Eagle Family Newsletter
November 2024
It is an exciting year of learning and growth at Eisenhower Elementary! Please reach out at any time if you have questions or concerns.
Important Dates
Nov. 1- Early Release 1:30
Nov. 7- International Day
Nov. 11- No School- Veteran's Day- Junior Guard will be marching in the parade!
Nov. 13- Site Council Meeting at 8:30- The Committee has a Facebook page with shared information
Nov. 15 - Early Release 1:30
Nov. 21- Family Thanksgiving Meal (During normal grade level lunch times)
Nov. 21- 2nd Grade Music Program 6:30
Nov. 27-29 - No School- Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2-13- Canned Food Drive
Inclement Weather
- Any time your student is a car rider, please have a yellow paper with your students name, grade, and teachers name ready for staff to read. We have more paper available near the front office if you need some.
- If there is inclement weather during morning arrival:
- Preschool students must still be dropped off hand-to-hand.
- Students will be let in the building to line up beginning at 7:45.
- If the temperature is 23 degrees or lower with windchill, students will line up indoors beginning at 7:45.
- If we have inclement weather during pickup:
- Preschool students must still be picked up through hand-to-hand contact.
- In the case of a Thunderstorm Warning, students who are walkers may only walk with a parent. Students will not be able to walk alone unless the warning lifts.
- Car riders will line up inside for safety and be called out when their vehicle is in the pickup area.
It is Federal Impact Aid Survey Time!!
Every year our district is required to pick a day in the fall and conduct the Federal Impact Aid Survey. This year it was October 25th. We are required to have 100% of the families enrolled on that day verify the Survey. This is how our District receives its Federal funding for our military families.
Thank you to everyone who has already submitted theirs!!
We are halfway complete - Let's get this finished today!!
For those who have not yet, it will only take a second to do and works better on a computer than your phone. Log into your Skyward and for EACH STUDENT click the link for the Federal Impact Aid Survey at the top (highlighted in blue). Verify that all the information is correct and then Submit at the bottom.
Click the LINK to log into SKYWARD:
If anything needs correcting (rank, job, address) call the Front Office and we can make the change and then you can submit.
As always, there is a competition between the schools to be the 1st to complete 100% of the Surveys. We have done it 5 years in a row - lets make is a 6th year!! The Classes also have a competition going between them for the 1st Class, 1st Grade and 1st Pod completed for prizes.
Thank you for all your help in completing the Survey quickly! - Mrs. Tanya
Thanksgiving Lunch Information
Thanksgiving Lunch Volunteer Opportunity
International Day
International Day will be held at Patton on November 7. Students in grades 1st-5th will ride a bus to Patton at different times of the day by grade level.
Word of the Day
Vocabulary acquisition plays an important role on academic success. Ask your student about our word of the day and see if they can tell you what it means, use it in a sentence, or even discuss alternate uses of the word with them.
Our words for this month include:
feast, pastime, reduce, saunter, chilly, caution, scholar, recall, plentiful, sparse, healthy, construct, settle, resident, generous, banquet, include, conductor, brave, brief, hardship
Papa John's Tuesday
Our next Papa John's Tuesday is Nov 12th! A perfect day to enjoy an easy dinner and support your child's school!!! You can order online too! Please remember to use our Ike School Code KSE007 In September we raised $105.47 and October $53.28 for our school - thank you!!!
Nurse's Corner
Dear Parents/Guardians,
November is National Diabetes Month, a time to educate communities about diabetes. This year’s focus is on taking action to prevent diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose (blood sugar) is too high. It affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and it is linked to some types of cancer.
But there’s good news: Taking charge of your health may help prevent diabetes such as planning healthy meals, being physically active and getting enough sleep. Establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight are important in reducing your risk of developing diabetes.
Healthy goals can be reached by following the 5-2-1-0 rule each day. Every day we should strive to eat five servings of fruits or vegetables, get two hours or less of screen time per day, move our bodies in a healthy way for one hour every day, and drink zero sugary beverages. If this sounds like too much, start small and slowly increase these important goals into your family’s lifestyle.
Eisenhower students will have hearing and vision screenings November 5th, 6th and 7th. If your student wears glasses/contacts, please remind them to wear them during their screening. Results will be in their backpacks.
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
Be well,
Anna Robinette, RN
Counseling with Compassion
Character Strong
This month we are talking about Gratitude. We are looking forward to focusing on Gratitude this month! One way to think about Gratitude is "choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives." Practicing Gratitude can increase our well-being and even our happiness!
Gratitude is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like emotion regulation, positive self-talk, and stress - management.
Hearts Apart
Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207 offers a wonderful program we refer to as "Hearts Apart." Hearts Apart is designed to help students cope with the deployment of a parent. Your permission is required for your child to participate.
Hearts Apart provides students and families with a sense of community and belonging district wide. This is a great opportunity for spouses and their children to enjoy good food, relax, and enjoy the conversation and company of others. These events help children and their families understand that they are not alone in their experiences.
Sign up for Hearts Apart - Here
Lunch Menu
You can find the breakfast and lunch menu on our website each month. We also have printed copies available at the front office.
Box Tops
Principal- Rachel Ebert
Assistant Principal- Ea Trumbo
Secretary- Tanya Berg
Office Assistant- Amber Martin
Counselor- Kim Chambers
Eisenhower Elementary