It's almost that time!

What a week! What a night we are having right now!
With that on mind, I just want to highlight a few upcoming events.
- A parent panel, administrators, the president and some teachers from De La Salle North HS will be hosting an information night just for St. Therese families next Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 5 pm. We will offer pizza and drinks for the event.
- Immediately following that, we will transition into our monthly Parents' Club meeting at 6 pm, in the same location, the Parish Social Center (PSC).
- During the Parents Club meeting, our Athletic Director, Tobin Whitaker will share information regarding St. Therese Athletics.
- It's not too late to contribute to the toy drive. Do so before next Wednesday.
- NO EXTENDED CARE Wednesday 12/18 and Friday 12/20.
Wishing everyone Advent blessings and a joyful holiday season!
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
School Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
This Monday, the 2nd Grade students did a beautiful job leading our school in the liturgy for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It was a beautiful mass, and Father Gabriele had the whole school engaged in a fun, lively, and meaningful homily about the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
In what looked a little bit like catch and a little bit like stocking up on Kleenex for flu season, Father Gabriele and David, literally showed us how sin can weigh us down, and hamper our ability to do the right thing, and be closer to God. There was lots of laughter and a great way to get the message to students as they prepared for the Penance service on Tuesday.
Note of Thanks from St. Vincent de Paul
Please let the school parents, children and staff know how much St Vincent de Paul appreciates their gifts of food. The turkeys and hams are much appreciated, as is all the food. Our families' holidays will be brighter because of your generosity. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all.
-Shasta Hatter, St. Vincent de Paul Coordinator
Extended Care Closures
Please note the following dates so you can plan appropriately.
There will NO EXTENDED CARE on the following dates:
Friday, December 13th- The staff will be preparing for the Christmas Pageant.
Wednesday, December 18th- All Staff will be attending the St. Therese Staff Christmas Party.
Friday December 20th - Christmas Break
St. Therese Toy Drive
Thank you to all who have donated so far to our Toy Drive! There is still time to donate! The toy drive will benefit children at Doernbecher Children's Hospital. They are looking for brand new items such as art supplies, stuffed animals, board games, and other toys. Our school goal is to raise at least 75 items to donate! All toy items can be brought to school starting Wednesday, December 11th. The Toy Drive will end on Wednesday, December 18th.
Mrs. Baumbach's little elves
Jolly-Grams are for sale and on Thursday, our 2nd grade elves helped Mrs. Baumbach package up the jolly-grams!
This year our student council will be selling Jolly-Grams! What is a jolly-gram, you ask?! For $2.00 you can send a classmate, teacher or staff member a bag of jolly cheer! Each jolly-gram includes a packet of hot cocoa, candy canes, and a holiday themed pencil! The money raised from these jolly-grams will be used for whole school activities such as assemblies! Order forms will go home on Monday, December 9th. The jolly-gram sales will go from Wednesday, December 11 to Wednesday, December 18!
De La Salle North High School Parent Info Night
St. Therese Day!! @ De La Salle North High School
Next week is our Christmas Spirit Week! Each day has a special theme! If your child does not want to participate, please have them wear their school uniform. Uniform MUST be worn on Wednesday by all students! We can't wait to see all the students show their Christmas spirit next week!
Athlete's Foot(notes)
Winter Sports Information Night
****Rescheduled to Tuesday December 17th****
- We will send out the agenda so you know what is being covered
- Hoping to have coaches present so that you can ask questions
- Cover key dates, things to know
- Volunteer opportunities, learning sessions and more
This will be tied into the meeting on 12/17
- Second week of December we will open a meeting to all parents interested in supporting the decisions and direction of the program for St Therese.
- We want to increase visibility and partnership with the school community
- Talk about priorities and focus points
- Review finances and goals
- There are plenty of opportunities to work concessions, or as a site monitor, or just be available to help in the gym when we run games, to get your Fair Share Hours!
Dates to Know
- 12/11 - 12/18 Toy Drive for Doernbecher Children's Hospital
- 12/11 - 12/18 Jolly-Grams for Sale
- 12/13 Christmas Pageant at 5:30 PM in the church
- 12/16 - 12/20 Christmas Spirit Week
- 12/17 De La Salle North High School Parent Info Night @ St. Therese at 5:00 pm
- 12/17 Parents Club Meeting at 6PM
- 12/23 - 1/6 Christmas Break
- 1/7/25 First Day back from break!
Click the link below for updates from CYO
Recurring Events
- Vietnamese classes has changed from leveled classes, to one class from 3:30 - 4:30 --Vietnamese class is CANCELLED ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 17TH, and will resume in January.
- School mass: 1:15 - 2:15 (subject to change based on holy days of obligation, feast days etc.)
- Sacraments classes with Sister Martina: 2:45 - 3:45 in the PSC.
- Open Gym Time, 6 - 8 pm. St. Therese Students from Grades 3 - 8 are all welcome! Free!
Christmas Ornament Ordering Info
Hard to believe that we're already closer to the Christmas season, than not!
Last year Mr. Rymer showed his students the new Glowforge laser cutter, which he got for the school through a grant. By showing the kids the hardware, Mr. Rymer and the kids came up with the idea of making Christmas ornaments for their families. In doing so, the students are learning about engineering, design, and production. They are handmade by the students, with Mr. Rymer's guidance.
Post-pandemic, the prices of materials have gone up significantly and Mr. Rymer uses Baltic birch for these, which isn't cheap. It's a great way to get a custom made keepsake for loved ones and support the school at the same time. The price is $30 per ornament, or $50 for two ornaments.
Please see the links for a video with more information from Mr. Rymer, and the order form.
Catholic Charities Christmas Toy Drive
Service Opportunities in Portland
There are various ways to help the less fortunate this holiday season through St. Andrew Bessette Catholic Church in downtown Portland. Some are more direct than others. The Street Essentials ministry looks like a great way to get younger people involved in giving to others if you are concerned about taking the whole family downtown. Explore them all here.
Thanks to the Archdiocese for sending these out to the Catholic communities of Portland!
Thank you to all of our corporate sponsors!
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400