To'Hajiilee Community School
Weekly Newsletter: January 13-17, 2025
Monday January 13, 2025 NATIONAL STICKER DAY
National Sticker Day on January 13th recognizes all the ways stickers brighten up a page or send a special message. The day celebrates all things stickers, from the custom printing of them to sharing stickers. Every sticker has a story.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
TCS Girls Only vs. Rehoboth
Wednesday, January 15 , 2025 TCS Warrior Day
Show your Warrior Pride wear TCS colors and gear this day!
Full Day Wednesday: Elementary Dismissal 2:00 p.m.
Secondary Dismissal at 3:00 p.m.
TCS vs. Laguna (Home)
TCS Middle School vs. Mountainair (Away)
Thursday, January 16, 2025.
TCS Middle School vs. Edgewood
Friday, January 17, 2025 National Kid Inventors’ Day
History of National Kid Inventors’ Day
Kid Inventors’ Day (K.I.D.) was founded in the early 2000s by people who wanted to celebrate the achievements of the youngest inventors as well as encourage more children to be creative.
The date chosen to celebrate was no accident—it is the anniversary of renowned polymath, politician and child inventor Benjamin Franklin’s birthday. Due to his countless other achievements, many people don’t know that when Franklin was just 12 years old, he invented the world’s first swim flippers, making him a great role model for every child who dreams of making something nobody has ever seen before.
Navajo Word of the Day
BIE Achieve 3000 & Smarty Ants Newsletter
Second Nine Weeks: Grades & Parent Teacher Conference
Second Nine Weeks: Grades & Parent/Teacher Conference
Reports cards will be mailed to parents/guardians.
A reminder, parent-teacher conference will take place on January 22, 2024 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Please begin scheduling parent/teacher conference times with your parents/guardians. Dinner will be served.
December 2024 Attendance
Attendance Rate of 90% or higher
- FACE at 92%
- 2nd Grade at 90%
- 3rd Grade at 94%
- 6th Grade at 90%
- 7th Grade at 90%
- 8th Grade at 92%
- 10th Grade at 92%
- 11th Grade at 91%
- 12th Grade at 93%
Early Childhood Attendance
Pre-K: 76.68%
FACE: 91.91%
K-12 Attendance Data is provided below
**95% School Attendance Goal for students.
Instructional Time Make-Up
Instructional Time Make-Up
School delay and closure make-up instructional hours are as follow:
- November 07, 2024: Full day closure - instructional time make up on May 22, 2025
- November 08, 2024: Two hour delay - instructional time make up on May 23, 2025
- January 09, 2025: Two hour delay - instructional time make up on May 23, 2025
- January 10, 2025: Two hour delay - instructional time make up on May 23, 2025
***Please mark your calendars.
Other Future School Delays/Closures Instructional Make-Up Dates: May 27, May 28, May 29, and May 30.
2025 Homecoming Court
January 14, 2024: SPELLING BEE
I hope this message finds you well!
We are excited to announce that our annual School Spelling Bee will take place on January 14, 2025. To ensure its success, we are forming a Spelling Bee Committee and would greatly appreciate your participation and support.
January 14, 2025: Elementary Annual Test Security Training
Attendance for this training is mandatory for all staff.
Training Schedule:
Elementary Teachers, EAs, and Other Staff:
Date: January 14, 2025
Time: 2:15–3:00 p.m.
Location: Cafeteria
The training will provide critical updates and ensure that we meet the requirements for statewide assessments.
January 15, 2025: Secondary Annual Test Security Training
Secondary Teachers, EAs, and Other Staff:
Date: January 15, 2025
Time: 3:00–4:00 p.m.
Location: Cafeteria
Note: This session is a paid professional development (PD).
The training will provide critical updates and ensure that we meet the requirements for statewide assessments.
January 18, 2025: Meet Author Laurel Goodluck
Please share Storytiime with Laurel Goodluck with our TCS families.
January 20, 2025: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22, 2025: Parent/Teacher Conference 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025: JROTC will resume & Bus Monitor Schedule
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 JROTC has will resume. Please let students know they will be going to Atrisco Heritage School on this day.
Bus Monitor Schedule
All bus monitors, please be on time for bus departure at 1:15 p.m.
January 23 and 24, 2025 @ 2:15 - 3:00 p.m. Smarty Ants Professional Development
Training in building 185
January 23, 2025: Virtual College Tour
January 25, 2025: Homecoming
January 29, 2025 @ 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Achieve 3000 Professional Development
Training in building 185
January 30, 2025: FAFSA Night
FAFSA Night for senior parents and students.
