LMS Tiger Talk
January 31, 2025
Principal's Message
Howdy everyone -
It seems that we have reached peek "sick season" around the area with all sorts of crud out there getting people sick. I know my own family has been feeling it this week with coughs and runny noses, and I hope that your family is making it through okay. Warmer weather ahead this weekend and next week, so hopefully that knocks away some of these germs! See ya later, January...here we come, February!
We've had a great response from our community and people signing up to present at our LMS Career Exploration Day on Tues, 3/11. If you are interested in presenting on your job and career, we're going to keep the presenter form open for one week and will close it on Fri, 2/7. We'd love to have you here at LMS inspiring our students with options to consider for their own future career paths! You can sign up to present here. (More information on this day can be found below)
A reminder to all of our 8th grade families that the 9th grade scheduling forms are due back at school next Friday, 2/7.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Get and/or stay healthy :)
Take care and Go Tigers,
David Knapp
LMS Principal
Important Dates
- Wednesday, 2/5 - Lifetouch Spring Pictures
- Friday, 2/7 - 9th Grade Scheduling Forms due back at school
- Tuesday, 2/11 - Current 7th graders receive 8th grade scheduling information & scheduling forms in their math class
- Monday, 2/17 - NO School - President's Day
- Thursday, 3/6 - End of Quarter 3
- Monday, 3/24 -Friday, 3/28 -Spring Break
LMS Tiger Up! Students of the Week
Congratulations to the following students for being recognized as our LMS Tiger Up! Students of the Week. These Tigers were nominated by their teachers for representing our Loveland core values of Care, Respect, and Responsibility. Way to go, Tigers!
Week of 1/31/25
(7th) - The A-Team -Maggie Hobson
(7th) - The Crew - Caroline Boldizsar
(7th) - The REAL Team - Ashley Beyke
(8th) - Team LEAD - Sadie Giannettino
(8th) - Team ELEVATE - Ava Baker
(8th) - Supreme Team - Phoebe Johnson
(7th/8th) - Electives (Art) - Piper Mooney
Tiger Up! Staff Member of the Week
Congratulations to this week's Tiger Up! Staff Member of the Week, Kim Shafer! Kim recently received a shout-out from Charlie Mirus:
Charlie Mirus to Kim Shafer: This time of year is so busy for Kim! Despite the craziness of student scheduling, she is always so willing to help teachers and students with anything they may need. Kim understands and considers what students are saying and what they need and the same is true of staff. We are so lucky to have Ms. Shafer as our building's school counselor for so many reasons!
We are so appreciative of you, Kim! Thank you for all you do for all our students and LMS!
LMS Spelling Bee Winner - Annie Dickman
Congratulations to LMS Spelling Bee winner, Annie Dickman! After a very competitive school round, Annie placed 1st among her peers and will have an opportunity to now advance to the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee. We're super impressed by all of our finalists as this was quite the competition! Other LMS Spelling Bee finalists include:
Eva Cramer
Preston Damadeo
Julie Galles
Mazzie Huy
Haven Kalb (Runner Up)
Harper Lutz
Eli Pursley
LMS Dodgeball Tournament for Team CoUREage 6.0
Can you demonstrate the five D's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge?
The LMS Dodgeball Tournament is on Friday, February 21st from 2:15 to 4:00 pm. in the LMS Gym.
General admission is $5.00 per person (team members don't have to pay general admission). Students have access to a flyer through their student annoucements to sign up their team and paper forms are in the office. Paperwork and all team money is due to Ms. Rose in room 14 by Wednesday, Feb. 19th. All proceeds benefit LHS Team CoUREage 6.0 and their campaign for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Bring money for concessions!!
Parents are welcome to attend!!
Power of the Pen District Honors
Our Power of the Pen students had a great day at the district tournament this past weekend at Little Miami Middle School. Mazzie Huy placed 1st place for 7th grade, Haven Kalb placed 2nd place for 8th grade, and the 8th grade team placed 2nd overall out of 22 schools. Way to go to these creative writers!
Career of the Week
Brought to you by our Career and College Counselor, Mr. Drews Mitchell, LMS is proud to share a "Career of the Week" with our students and families every week here at LMS. With the goal of educating our Tigers about potential career options aligned with our academic pathways, we'll be sharing these with our students here at school in a number of ways as well as featuring them here in our Tiger Talk.
Loveland Tiger Pathways Career of the Week: Police and Detectives
Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
Median Salary - $74,910
Drews Mitchell can be reached at mitchedr@lovelandschools.org. Mr. Mitchell would love to hear from you with any of your career and/or college questions!
