Wolfe City ISD Time to Enroll
You Can Complete Benefit Selections Beginning July 19
Open Enrollment Dates July 19 - August 9
Use this guide to help you select the benefits that will best meet the needs of you and your family. Once you are ready to enroll, follow the steps for Logging In with The Benefits HUB that you see below. You can also call 903-939-8133 for questions and assistance.
Logging In with The Benefits HUB
Be Sure to ENROLL for BENEFITS between July 19 - August 9
Open Enrollment begins July 19th! Remember, you are selecting medical and supplemental benefits that will be effective September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.
During Open Enrollment (July 19 - August 9) , every employee should log in and check their contact information, beneficiaries, and benefits to ensure you have exactly what you need for the 2024-2025 school year. Please remember you are not able to make changes mid-year without a qualifying event, so be sure to take advantage of Open Enrollment this summer.
Gentry Financial Group is available by phone 8:30-4:30 daily. Your call will be answered by our staff ready to help with any questions you may have about enrollment or your benefits. You may call 903-939-8133 or email support@gentryfinancialgroup.com for assistance.
About this Guide
This Benefits Guide describes the highlights of your district's benefits program in non-technical language. Included in this benefits Guide is important information about each of the benefit plans offered to you and your family. It includes the benefits paid by the district as well as voluntary products which you can customize to meet your individual needs.
Please remember that these general descriptions are not intended to provide all the details of requirements of these benefits. The official Plan Documents will prevail if any inconsistencies are found between this Benefit Guide and the official Plan Documents. Any and all elements of the district's benefits program may be modified in the future, at any time, to meet the Internal Revenue Service rules or otherwise as decided by the district.
Non-substitute employees who are expected to work 15 hours per week or more are eligible for all of the benefit programs described in this guide. In addition, these employees are eligible for the district's contribution toward the cost of TRS Medical premiums.
Employees who are expected to work at least 10 hours per week, including substitutes, are eligible for medical insurance only. These employees are not eligible for the district's premium contribution, and will pay the full cost of the TRS ActiveCare Medical plan premium.
Enrollment and Effective Dates
All employees have thirty-one (31) days from their date of hire to enroll in insurance. After this new hire enrollment window, benefit elections are locked until the following Annual Enrollment period, unless the employee has a qualifying event (change in tax dependents or change in access to health insurance). The benefits plan year is September 1 - August 31. Open Enrollment occurs in the month of July. Specific dates and deadlines will be communicated during each year's enrollment period. All insurances for New Hires during the plan year are effective the first of the month following hire.
Qualifying Events
The only time that employees are able to change benefits enrollment outside of the new hire or open enrollment window is if they experience a qualifying event. A qualifying event is any event that changes either your number of dependents or your access to healthcare. Examples of qualifying events include:
- Birth, adoption, death, or guardianship of a child
- A change in marital status (marriage, divorce, death)
- A dependent's loss of eligibility (attainment of a limiting age)
- Gain or loss of other coverage ( i.e. a spouse starts or ends a new job and is eligible for or loses insurance coverage)
All employees have thirty-one (31) days from the qualifying event date to elect changes in coverage. You must notify HR, provide documentation of the qualifying event, and complete your amended enrollment changes to take effect. Notifying HR of the intent to make changes only is not sufficient.
Benefits Selections, Pricing, and Information are Listed Below
Life Insurance
Basic Life ($10,000 provided by the district)
Basic Life Insurance is provided to you by your employer at no cost. This policy provides your beneficiary with a lump-sum benefit. This cash benefit will help soften the financial blow that comes along with losing a loved one. Your beneficiary can use this benefit to help pay final expenses, bills, and debt.
Voluntary Group Life *
Basic Life insurance provided by your employer is a good employee benefit, but the amount of coverage may not cover your obligations if you were to suddenly pass away. Voluntary Group Term Life insurance policy issues a cash benefit to your designated beneficiary in the event of your passing. This money can be used toward anything from final costs to paying off remaining debts; like your mortgage, car loans, or student loans. It is the most affordable form of life insurance and is typically available to you, your spouse, and dependent children.
- New Hire Enrollment - Guaranteed issue with no health questions
- New Employees: 5 x Salary with a maximum of $250,000
- Spouse of New Employee: $50,000 (employee must be enrolled in plan)
- One premium covers each child for: $10,000 (employee must be enrolled in plan)
- Existing Employees
- Existing Employees may add or enroll in $20,000 coverage with no health questions
- Spouse may add or enroll in $10,000 with no health questions (employee must be enrolled in plan)
- One premium covers each child for $10,000 (employee must be enrolled in plan)
*COST will be available for viewing during enrollment process.
