairs so now is your time to get Kingman Eagle Chairs. They will make great Christmas gifts.
Please help spread the word, it is all an online store with Factory 233.
Thank you,
Class of 2029
KMS Sunflower Spirit Showcase
Our KMS cheerleaders brought home two trophies for excellence at the Sunflower Spirit Showcase hosted in Haysville, KS last Saturday. Go Eagles!
Our Character Focus Word of the Month: Teamwork
Nominate Our Awesome Staff!
Spotlight on Community Resources
Social Media
Website: https://www.knusd331.com/o/kmhs
Phone: 620-532-3136
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/usd331kmhs
Twitter: @usd331khs