Yarn Club
Yarn Club is a supportive and creative space for all students and adults! At Yarn Club, you will learn the basics about knitting, machine knitting, crochet, felting, and looming. We will use our fiber skills to create blankets for the Linus Project and lead in a campus-wide blanket drive. Donations for start-up costs are welcome. Meeting times are Thursdays after school, 2:15- 3 p.m., starting February 13th.
Sign up through Final Forms. Spaces are limited. Questions? Contact Mrs. Melissa Dennedy at dennedme@lovelandschools.org.
LMS Drama Spring Show
Crew Interviews: February 4th & 5th
Cast Auditions: February 10th & 11th, Callbacks February 12th
All students interested in being a part of the cast or crew of Aladdin Jr. can find more
information on the drama website: bit.ly/LMSdrama
Please email us with any questions: lmsdrama@lovelandschools.org
Athletics Updates
Wrestling Team takes 2nd Place at ECC
Undefeated 7th Grade Girls Basketball Team
7th Grade Girls ECC Trophy
As we look into our last 2 weeks of the winter season we have had some pretty great accomplishments! Congratulations to our 7th A Girls Basketball team for staying undefeated in the regular season going 16-0! To our Wrestling program for taking 2nd place at the ECC conference last friday and to our individual winners of the meet...
1st place Wyatt Rahm
2nd place, Tyson Snell, Gunnar Huffine, Jake Thompson, Abdulloh Odilov, Nathan Madison,
3rd place Seth Anderson, Nathan Hall, Mitchell Flaig, Yantra Hawk, Jack Rogers.
We want to wish good luck to our girls basketball program as they start their end of season tournament this weekend.
7th A Girls Basketball got the 1st seed and will be taking on Nagel Silver saturday 2/1 @ Winton Woods Middle School at 1:00pm
8th A Girls Basketball got the 6th seed and will be taking on West Clermont Saturday 2/1 @ Kings Jr High at 11:15am
7th/8th Orange Girls Basketball got the 3rd seed and will be taking on West Clermont Saturday 2/1 @ West Clermont Middle School at 10:15am
Other sports this week..
Monday 2/3
7th/8th Boys A Basketball vs Nagel Blue (LMS Gym) 7th at 4:30pm/ 8th at 5:30pm
Wednesday 2/5
Boys Basketball vs Lebanon 7th/8th A @ Lebanon / 7th/8th Orange Home ( LMS Gym )
7th at 4:30pm/ 8th at 5:30pm
Attention Softball Players! Loveland Softball Association will be holding a tryout for any 7th or 8th graders interested in playing area middle school teams. Season will start in late February and end around the middle of May. Scheduling 3-4 games per week starting in April, with hopes to play 15-18 games in total by 2nd week of May. Please access this link, Middle School Tryout Registration Link , to register for tryouts which are targeted to occur sometime in late February. (Registration required online) Additional detail on tryout timing/location will be emailed to those registered in early February. Please login into your LSA account profile or create an account profile for your daughter so you can register her.
The Loveland Middle School softball team is a softball program offered with the help of LSA, focused on developing young girls’ softball and leadership skills. This program is for those players who are wanting to play for Loveland Middle School. Girls that will be involved in the program will have the opportunity to further develop their skills through additional practice, instruction, and competitive play. www.lovelandsoftballassociation.com
How to register your child for Athletics and Clubs for the 2024-25 School Year:
Log in to your Final Forms PARENT account
Select “+Add Sports/Activities” for your player
Checkmark your sports/activity interest (any season)
Scroll down and click on “Update Sports/Activities”
Reminder to pay your Pay to Play fees on Final Forms
If you have any questions, please contact Corbyn Litke litkeco@lovelandschools.org
LMS_TigersAD on X
MINT PTSA News Shortlist:
Judges are still needed for the district Science & Innovation Day! If you go to lovelandschools.org/expo you can sign up to be a judge by clicking the register to be a judge button on this page.
Our BUSINESS SPONSORS! Northeast Cincinnati Pediatrics and Associates , TimeSavers Heating and Cooling, Glow Medspa, BF Realty, KCO Events, and Hometown Cafe
Have questions or own a business and would like to sponsor us? Email: Lovelandmintptsa@gmail.com
Follow us at www.lovelandmintptsa.org ; Loveland MINT PTSA on Facebook; @lovelandmint on Instagram; @Loveland MINT PTSA on X
3rd Quarter Incentive -Team Day & Kona Ice - March 6, 2025
On March 6, we will have team activities and Kona Ice as our 3rd Quarter incentive. Kona Ice will be available for $4-$7 and paid for on the day of the event. Additionally, 50% of all sales from Kona Ice will benefit Loveland Team CoUREage 6.0 Campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Teams will also have a variety of fun activities planned throughout the day for eligible students.
