Northern Burlington Newsletter
December 20, 2024
Board of Education Update
This past election day, a new board member was elected to fill a vacancy in the Northern Burlington Board of Education. Congratulations to Mrs. Christa Appelget (Mansfield). We look forward to working with you and welcoming you during the January Board of Education meeting which will be held on January 6, 2025 in the High School main cafeteria.
On behalf of our district, students and community, we would like to thank Mrs. Radiah Gamble for service on the Northern Burlington Board of Education. Being a member of the Board of Education is a very important responsibility and we thank her commitment to help our district.
Students of the Month
Each month, both schools select a student of the month for each grade level. These students are selected by their teachers and can be chosen for a variety of reasons. Some include but are not limited to, being a good role model, demonstrating good character, carrying out the school motto of being respectful, responsible and ready. During the November Board of Education Meeting, the students of the month for September, October and November were recognized. Congratulations to all of the students who were recognized. Below is a link that will take you to a short video that shows who was recognized and a little about each student.
Governor's Educators of the Year
Each year staff from the High School and Middle School select a staff member of the year. These staff members demonstrate exemplary qualities that uphold the epitome of what is expected here at Northern Burlington. We are thankful for the dedication they demonstrate to do whatever is necessary to support their students, their school and our community. This year’s Governor's Educators of the Year are:
Middle School Educator of the Year
Ms. Angelina Aschettino
Middle School Educational Service Professional of the Year
Mr. Tim Tedesco
High School Educator of the Year
Dr. Sean Hoggs
High School Educational Service Professional of the Year
Mrs. Erin Cearfoss-Hallion
Dr. Sean Hoggs
Mr. and Mrs. Hallion
Mrs. Erin Hallion (Ms. C.)
Support Professional of the Year
Mrs. Paulina Czarnowski is our very first Support Professional of the Year. She always goes above and beyond to help our students and staff. We wanted to let her know it does not go unnoticed.
What's Happening at Northern Burlington
Stay up to date with the events that take place at Northern Burlington by clicking on the events page on our district website:
You can also access the schedules for the Middle School and High School athletic events by using the link below:
Main Office News
Parent Teacher Student Connection (PTSC):
The Parent Teacher Student Connection (PTSC) is Northern Burlington's version of a Home and School/PTA group. All parents are invited to join and meetings are held throughout the year. Membership Form
See our website at https://sites.google.com/view/nbptsc for more information about all of these events.
Athletic Winter registration IS NOW OPEN for both the High School and Middle School.
If you already have an account, please sign in with your current username and password. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT!
If you need assistance, please contact the Athletic Office at 609-298-3900, ext. 2093 or email moneill@nburlington.com
Winter Sports Spectators: We are beginning the winter sports season. While we appreciate our students wanting to come out and support their classmates, we are not equipped to provide supervision to student spectators. As a result, students who wish to watch a basketball game or wrestling match must first go home and then return with a responsible adult who will stay with them for the duration of the contest.
Parents of Seniors:
Cap & Gown
If you have not ordered your cap and gown, please reach out to Jostens directly.
Phone: 215-542-8170
Senior Year Book Ad
Recognize your student's milestones and successes with a yearbook ad. Deadline to order is 1/31/2025.
2024-25 yearbooks can be ordered at https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1057651.
Choral Program
We are THRILLED to share that 18 out of 26 students from the NBHS choral program were accepted into the 24-25 All South Jersey Chorus after some rigorous auditions last week! The middle school also achieved incredible success with 5 out of 10 students earning acceptance into the ensemble. In total this year, Northern had just shy of 40 students audition and 23 of those students accepted!!! What an incredible accomplishment for these singers and for Northern!
Northern TV
Visit Northern TV's YouTube channel to watch the latest episode of Northern News and other videos.
- December 20 - Early Dismissal for Students and Staff
- December 21 - January 1 - School Closed for Winter Recess
- January 2 - Schools Reopen from Winter Recess
- January 6 - Board of Education Meeting at 7:30 pm - HS Main Cafeteria
- January 9 - HS Program of Studies Presentation at 6:30 pm - HS Room 404
- January 20 - School Closed in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday.
- February 12 - Board of Education Meeting at 7:30 pm - HS Main Cafeteria
- February 14 - School Closed for Students - Staff Professional Development Day
- February 17 - School Closed in observance of Presidents' Day