Important Dates
Term 2 - 26 June 2024
Important Dates
Wednesday 26 June
School-wide Matariki Celebration Evening (5:30pm - 7pm)
Friday 28 June
Matariki Public Holiday - School closed
Tuesday 2 July
3-Way Conferences 3:15 - 8pm
Wednesday 3 July
3-Way Conferences 3:15 - 6:30pm
Thursday 4 July
Newlands Intermediate School Open Evening 7pm
Friday 5 July
Last day of Term 2
Monday 22 July
First day of Term 3
Thursday 1 August
Newlands Intermediate School in Action Morning 9am
Thursday 15 August
Board Meeting 6:30 - 8:30pm
Thursday 22 August
Learning Celebration
Thursday 29 August
John Parsons talk: Safeguarding children and adults online
Newlands Intermediate 6pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 31 August
Newlands Intermediate Enrolments Close
Username bellevue-newlands, password 'grow'
Bellevue Writer's Corner
This is our platform to publish great writing from students across the school.
Please pop onto our website here to view a collection of great writing from our students.
This is our platform to publish great writing from students across the school.
Please pop onto our website here to view a collection of great writing from our students.
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Bellevue School
Email: office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Phone: 04 4787037