Permanent Life *
Life insurance becomes necessary the moment someone else depends on you. It can be your spouse, children, or even your parents. If your death would affect the lifestyle of someone you love, it's time to enroll.
Permanent life provides a specified lump-sum benefit to your beneficiary at the time of your death. These policies do not expire, and the price of the premiums typically won't change from the date you enroll. And, even if you leave your employer the policy stays with you.
*COST will be available for viewing during enrollment process.
TRS Healthcare
Medical insurance, also known as health insurance, is coverage that helps you pay the high cost of medical and hospital expenses.
Depending on the coverage you choose, this insurance will help pay toward or completely cover annual physicals, doctor visits, hospitalization and emergency room visits. Many times you will be offered more than one plan to choose from, so please review the summary of benefits in detail to determine which plan is right for you.
This benefit may also be available to your spouse and children.
2024-2025 Plan Offerings:
- Active Care Primary - 1-866-355-5999
- Active Care HD - 1-866-355-5999
- Active Care Primary+ - 1-866-355-5999
- Active Care 2* (only offered if currently enrolled) - 1-866-355-5999
- West Texas Blue Essentials HMO - 1-888-378-1633
- South Texas Blue Essentials HMO - 1-888-378-1633
Telehealth - NEW Provider
With telehealth, you can get the treatment you need for minor sicknesses without having to visit your doctor's office.
By enrolling in this benefit, you'll gain access to medical consultations through phone call, email, and video chat. Telehealth will typically have you talking to a doctor within 30 minutes of setting up the appointment.
You'll speak to a doctor who can diagnose your minor aches and illnesses, and they can even prescribe medication for the likes of common cold, flue, pink eye, and many other medical consultations.
The cost of this benefit for you and your household is $9.50 per month.
Hospital Indemnity
Hospital Indemnity insurance is supplemental medical coverage that pays benefits if you are hospitalized. While health insurance pays for medical service after co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles are met, hospital indemnity insurance pays you if you are hospitalized, regardless of any other coverage you may have.
The plan will pay $100/day of hospital confinement up to 15 days and $2,500 when admitted. It also pays $50 for well-checkups, including routine physicals.
Monthly Premiums:
Employee Only - $19.28
Employee + Spouse - $33.00
Employee + Child(ren) - $26.54
Employee + Family - $47.74
On the High Plan, preventative services - including two visits per year are paid at 100% U&C. Basic services such as fillings are paid at 80%, while major services and orthodontia are paid at 50% U&C. A $50 calendar-year deductible applies to basic and major services. The maximum benefit for each person covered is $1,250 per year. Orthodontia Services are covered up to a $1,500 lifetime maximum for dependent children up to age 26.
The Low Plan pays 100% for Preventative, 70% on Basic and 40% on Major with a $500 annual maximum. A $50 calendar-year deductible applies to basic and major services.
Coverage is also available for dependents.
Monthly Premiums:
Employee Only - HIGH: $33.71 LOW: $22.87
Employee + Spouse - HIGH: $77.98 LOW: $52.91
Employee + Child(ren) - HIGH: $77.17 LOW: $47.70
Employee + Family - HIGH: $117.20 LOW: $73.75
The value of vision insurance goes beyond saving money on new glasses and contact lenses every year. Illnesses like diabetes, thyroid disease, and cancer can all be detected by an ophthalmologist.
This provides an eye exam and either glasses, or contact lenses every 12 months. There is a $150 allowance for frames and standard lenses are paid for in full.
Contact exams and lenses have a $175 annual allowance.
Monthly Premiums
Employee Only - $8.98
Employee + Spouse - $15.29
Employee + Child(ren) - $16.16
Employee + Family - $24.26
What would happen if you lost your ability to earn your paycheck? How long would you be able to continue paying off your bills and buying groceries before you ran out of money?
If you're like 69% of Americans who don't have as much as $1,000 set aside in their savings account, disability insurance may be the perfect plan for you. Disability insurance is a safety net that keeps you from having to answer these questions.
Disability replaces a portion of your income when you are unable to work due to a covered illness or injury. Think of it as paycheck protection.
The monthly rate for Disability insurance is age-banded and dependent upon elimination period and amount selected. The coverage includes both long term and a short term benefit. See enrollment website for the rate that is specific to your situation.
Emergency Medical Transportation
Nationwide and global emergency transportation service coverage 24/7/365. No network restrictions, coverage available, through all service providers for ground and air emergency transport. Members are covered ANYWHERE in all 50 states and Canada.
Monthly Premiums for your Household
Emergent Plus Plan - $14.00
Platinum Plan - $39.00
Critical Illness
Critical illness insurance is a policy that provides a lump-sum benefit when you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness like a heart-attack, stroke and other serious conditions.