Time: 5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
January 31, 2025: SCAN Training
SCAN training from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Jennifer will be making contact with employees that have not completed their SCAN training.
January 31, 2025: Navigate 360 Certificate
Extended Date
Navigate360 training deadline will be extended to January 31, 2025.
February 13, 2025: Basketball Senior & Archery Senior Night
Join us as we recognize our basketball seniors and archery seniors at the TCS vs. Tse Yi Gai's basketball game.
Avel eCARE
Avel eCare School Health for our students is now available. If you have any student that is not feeling well, please send them to the front office.
On Tuesday mornings, CBNHC doctor is still on campus to provide services along with Behavioral Health.
- Avel eCare School Health nurses can:
- Care for students with unscheduled, urgent health care needs due to injury or illness, including COVID-19 symptoms, head lice, and anxiety
- Guide care for students with chronic or complex health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, life-threatening allergies and seizures
- Refer students to providers and connect families with local resources
- Support case management and serve as a point of contact for medication refills, side effects, order changes, nursing care to be provided at school, mental health needs, etc.
- Design school health programs and provide education to help maintain a safe environment and minimize health-related barriers to students’ ability to learn
- Develop emergency health plans
- Offer medical advice for 504 and Individual Education Program (IEP) plans
How It Works
- A student experiences an injury, illness or needs assistance with a health condition such as diabetes, asthma, etc.
- The designated school staff utilizes a telehealth tablet to request support from Avel eCare School Health
- Typically, in less than 1 minute, Avel eCare School Nurses respond on video, and begin to provide care
- The Avel eCare School Health nurse completes the assessment of the student, leveraging thermometers, stethoscopes, otoscopes, exam cameras as appropriate
- Based on the assessment, the nurse will advise staff members on how to help the student, connect with parents, or checks back in with the student after a short observation period
Human Resource
Staff: Congratulations on your new position!
Kara Pino- FACE Teacher Assistant
Marty Monte- Dual Language Training Instructor
Brenda Platero- Education Assistant/Substitute Teacher (On-Call)
Please welcome our New Staff- Congratulations Corrina and Visaria!
Corrina Francisco- School Bus Driver Trainee/Bus Monitor
Visaria Apachito- Education Assistant and Substitute Teacher (On Call)
Athletic Announcement:
High School Girls Head Basketball Coach – Visaria Apachito
Assistant Coach- Alex Apachito
High School Boys Head Basketball Coach- Ivan Delgarito
Assistant Coach- Kim Platero
Middle School Girls Basketball Coach-Wilson Platero
Middle School Boys Basketball Coach- Alex Apachito
Assistant Coach- Amanda Secatero
Head Archery Coach- Leomar Juaton
Assistant Coach- Katrina Nez
Concession Manager –Joshua Nez
Concession Helper- Jason Valencia
Timekeeper- Isabelle Chavez
Gate/Admission- Brenda Platero, Roberta Secatero (back-up Jennifer Redhouse)
Book Keeper- Vacant. If interested, please submit your letter of interest to HR.
**Education Assistant/Monitors/Substitute Teachers- Please keep in mind that random Drug Tests are given when driving a GSA vehicle. Our campus is on Federal grounds with Federal by-laws, any violation will not be tolerated**
Winter Sports Schedules
Special Education Updates
Service Logs and Progress Reports
Service logs and progress reports must be completed by December 20, 2024 and submitted to the SPED Office. no later than 4 pm.
TCS is launching a new school-wide initiative called "A Passion of Kindness," aimed at fostering a positive and supportive environment throughout our school community. Project is sponsored by the Gifted and Talented (G&T) class and is designed to recognize and celebrate acts of kindness among students, teachers, and staff.
Objective: The goal of this project is to encourage and acknowledge acts of kindness within our school community. Kind deeds will be reported and reviewed weekly by the G&T class, and every Monday morning, three individuals who have demonstrated exceptional kindness will be recognized during the school-wide announcements.
Project Components:
1. Kindness Reporting System: Students, teachers, and staff are encouraged to fill out forms reporting acts of kindness they have witnessed.
Forms for reporting will be available at the Front Office.
A clearly labeled submission box is located in the Front Office for ease of access
2. Weekly Review and Selection: Each Friday, the G&T class will review the submitted forms and select three individuals based on notable acts of kindness.
3. Awards and Recognition: Every Monday, during morning announcements, the three selected individuals will be publicly recognized for their kindness. They will receive custom-designed certificates and tokens of appreciation.
