Pirate Announcements
~Home of the Pirates~
The Important Stuff
Today's Lunch: Orange Chicken Over Rice
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Cherry Strudel
Monday's Breakfast:
Today's Birthdays: Isaiah O'Hearn
Birthday's Over The Weekend:
Upcoming OSAS Testing
Juniors, please remember to charge your chromebooks and bring them to school next week ready to go for OSAS testing. If you notice any problems with your chromebook - please come see Ms. Harmon in the library to get your chromebook powerwashed and ready to go.
Testing will begin on Tuesday, March 18th, with Math and the ELA after spring break.
PreACT will be for sophomores in the upper gym next Thursday morning starting after attendance 1st period.
Interested in majoring in Computer Science?
There is a special computer science scholarship just for NKN seniors - named after Gerald Wineinger - you can find it and many more scholarships in School Links.
Pirate Players
Oh yeah, you heard right- Auditions for the Spring Play, "Alice@Wonderland," will be held today and Thursday on the Upper Gym Stage from 4-6 pm. You only have to attend one day, and no preparation or experience is required, so come and have some fun!
Spring Fling Dance
The Spring Fling Dance is this Saturday, March 15th from 8:00-10:00 in the galley. Guest passes can be picked up in the office from Amy. They are due on Wednesday by 3:30 PM.
Tickets will be sold at the door. Free with ASB Card and $2.00 without.
Family Dodge Ball Tournament
There will be a Family Dodge Ball Tournament on Thursday, March 13th from 6:00-7:30 PM. Students will play against their parents/guardians. The event is sponsored by the Parent Advisory Council.
The SAT will be offered here on Thursday, April 10th. Students wishing to take the SAT need to sign up with Esther and get $68. turned in to the front office in order to be registered. Practice tests are available so getting registered early is better.
This assessment is for those thinking about heading into a 4-yr school after graduation and is also useful for some scholarships.
Side Doors
Please remember that side doors are not to be used during the day. If you go outside, please re enter through the front entrance.
Weekly Calendar
3/13th-Family Dodgeball Tournament @ 6:00 PM
3/14th & 15th-Finals
Study Hall
Esther's Happenings
March 12th-SAT Schoolday
March 13th- PreACT
Library Books
Check your school email to see if you have overdue library books. If you don't have an email that means that your account is in good standing with the library. Keep checking out those books! - and please remember to bring them back when you are done with them.
Athletics Schedule for the Week
Family Resource Coordinator
Season Passes
Student Athletic Pass
Fall Family Season Pass
All Season Family Pass
Sports Season Pass for Individuals and Families
All Season Family Pass-$250 2 Adults and 2 Children
Fall Family Season Pass-$150 2 Adults and 2 Children
Individual Pass-$75
Winter Sports
Students are you getting ready to drive?
Los estudiantes que se están preparando para obtener su permiso de conducir ahora tienen una nueva opción para realizar el examen. Vaya a DMV2U.oregon.gov para obtener más información sobre cómo puede realizar su examen de conocimientos en línea.
~Other Information~
~Upcoming Events~
Weekly Club Meetings
Every Monday and Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 PM
Mark McLaughlin at markm@nknsd.org
Kathryn Harmon at kharmon@nknsd.org
Chess for Success
James Johansen at jamesj@nknsd.org
Speech and Debate Practice
Shelby Dallas at shelbyd@nknsd.org
Art Club
Mary Lynn Marden at marylynnm@nknsd.org
Dungeons and Dragons
Shelby Dallas at shelbyd@nknsd.org
See Meagan for details
Meagan Mower at meaganm@nknsd.org
Yearbook Photography
See Ms. Eisele for details
Sabrina Eisele at sabrinae@nknsd.org
See Ms. Beckwith for details
Debra Beckwith at debrab@nknsd.org
Neah-Kah-Nie High School
Email: amya@nknsd.org
Website: www.nknsd.org
Location: 24705 U.S. 101, Rockaway Beach, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 355-2272