Irving Elementary
March 2021
Spring Break-March 15th-19th
Since returning from remote learning in February, the kindergarten students have been busy! In math, we are learning all about number bonds and decomposing numbers to ten. We’ve been learning about and reading stories about the seasons and different types of weather in reading. We are also really focusing on learning our letter sounds and becoming fluent with saying the sounds for each letter. At the end of February, we celebrated the 100th day of school! Students got to make Fruit Loop necklaces, lick a lollipop 100 times, and color 100th day crowns. Like all of our Irving students, kindergartners have been working so hard transitioning back and forth between in-person and remote learning. It was a great day for them to participate in some fun activities and celebrate!
Happy 100th Day!
Ashlynn is happy to be checking off each lick of her sucker! 100 licks was so much fun with Mrs. Goyer's kindergarten students!
Landon is counting 100 Fruit Loops.
Mrs. Goering's Kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school!
Having fun with their "100th Day" hats!
Rolling to 100!
Pennelope is trying to reach the number 100 by rolling her dice and filling in the squares.
Mrs. Lewis' Class is sharing their excitement for the 100th day of school!
Tucker having fun rolling dice to 100!
Spring Individual Pictures
Mark your calendars! Spring individual student pictures will be March 25th. Come to school ready to smile!
Irving Elementary
Email: jeff_everett@usd465.com
Website: https://irving.usd465.com/
Location: 311 Harter Street, Winfield, KS, USA
Phone: 6202215140