Jones FTO December Update
Spiritwear Sale, Heroes Fundraiser & Winter Concert 12.17
Wishing Our School Community a Healthy & Uplifting December
Dear Jones Families and Community,
OUR HEROES FUNDRAISER IS ON, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you haven't donated and planned to, please don't forget us in the hustle and bustle of this month. If you aren't able to give monetarily but can share our fundraiser to friends outside of Helene-affected areas, please do! You can find your student's personal fundraiser page here. This is great to post on social media to encourage relatives to donate on behalf of your Global Scholar 🌍️ We are also looking for business supporters, more info below.
This is a busy month for elementary children & caregivers and we appreciate your time and support! Thanks to those who donated items to our teacher luncheon earlier this month, and big thanks to those who have already donated to our Heroes fundraiser, and for everyone who attended our fall social! READ ON FOR SOME REMINDERS & NEWS!
Donate to our Fundaiser -OR- Help us fund our budget by spreading the word! We are halfway there!
- Make a Donation to the Schoolwide Heroes page: All gifts go to fund programs like drama and afterschool club scholarships, classroom supplies, teacher grants & gift cards, support staff, campus improvements, and community events. We have no paid staff and low admin costs, so every dollar is put to work!
- Make a Donation in the Name of a Specific Jones Scholar: All funds go to the same pot, whether given to the main page or donated in the name of a specific Jones student. If you think your friends and family might respond best to support your student(s), please find their name here and share their personal fundraising page!
- Share the Heroes Link to Non-Locals: Help us meet our goal with support beyond Asheville. By sharing this link to donate to the main fundraiser page, or this link to encourage donations in the name of your child(ren), people across the country can help a nonprofit FTO, supporting a WNC public school. Here’s a sample letter to customize to ask for donations.
- Donate Goods or Supplies to our School: Rather than making a financial gift, donors can provide tangible items we need through our online Wish List; this helps provide us with needed recurring supplies and thus reduces our budget. Feel free to share this list with relatives or friends out of town!
Business supporters will be thanked with a color ad in our spring school musical program, a great way to reach 100s of Asheville families!
Read below to learn about how businesses can receive recognition for helping our school!
December FTO Meeting (All Are Welcome!)
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024, 05:15 PM
Ira B Jones Elementary School, in the Media Center
Attn: 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Families! Don't Miss the Jones Winter Concert!
Thanks for Attending the Hot Cocoa Social at Jones on December 2nd!
Visit us online:
Attend a Monthly Meeting: Every second Wednesday, in the Jones Media Center. Childcare provided and all are welcome!
Send us an email:
Sign up to get involved: Email our volunteer coordinator, Leo Ott