Pirate Announcements
~Home of the Pirates~
The Important Stuff
Today's Lunch: Orange Chicken over Rice
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy
Monday's Breakfast:
Today's Birthdays:
Birthday's Over The Weekend:
ASVAB Testing
The ASVAB will be held here on Thursday, February 20th. This is a great career tool and can be used as evidence for your portfolio for graduation purposes. It also serves as a great practice test if you're thinking about going into the military. This is for 10th-12th graders only. See Esther to sign up.
Letterman Jackets
The Letterman Fund application for Letterman Jackets is now open for Sophomores and Juniors. If you would like to apply for a letterman jacket, please see Amy in the office. You can also check out the website lettermanfund.com for more information. Deadline has been extended until Feb. 21st.
FBLA State Competitors - there will be a competition practice meeting TODAY after school February 12 from 4-6 p.m. If you have any conflicts, please talk with Ms. Beckwith in Room 2.
Pirate Players
Against all odds, the Pirate Players Drama Club will be meeting this Thursday the 13th, from 4-6 pm in Room 17. See Mr. Clark if you have any questions.
Weekly Calendar
Wednesday, Feb. 12th-Wrestling @ Rainier. Dismiss @ 1:20 Depart @ 1:35 Weigh in at 4:00 Meet at 5:00
Thursday, Feb. 13th-BBB @ Corbett. Dismiss @ 12:10 Departure @ 12:25
Thursday, Feb. 13th-GBB @ Corbett. JV Dismiss @ 12:10 Departure @ 12:25
Friday, Feb. 14th-Girls District Wrestling @ Scappoose
Study Hall
Esther's Happenings
Feb. 12th-Civil Air Patrol in Library during Advisory
Feb. 19th-Outdoor School Visit during Lunch
Feb. 20th-ASVAB-See Esther for details
Feb. 21st-Clastop CC in Library during Advisory
Feb. 26th-PreACT-See Esther for details
The SAT will be offered here on Thursday, April 10th. Students wishing to take the SAT need to sign up with Esther and get $68. turned in to the front office in order to be registered. Practice tests are available so getting registered early is better.
This assessment is for those thinking about heading into a 4-yr school after graduation and is also useful for some scholarships.
NOSB Meeting
NOSB Practices are Mondays and Tuesdays after school 4-6pm in Rm 16.
Side Doors
Please remember that side doors are not to be used during the day. If you go outside, please re enter through the front entrance.
Library Books
Check your school email to see if you have overdue library books. If you don't have an email that means that your account is in good standing with the library. Keep checking out those books! - and please remember to bring them back when you are done with them.
Athletics Schedule for the Week
Family Resource Coordinator
Season Passes
Student Athletic Pass
Fall Family Season Pass
All Season Family Pass
Sports Season Pass for Individuals and Families
All Season Family Pass-$250 2 Adults and 2 Children
Fall Family Season Pass-$150 2 Adults and 2 Children
Individual Pass-$75
Winter Sports
Students are you getting ready to drive?
Los estudiantes que se están preparando para obtener su permiso de conducir ahora tienen una nueva opción para realizar el examen. Vaya a DMV2U.oregon.gov para obtener más información sobre cómo puede realizar su examen de conocimientos en línea.
~Other Information~
~Upcoming Events~
Weekly Club Meetings
Every Monday and Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 PM
Mark McLaughlin at markm@nknsd.org
Kathryn Harmon at kharmon@nknsd.org
Chess for Success
James Johansen at jamesj@nknsd.org
Speech and Debate Practice
Shelby Dallas at shelbyd@nknsd.org
Art Club
Mary Lynn Marden at marylynnm@nknsd.org
Dungeons and Dragons
Shelby Dallas at shelbyd@nknsd.org
See Meagan for details
Meagan Mower at meaganm@nknsd.org
Yearbook Photography
See Ms. Eisele for details
Sabrina Eisele at sabrinae@nknsd.org
See Ms. Beckwith for details
Debra Beckwith at debrab@nknsd.org
Neah-Kah-Nie High School
Email: amya@nknsd.org
Website: www.nknsd.org
Location: 24705 U.S. 101, Rockaway Beach, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 355-2272