Week Ahead
September 22nd-September 28th
For a text version click here
This Week On the Ridge
Taking A Story Walk
Reading with Friends
The story walk allows students to get outside, stretch their legs, and enjoy a story together. Students move from post to post to read each part of the picture book. Our 3rd graders have been enjoying this and we hope other classes will take the opportunity as well. Some students have also been enjoying this when we had outdoor recess in the front of the building. Thank you to Dr. Dunphy for taking her idea and bringing to life.
Tooth Fairy for Sandy
Growing Up Fast
Student Pick Up Tags
We have been noticing that many parents/guardians who are picking up their children do not have a school issues placard on their mirror. If you do not have one or need a replacement, email orattendance@sandwich.k12.ma.us to request one. This will increase the flow of traffic and get students to where they need to be more efficiently.
Girls on the Run
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)
Open House
This week on Thursday is our annual Open House. Due to parking constraints, we split the evening by grade levels. Families of students in grades 3 and 4 will meet in the MPR at 6pm for a brief presentation by Principal Hill where she will introduce the teachers and support team. Mrs. Hill will send the 3rd and 4th grade teachers to the classrooms and families will follow. At 7pm there will be a similar presentation for families of 5th and 6th grade students.
The presentations are focused on information for adults. We ask that children not attend. However, we realize that this is not possible for all families. If you do need to bring a child with you to Open House, please make sure they are with you at all times.
Picture Day is Coming
This week on Thursday, September 26th, is our School Picture Day. Students were sent home with a flyer with information for both in person and on-line ordering options. Please note that a la carte orders are possible, but need to be done using the envelope attached to the flyer.
Peace Poles
The Rotary Club of Bourne-Sandwich invites you to participate in a special event to promote global harmony and peace. As part of one of over 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide, with more than 1.5 million members, we are proud to join in the Peace Pole Project (https://rotarypeacepoles.world). This initiative spans 180 countries, with over 250,000 Peace Poles placed as symbols of
peace. We are contributing to this effort by installing Peace Poles in Bourne and Sandwich.
You are warmly invited to attend the unveiling of these Peace Poles on Friday, September 27, 2024, at the following locations:
• 10:00 AM: Buzzards Bay Park, Main Street, Buzzards Bay
• 11:30 AM: Jonathan Bourne Public Library, 19 Sandwich Road, Bourne
• 1:00 PM: Upper Cape Technical School, 220 Sandwich Road, Bourne
• 2:30 PM: Sandwich Center for Active Living, 70 Quaker Meetinghouse Road, Sandwich
We would be honored if you could join us for any or all of these presentations.
Kindly let us know your availability at your earliest convenience.
Beth Griffin: (508) 274-6738 | egriffin170@comcast.net
Jen Curtis: (774) 994-0202 | jenthehen1999@hotmail.com
Co-Presidents, Rotary Club of Bourne-Sandwich.
Fall Club Opportunities
Club Pass Required for Enrollment
Please check out the attached link to view the flyers for the Fall Club Offerings at Oak Ridge. All clubs require a club pass to attend. To register for a club pass please click the link here
or scan the QR code.
Yellowstone 2024-2025
Cardboard Challenge
Use this rainy weekend as an opportunity to start creating something fun for the Coardboard Challenge. This annual event, sponsored by the 7C's class, is inspired by Caine's Arcade (see the link below) .This event taps into the creativity of children and celebrates bringing our community together. I hope you can attend, and even better participate.
Sandwich Youth Basketball
Become A Fun Run Sponsor
Important Dates
9/26 - Oak Ridge Picture Day - MPR
9/26 - Open House
Grades 3&4 6-7pm
Grades 5&6 7-8pm
10/15-16 - Scholastic Book Fair - MPR
10/23 - Bart Weisman - MPR 5th - 9:15-10:00 / 6th - 10:15-11:00
11/8 - Vento Chiaro - MPR 4th - 9:15-10:00 / 3rd - 10:15-11:00