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ÉRE Connection
Mid November 2024 School Newsletter
In the Mid-November Newsletter
- Hot Lunch Orders Due Nov 20
- School Council Meeting, Nov 21
- Term 1 Report Cards, Nov 22
- Holiday Smile Cookies until Nov 24
- Book Fair, Nov 26-28
- Parent Teacher Interviews, Nov 27/28
- Due: Christmas Concert Ticket Request, Dec 2
- Christmas Concert, Dec 11
- Grandparent/Family Talent Show, Dec 20
- Fundraisers
Hello ÉRE Families!
We appreciate that November has a pause. . . a pause to reflect on the sacrifices made during times of war and conflict. A pause to remember the 128000 Canadians who made did not return home. Lest we forget.
Some highlights from the past month:
- For ÉRE Remembers, we were honoured by the presence of Jim Klovansky (paratrooper in the Canadian Airborne Regiment and Sergeant at Arms of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 8), Sharon Maxwell (president of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 8), Master Cadet Melanchuk, Master Cadet Lapointe, and Leading Cadet Carbino (Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 198 Yukon.)
- Students should be commended for their part in ÉRE Remembers. The Remembrance artwork around the school was fantastic. Students singing "Thank You Soldier" was beautiful. A group of grade 5 students shared their Shadow Play presentation that was very moving. It was amazing to see how every student take the event very seriously, even our 4 year-old PreK students.
A few items coming up to note:
- Term 1 Report Cards will be coming home Nov 22.
- Parent-Teacher Interviews will run Nov 27 & 28, 4:30 - 7:30 pm. Get a head start on booking an in-person, video conference, or phone interview at https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/ and enter code: 8p5au
- Book Fair will run Nov 26-28. Every class will have an opportunity to view the fair. The fair will also run the evenings of Parent-Teacher Interviews.
- Christmas Concert will take place on Dec 11 with two shows, 11:00 am and 1:30 pm. Every student K-5 will be involved in the show. PreOrder your free tickets prior by Dec 2.
- Holiday Smile Cookies sold at Tim Hortons Nov 18-24 will generate a donation to the ERE Breakfast program.
- Mom's Pantry, Purdys Chocolates, Christmas Concert Bake Sale, and Christmas Concert Silent Auction all have more information in this newsletter with funds supporting the next grade 4/5 Calgary Field Trip in 2026.
As always, a big part of our success comes from working as a team to support the growth of your child. Please reach out early and often if you have any questions, ideas, or accolades to share.
Have a spooky great Halloween!
Tim Bowman Kim Simo
Principal Vice Principal
(403) 845-3541 (403) 845-3541
tim.bowman@wrsd.ca kim.simo@wrsd.ca
Parent/Teacher Interviews & Book Fair Nov 26-28
- Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home Nov 22. (Eng Kindergarten will go home Nov 20)
- Parent / Teacher interviews Nov 27 & 28 will be offered in person, by phone, or by video conference 4:30 - 7:30 pm.
- To schedule your interview, head to https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/ and enter code: 8p5au
- The Book Fair will be at ÉRE during Nov 26-28. There will be a wide selection of new books to peruse and purchase. Every class will have some time scheduled into the fair. The Fair will also have extended hours during Parent/Teacher Interviews.
- Child care during interviews is offered by Grade 7/8 French Immersion Students. The students are accepting donations for their Quebec Trip for offering child care.
School Council
Our next School Council & Society meeting will be November 21, 6 pm, at the school. ÉRE parents & caregivers are encouraged to attend.
Chairperson: Vanessa Lobley
Vice Chair: Vanessa Watt (Council) & Kailey Duffin (Society)
Secretary: Tiffany Hudey & Briana Leal Nadin
Treasurer: Mark Ceelan
Hot Lunch Coordinators: Elaine Crebas, Vanessa Watt
Social Media: Elaine Crebas
- The School Council & Society are important to a healthy school. The Council & Society coordinate enhancements at the school, advise the principal, assist with hot lunches, and coordinate some fundraising.
- The School Fundraising Society is making a Cook Book. We need your recipes! Cook Book Information letter.
- The School Council & Society can be reached directly at: ereparentcouncil@gmail.com
We have the best parents!
Just a few reasons why our parents (and grandparents) are the best:
- Hot Lunch is once again running thanks to the efforts of ERE parents Elaine Crebas and Vanessa Watt
- Two parents and one grandparent are volunteering time on our school Crosswalk each week. Thank you Brittney Smith, Kola Hofseth, and Laurie Howatson.
- A parent that works at Tim Horton's brought us some boxes of Holiday Smile Cookies!
- A grade 1 parent shared 1000 timbits with the school. . . yep, one thousand timbits!