Student Eligibility Requirements
3rd Quarter Grades: as of 2/28**
No Ds or Fs
Behavior/Discipline: (1/23-3/6)
No in-school or out-of-school suspensions (including bus suspensions)
No more than 2 administrative detentions
**Grades may change prior to the end of the quarter but eligibility for 3rd Quarter Incentive will be determined on 2/28.
Loveland Athletic Boosters Tiger Ball
Get Your Tickets to Tiger Ball!
Support the Loveland Athletic Boosters as they support our student athletes, and get your tickets to Tiger Ball 2025. The Tiger Ball is going “back to the future” at the Landing Event Center on Saturday, March 8. Join your friends for food and fun, music and dancing. Get your event tickets and split the pot tickets now by following this link: https://tigerball2025.givesmart.com/. Great Scott, you don’t want to miss it!
Rising 9th grade students - Class of 2029
LHS presentation for the Class of 2029 from the Parent/Guardian High School scheduling meeting on Wednesday, 1/22 at LHS
8th Grade D.C. Travelers
There will be a mandatory meeting during TigerTime on January 30th in the LMS auditorium to begin the roommate process.
The paperwork is due to Ms. Rose in room 14 by Friday, Feb. 14th.
LMS Spring Picture Day
Picture Day : Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Order today on mylifetouch.com
Picture Day ID: EVTH2RPQX
**Students must have proof of online purchase or completed order form with payment included for Spring Pictures**
LMS Yearbook
Visit ybpay.com to order your yearbook today!
Order Deadline: March 28th, 2025
Yearbook ID Code: 2048425
LMS Career Exploration Day - Volunteers Needed
Loveland Middle School is excited to host Career Exploration Day for all 7th and 8th-grade students on Tuesday, March 11th! This event is part of our comprehensive career and college readiness plans, offering students a chance to explore various career fields and connect with local professionals. Career Exploration Day consists of:
- 7th Grade: Students will attend career presentations at LMS.
- 8th Grade: Students will take a field trip to the Junior Achievement Inspire to Hire event at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.
We need your help! For the 7th-grade event, we’re looking for parents, family members, or local community members to present about their jobs or careers. Each presentation will last 25 minutes, and students will choose three sessions to attend. The event runs from 7:30-9:30 AM on March 11th.
If you’re interested in participating as a presenter, please complete this form by Friday, February 7th. For questions, contact Drews Mitchell (mitchedr@lovelandschools.org) or David Knapp (knappda@lovelandschools.org).
Thank you in advance for supporting our amazing students!
Science and Innovation Expo
Good at solving problems? Love science?
Put your creative mind to work and show off a fun science experiment or an innovative idea at Loveland’s first ever Science and Innovation Expo! Open to all students PreK-12!
Date: Saturday, February 1st, 2025 (Loveland High School - Gym)
To learn more about the event and the different pathways you can participate in, visit https://lovelandschools.org/expo
For inspiration, here’s a sneak peek at a few exciting presentations students have signed up for:
From Streets to Streams: How Neighborhoods Influence Water Quality
How salty does water have to be for an egg to float? (Science Expo)
Oil Spill Mitigation (Innovation Expo)
Lego Buster (Innovation Expo)
Pollution Picker-Upper (Innovation Expo)
Building a Terrarium (Innovation Expo)
Saving Animals and Endangered Animals (Science Expo)
Let's help find a kidney for Windsor!
Windsor Mayo is one of our 8th grade students at LMS. Born with a rare genetic syndrome, Windsor now needs a kidney transplant to save her life. To learn more about living kidney donation, visit www.windsormayo.com and share the story on Facebook at Kidney for Windsor.
College Credit Plus (CCP) Program
The Ohio Department of Higher Education established the College Credit Plus (CCP) program to enhance students' college and career readiness and postsecondary options. The CCP program enables college-ready 7-12 grade students who qualify for college admission to take college-level courses. Students may earn both high school and transcripted college credit upon successful completion of coursework. If you are interested in learning more about CCP, please come and join the LHS counselors for the annual CCP meeting on January 29, 2025, at 6:30 PM in the LHS Auditorium. We strongly encourage students to attend this event. There will be a brief overview of the program as well as tables set up with many of the local colleges being represented. The college representatives will be able to share their college-specific information. If you are unable to attend the meeting, there will be a presentation posted on the LHS College Credit Plus Google Site.
General Information
2024-2025 school days calendar
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
To report an absence call 697-3602 by 9:00 a.m.
Loveland Middle School
Principal: David Knapp
Email: knappda@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 801 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @MrDavidKnapp