4. Kick-Off Announcement: We will officially launch the "A Passion of Kindness" project on September 23, 2024, with a school-wide announcement.
5. Expected Outcomes:
Increased Kindness: We expect to see more acts of kindness and empathy within our school community.
Student Engagement: The G&T students will gain valuable leadership and project management skills.
Community Building: A stronger sense of community and support among students, teachers, and staff.
Recognition and Motivation: Regular acknowledgment will encourage positive behavior and a healthier school environment.
Reminders Student Supervision
1. Secondary teachers please stand outside your classes during transitions. Hallways need to be monitored.
2. All teachers please follow bus duty, there should be teachers on the bus to supervise students and behaviors at the end of day. Early release Wednesday we can have two teachers, one Elementary teacher and one Secondary teacher supervising as buses are full and behaviors can result.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans are due bi-weekly & are to be submitted to walkthrough@tohajiilee.com
- January 6, 2025 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
- January 2, 2025 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
- February 3, 2024 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
- February 18, 2025 Bi-Weekly Plan Due
Teacher Bus Duty Schedule
Elementary Cafeteria, Recess and Specials Schedule
In an effort to support coverage in the morning we are asking teachers to help out, please find the quarterly schedule for coverage this year for secondary teachers. If you have any questions please follow up with Ms. Carroll
Early Morning Duty Schedule
Teacher Evaluation Information
Updated Teacher Timeline for second semester:
Please find new dates in this document for assignments due in the second semester. dates have been crossed out in red and new dates have been identified.
Professional development Plan Template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GLRG6X_MfrYSqSHDPMjydHliHZ-M8E3JpDhoWYo2IuY/edit?usp=sharing
Please make a copy before typing into document as all will have access to this format.
Self Reflection Form Template (1 -2 page Word or Google Doc)
Please do not type into document, please make a copy
Second Walk Thru's, WOW's and WONDERS through February 28, 2025
Walk Thru Debrief sessions with Coaching feedback, January 6-10, 2025
Peer Observation Window will be in January 8-February 28, 2025
Digital Leave Request
Special Education
Service Logs
Service Log are now on the google drive and overseen by case managers and Ms Jojie. EA's please work with case managers if you have questions.
Please keep in mind if you are subbing a class please document in the service log. While subbing if you are providing direct services with an inclusion student (s) please document this separately. For example if you have your inclusion student in the class you are subbing the times will be different.
- Providing sub coverage for Ms. Carroll's class for 40 mins, 10 mins was direct support for inclusion student TC in this class. Total class time was 50 mins.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Jojie or Ms. Carroll
Human Resource
Canoncito Band of Navajos Health Center (CBNHC)
CBNHC medical and behavioral health team will continue to provide services to students every Tuesday morning at the Teen Center portable building.
Dual College Courses
New Mexico State University
Dr. Shawn Secatero will be offering two NMSU courses to our 11th and 12th grade students during 2025 Spring Semester.
This course is open to only TCS students as a hybrid class. Students will meet on the last two Wednesdays of each month from 1:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. and they can also submit their assigned work on CANVAS.
This course is an online course and available to all NMSU Grants students including dual credit. The TCS students who have already taken LEAD 2210 can take this course if they want to earn more college credits. They can also meet and attend class on the Wednesdays of each month from 1:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the computer lab.
Central New Mexico (CNM)
Ms. May is offering Introduction to Education and students enrolled will complete practicum hours. If any teachers would like a student to work with students, please notify Ms. May.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Elementary Master Schedule 24-25
Secondary Master Schedule 24-25
Bell Schedule
Wednesday Schedules
Full day and half day
First two Wednesday's of the month will follow normal full day schedule.
Last two Wednesday's of the month will be early release Wednesday schedule.
* To remain consistent Wednesday schedule will remain regardless of holiday/school closure or no school to avoid disruption for teachers and parents.
Teacher Resources
Student Handbook Link
Shelter In Place, Lockdown and Fire Evacuation Procedure MAP
Here are the links:
Please refer to your Emergency Procedures Quick Reference COOP Book for details.
Two-Way Radio
Please follow radio usage:
Please label your radios with your name so when they are turned into the front office we can return them to the owners.
Radios must be carried at all times from the beginning of your tour of duty to the end of your tour of duty.
When initiating a call on the radio determine which setting is appropriate CAN (teachers) or ADMINISTRATION (TCS personnel) , first identify who you wish to contact (e.g. Front Office), then identify yourself (E.g. Your name)..
C.A.N. Channel (#1)= For emergency use only for fire drill, shelter-in-place, lockdown, and return to normal operation. All teachers and education assistants are to have channel C.A.N.(#1) on your two-way radio.