- The School Society exceeded their goal of selling 150 poinsettias/wreaths. All money raised will go back into classrooms.
- ERE Parent Celyn Magnus played the Last Post on trumpet for us at our Remembrance Assembly
Hot Lunch & Milk Program
- Our Hot Lunch and the Milk Program is ready to go!
- December orders are due by November 20.
- Hot Lunch is offered on Mondays and Thursdays.
- The Milk Program offers white or chocolate milk available to order every day.
- School Council organizes our hot lunch and milk program
To Order Hot Lunch or Milk:
- Go to ere.hotlunches.net
- Click "Click Here to Register" (A new registration is required each year.)
- Enter Access Code REHL
- Complete the rest of the registration form.
- Click "Register Now" button at the bottom
- Follow the instructions to add each child at ÉRE
- Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
- Hot dog lunches on Dec 6 and Dec 13 are also in the works with more information coming soon.
Holiday Smile Cookies
- Holiday Smile Cookies at Tim Hortons, Nov 18-24 will support the ERE Breakfast Program.
- The cookies sell for $1.50. (75 cents to Tim Horton Camps and 75 cents to ERE Breakfast).
- If your business or organization would like to pre-order, drop off this pre-order form at either Tim Hortons restaurant in Rocky Mountain House 48 hrs before your pick up time.
Every Holiday Smile Cookie sold in RMH Nov 18-24
supports the ÉRE Breakfast Program
Please write after school plans in the student agenda.
Fundraisers: Mom's Pantry & Purdys Chocolates
We have two fundraisers running to help subsidize the next Grade 4/5 Calgary Field Trip in 2026.
Mom's Pantry
- Order online at www.momspantry.ca
- Enter Order Number: 398762 Group Passcode: 30367
- Orders Due: Nov 25
- Delivery:
Purdys Chocolates
- Order online at https://fundraising.purdys.com/1058948-124334
- Orders Due: Nov 28 paper form or Nov 30 online
- Delivery: Dec 18
Christmas Concert, Dec 11
- A Snow Globe Christmas is the theme of this year's Christmas production
- We will present the show twice on Dec 11, 11:00 am & 1:30 pm
- Each show will feature every class of the school (PreK by video)
- French Kindergarten will attend Dec 11 and not Dec 12 to accommodate their performance
- There will be a bake sale and silent auction running in the foyer during the concerts. If you have donations to contribute, please contact parent Kailey @ kafrdu@gmail.com
- To ensure every family has the opportunity to attend the production, while observing the occupancy limits of our gym, admission to the concert will be by ticket. We have reserved two free tickets for every family. These free tickets can be claimed prior to December 2. Additional free tickets can be requested and will be distributed on a first requested, first served manner. Tickets will be sent home with students on December 3.
- Fill out this Christmas Concert Ticket PreOrder Form to request your free tickets:
Family Talent Show, Dec 20
- We announced the Family Talent Show at Grandparents Day
- The past few years, we have requested submissions for a Grandparent Talent Show, and this year we expand it to include family talents
- Submissions can be a single grandparent with their talent or at least 2 family members involved in a talent. Talents might be: knitting, cooking, collecting old cars, musical, reciting a poem, giving the best hugs, etc. We are certain we will love whatever you come up with!
- Video submissions can be made through our school email until Dec 15 - rockyelem@wrsd.ca
- If you would rather present your talent live at the assembly, please connect with Mr. Bowman.
- We will watch the Family Talent Show at our Dec 20 assembly as a special Christmas Gift to ourselves :)
This & That
- Free breakfast is served every morning in our front foyer 8:20 - 8:40 am. All students are welcome to grab a bite to eat.
- We have a PreK Opening for a child who turns 4 in 2024. Our PreK program is capped at 18 students and runs full day Tuesday/Thursday/scheduled Fridays. The program cost is $100 per month (subsidy available for qualifying students). Register on our school website.
- Lego Adventures for Fine Motor Development is the next Family Oriented Programming being offered Nov 27, 9:30 - 10:30 am. The free session takes place at the Wild Rose School Division Main Office and is facilitated by our Occupational Therapist, Jan Gervais. Register with Danielle Spencer by text or email: 403-877-1345 or Danielle.spencer@wrsd.ca
- Chaos to Calm is a highly recommended workshop with Rocky PCN's Behavioral Consultant Candice Larson BSW RSW. The next free session is being offered Dec 17, 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Call 403-845-3050 to register.
- Lifetouch has shared a 10% off code for ordering school photos. Just enter code: F2410OFF (expires July 2025)
- Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is a national organization with a local chapter to promote and support French Immersion. The next meeting of our local CPF group is rescheduled to December 12, 6:00 pm at ERE.