This money can be used for anything from minimizing out of pocket costs to other expenses like your mortgage, groceries, or what your medical plan doesn’t cover.
It’s hard to plan for sudden critical illnesses, but this policy makes dealing with them easier. Spouse coverage is available. Dependent children are automatically covered under the employee's plan at no additional cost.
*COST will be available for viewing during enrollment process.
Cancer insurance provides financial assistance in the form of a lump-sum benefit upon a positive diagnoses ensuring you can concentrate on your health instead of your finances. Costs rack up quickly in the fight against cancer. You can use your benefit to help pay toward costly medicine, medical bills, and co-pays. This affordable benefit also extends to your spouse and eligible dependents.
Monthly Premiums
Employee only - Option 1: $21.39 Option 2: $33.13
Employee + Spouse - Option 1: $39.95 Option 2: $61.84
Employee + Child(ren) - Option 1: $24.33 Option 2: $36.82
Employee + Family - Option 1: $42.79 Option 2: 65.53
Accident Insurance coverage pays cash benefits directly to you for medical expenses related to an accidental injury. The plan covers you 24/7 for on and off the job accidents and injuries for adults and even sporting events for covered children.
The health screening/wellness benefit pays for routine check-ups, blood work, mammogram, stress test, and even youth organized sports enrollment. The benefit pays $150 per participant per calendar year. See plan summary for details.
Monthly Premiums
Employee Only - Option 1: $14.65 Option 2: $18.31
Employee + Spouse - Option 1: $23.69 Option 2: $29.59
Employee + Child(ren) - Option 1: $24.42 Option 2: $30.11
Employee + Family - Option 1: $33.46 Option 2: $41.39
Health Savings Account (HSA)
You must be enrolled in a High Deducible Health Plan (HDHP) such as TRS ActiveCare HD. Use pre-tax dollars to pay medical, dental, and prescription costs and save money. The best part about this policy is that funds roll over from year to year, so you can save for future healthcare expenses.
The maximum annual HSA contributions are:
- Individuals - $4,150
- Family - $8,300
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is one of several tax-advantaged financial accounts that can be set up through a cafeteria plan adopted by your employer.
A medical FSA is the most common type of Flexible Spending Account, and allows you to set aside a portion of your earnings to pay for qualified expenses, most commonly for medical costs, such as doctors, dentists, and optometrist copays.
The maximum annual contribution is $3,200.
It should be noted that funds not used by the end of the plan year are lost to the employee, known as the "use it or lose it" rule, unless your employer has rollover provision.
Dependent Care (FSA)
A dependent care FSA can be used to help pay for your costly dependent care services such as daycare for your child or adult daycare for a senior citizen.
The maximum annual contribution is $5,000 (if married and filing jointly or a single parent)
It should be noted that funds not used by the end of the plan year are lost to the employee, known as the "use it or lose it" rule, unless your employer has rollover provision.
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
Everyone in the workplace is balancing more than just their jobs and the stress of life can pull you in too many directions. Employee Assistance Plans provide you with professional help to get you through what might be affecting your mental or physical well-being. Most plans offer guidance that can help you with stress and anxiety at work, depression, substance dependency, grief, job pressures, and more. This benefit is available at no cost to all district employees.
Financial Planning
A 403(b) plan, also know as a tax-sheltered annuity, is a tax-advantaged retirement savings plan available for public education organizations. Contributions are made on a pre-tax basis and investment earnings grow tax deferred until withdrawal, assumed to be retirement.
457 Plan
A 457 plan is a retirement or pension plan that provides benefits to government employees as well as employees of tax exempt organizations. Employees participating in 457 plans are allowed to defer their compensation on a before -tax basis through regular payroll deductions. Money placed in these accounts grows on a federally tax-free basis until withdrawn.
Common Questions:
- I'm looking to retire in a few years, but I have no idea what to expect in retirement, where do I start?
- As a new employee, I have no idea how to take advantage of a 403b or 457 account, how do I enroll?
- I just transferred from a different employer, but I'm afraid I left behind my 403b/457 account. Can I transfer that account to my new employer?
Fortunately for you, we have dedicated advisors ready to answer any questions you may have regarding financial planning. Call our office at 903-939-8133 to set up an appointment with a financial advisor.
Student Debt Relief
This benefit allows college graduates that have student loan debt to get a free analysis of possible relief and forgiveness programs. With nearly 70 federal student loan repayment and forgiveness programs in place today, the options to reduce your student debt is exceptional.
GotZoom finds the best program options that suit your needs, confirms eligibility, and facilitates all the administration. There are special programs specifically designed to help educators. This benefit is available year-round, there is no reason to wait until open enrollment.