***Please do not use C.A.N. station for any other purpose.
ADMIN Channel (#2) = Used daily by security, maintenance, front office, custodians, bus drivers and administration.
C.A.N .Report QR Code and EMAIL Link
IT Support
Message from Camnet: IT Support Digital Form
To submit IT Support requests, please fill out this form for each issue you are having, and Camnet will get to your request as soon as possible.
Nainoa and Jim will be onsite on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Link to form: https://forms.gle/CVBKuv4qPR2PEMLS9
QR code to form:
Camnet will no longer be checking the binder at the front desk. Please use the online form for IT Support requests from now on.
COGNIA Standards
Family Engagement
Family Engagement Calendar
Parent Newsletter
16th: Class of 2025 Food Sale (Lunch time)
23rd: Class of 2025 Food Sale (Lunch time)
30th: Class of 2025 Food Sale (Lunch time)
14th: Class of 2029 Food Sale
March 14th: Class of 2029 Food Sale
January 27, 2025: 6th-12th (National Museum of Nuclear Science - Indigenous Event)
January 31, 2025: Mr. Lomasag's Period (Legislation Session - Santa Fe)
February 07, 2025: FACE Adult Education (
Feb. 25-26, 2025: FACE Adult Education (Sundance Conference)
14th: Spelling Bee Competition
14th: Elementary Annual Security Training
14th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
14th: TCS Girls Only vs. Rehoboth (Away)
15th: Secondary Annual Security Training
15th: Full Day Wednesday (Elementary Dismissal @ 2:05 p.m.; Secondary Dismissal @ 3:00 p.m.)
15th: TCS vs. Laguna-Acoma (Home)
15th: Middle School TCS vs. Mountainair (Away)
16th: Middle School TCS vs. Edgewood (Home)
18th: Homecoming TCS vs. Shiprock (Home)
18th: Archery @ Rio Rancho High School Tournament
18th: Meet the Author Laurel Goodluck
20th: Holiday; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No school for students and all teachers and staff)
21st: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
21st: Middle School TCS vs. Santo Domingo (Away)
22nd: Parent/Teacher Conference 12 pm to 6 pm. (All Grades Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.)
23rd: Smarty Ants Professional Development 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
24th: Continue Smarty Ants Professional Development 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
25th: Archery @ Espanola Valley High School Bullseye Tournament
25th: TCS vs. Shiprock (Home)
28th: CBNHC Medical & Behavioral Health Onsite
28th: TCS vs. Tse Yi'Gai (Away)
29th: Half Day Wednesday (All Grades Dismissal at 1:15 p.m.)
29th: Middle School TCS vs. Magdalena (Away)
29th: Achieve 3000 Professional Development 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
31st: Navigate 360 Certificates Due
31st - Feb. 02nd: Archery @ NASP City 3-D Championship Tournament
1st: HS Basketball vs, Pinehill @Home 1:00 pm
3rd: MS Basketball vs. Santo Domingo @Home 4 pm
4th: MS Basketball vs. Coronado @Home 3 pm
4th: HS Basketball vs. Coronado Home 5 pm
7th: MS Basketball Magdalena Tourney Away TBD
8th: HS Basketball vs. Shiprock Away at 1:00 pm departing 8:15 am
8th: Archery Red Mtn Bullseye & 3D Tournament in Deming
11th: HS Basketball vs. Coronado Away at 5:00 pm departing 11:30 am
13th: Basketball/Archery Senior Night at HS Basketball Game
13th: HS Basketball vs Tse Yi' Gai @Home 5pm
13th-15th: NMDGF State 3D Tournament Championship TBD
17th: Presidents Day NO SCHOOL ( No school for students, teachers and all staff)
18th: HS Basketball vs. Pinehill Away at 5:00 pm departing 1:30 pm
19th: Achieve 3000 PD Training (6th-12th)
20th: Achieve 3000 PD (3rd-5th)
21st: Smarty Ants PD (K-3rd)
21-23rd: NASP City Bullseye Championship TBD
28-March 1st: NMDGF Bullseye Championship TBD
24-28th: HS Basketball District Tournament TBD
1st: NMDGF State Bullseye Championship TBD
7-8th: First Round State Championship HS Basketball
11-15th: State Championship HS Basketball
11th: 3rd Nine Weeks
17-21st: TCS Spring Break
26th: Parent Teacher Conference
27th Achieve 3000 PD (3rd-5th)
28th: Smarty Ants (K-3rd)