If your child will be absent from school, please connect with our Student Attendance Line by phone 1-855-756-2797 or use the School Messenger App
- Please use your child's agenda for writing notes to the teacher and communicating the after school plan.
- Students are not allowed to have personal mobile devices during the school day (unless permission is granted by the principal for a medical need eg. diabetes montioring). If you need to communicate with your child during the school day, or vice versa, the school office will be able to facilitate. Thanks for your cooperation.
- If at all possible, when paying for items like agendas, field trips or swimming, please pay through School Cash Online located at: https://wildrose.schoolcashonline.com/ This greatly reduces the chances of lost money or discrepancies in payments made.
- Our school website is regularly updated with important dates, school newsletters, and useful links along with information about the school. https://ecolerocky.wrsd.ca/
- The school updates our Facebook account with good news stories and upcoming events. Please consider giving us a follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary
1000 TIMBITS!!!
The ÉRE Team
- Regular communication with your child's teacher is essential. Please reach out any time you have questions or information to share.
- We are pleased to host some practicum students:
- Lane Harder, Nov 4-Dec 20, third year teaching practicum in 4K
- Rachel O'Conell, Nov 4-Dec 20, third year teaching practicum in 5C
- Please reach out to staff anytime you have questions. Staff e-mails are firstname.lastname@wrsd.ca
WRSD is hiring!
- We would like to add more casual EAs to our list. If interested, email your resume and cover letter to ApplytobeaCasualEA@wrsd.ca
- There is an informational meeting November 25, 4:00 pm, to learn more about being an Educational Assistant. Register with Danielle Spencer by text or email: 403-877-1345 or Danielle.spencer@wrsd.ca
- We would like to add more casual Teachers to our list. If interested, email your resume and cover letter to ApplytobeaSubTeacher@wrsd.ca
Our friends at other local schools may have a position you are interested in:
- EA - West Central #1, West Central #2
- Teacher - PreK Caroline, Grade 9 West Central, CASA Classroom
- Division Office - Plumber / Gasfitter, Indigenous Education Lead
October Student of the Month
- Kindergarten - Theo Denham, Cianna Gutierrez, Alisa Kuzmina, Rosalee Sommerfeld
- Grade 1 - Cole Crebas, Sofie Verreault, Aspen McCoy, Locklyn Duffin, Nolan Sand
- Grade 2 - Andrea Benum, Henry Robinson, Lincoln Rodgers, Winnie Matus, Felix Van Waas
- Grade 3 - Theo Duffin, Brooklyn Hudey, Quinn Visotto, Kayson Bruno
- Grade 4 - Joleen Pogson, Dainen Rowan, Addison Rogers, Keelan Sand, Kashtin Larson-Morin
- Grade 5 - Kane Hudey, Harlow Abrasaldo
Congratulations October Award Recipients!
So many great pictures from Halloween!
Upcoming Dates
- Nov 21 - School Council, 6:00 pm
- Nov 22 - Term 1 Report Cards sent home
- Nov 25 - Farm Safety Presentations
- Nov 26 - Twin/Triplet Day
- Nov 26 - November Assembly, 2:00 pm
- Nov 26-28 - Book Fair
- Nov 27 - Gr 3-5 Avalanche Safety Presentation, 9:15 am
- Nov 27 & 28 - Parent/Teacher Interviews, 4:30 - 7:30 pm
- Nov 27 - Pickup: Poinsettia/Wreath Fundraiser
- Nov 29 - No School
- Dec 2 - Due: Christmas Concert Ticket Pre-Request
- Dec 11 - Christmas Concert, two shows, 11:00 am & 1:30 pm
- Dec 12 - Canadian Parents for French (CPF) Meeting, 6:00 pm
- Dec 18 - Pickup: Purdys Chocolates
- Dec 20 - Due: January Hot Lunch Orders
- Dec 20 - Pajama Day
- Dec 20 - December Assembly & Grandparent Talent Show, 2:00 pm
- Dec 21-Jan 5 - Christmas Holidays, No School
Handy Links
- ÉRE Parent Handbook - many of the most commonly asked questions
- ÉRE School Website - ecolerocky.wrsd.ca
- ÉRE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary
Family Oriented Programming - LEGO Adventures
In the Community - The Nurture Tree Before/After School Care @ ÉRE
In the Community - BGC Licensed Childcare
In the Community - Alberta Health
In the Community - Christmas Light Up, Nov 23
In the Community - Chaos to Calm
In the Community - Teddy Bear Toss
Our Roots Run Deep
Our Roots Run Deep • Nos racines sont profondes
Email: rockyelem@wrsd.ca
Website: https://ecolerocky.wrsd.ca/
Location: 4703 50th Avenue, Rocky Mountain House, AB, Canada
Phone: 403-845-3541
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary/
Twitter: @EREPeace