January 13th - 17th, 2025
Principal's Post
Thank you to all our students for a wonderful first week back! A quick reminder: students will have five days to complete their E-learning assignments. Hard copies will be available upon their return to school, if needed.
Report cards will go home on Monday, January 13th.
We also encourage you to support our students at the following home events this week:
- Monday: Girls Basketball vs. STMS
- Wednesday: Academic Challenge vs. FMMS
- Thursday: Girls Basketball vs. DCMS
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Leader In Me
You are your child’s first and most influential teacher by laying the foundation for the education of their mind, heart, body, and spirit. Take the lead at home by teaching and modeling principles of effectiveness for all family members.
No matter what is going on at school you can help your child discover the leader within themselves and prepare for a future of contribution and service. Learning and using the universal principles of 7 Habits creates a common vocabulary.
Let's Go Raiders!
Raider Wrestling
From the Wrestling Tournament on 12/21 – RRMS finished with 3 Champions, Khayden Patton, Amir McGee and Nathan Moore. We had 2 second place finishers in Lyndon Boyd and Jayden Joseph. Mason Cogar finished 3rd and Demario Hemphill finished 4th. In the Team Score race we finished 3rd with 187 points, behind Dorman (189.5) and Catawba Ridge (245)
Mrs Polk, Media Specialist, had a fantastic interactive lesson to go along with the book "The Mitten". UP2 students put the animals from the book in their very own mitten.
Counselor's Corner
ATC Winterfest: 1/23/25
Rising 9th Grade Orientation Night @ all High Schools: 1/29/25
Individual Graduation Plan Meetings @ RRMS: 2/2/25-2/28/25
8th Grade Job Shadow Day: 3/18/25
Rising 9th Grade Jump Up Day @ all High Schools: 3/25/25
8th Grade Dance: 5/2/25
Info for 8th grade Parents and Caregivers from Ms. Atkinson:
Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Sign-Ups have begun! IGPs are 30-minute meetings that you will have every year from now until your student is a senior in high school. The purpose of the IGP is to select the courses your child will take in the next school year. We can meet in person or over zoom. If you choose to meet in person, please bring your ID so that you can be checked in, and report to the media center. Students and caregivers will meet with a school counselor: (Last Names A-G: Ms. Atkinson; H-O: Mrs. Cunningham; P-Z: Ms. Jenkins).
Conferences will take place between February 4th and February 25th. I will be going into your child's classes in the next week to discuss what the IGP process will look like for them. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. We are looking forward to helping your student reach the next important step on their educational journey. Please use the following links to sign up:
Last names A-G: https://calendly.com/catkinson-igp/8th-grade-igp
Last names H-O: https://calendly.com/acunningham16/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferences
Last names P-Z: https://calendly.com/kjenkins-uoa/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferences
This Week at The Road
To Purchase Event Tickets
Purchase tickets at GoFan. The cost is $6 ($5 per ticket and $1 service fee). Kids 4 years old and under are free.
No tickets will be sold at the gate. Cash tickets are available in the Front Office on game day between 12pm and 2pm for $7. Cash or check only. Exact change only.
Report Cards go Home with students
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 03:15 PM
Boys Basketball RRMS @ STMS
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 05:30 PM
Saluda Trail Middle School, Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Girls Basketball STMS @ RRMS
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 05:30 PM
Raider Gym
Wrestling Clover, Sullivan and RRMS @ SMS
Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025, 05:00 PM
Sullivan Middle School, Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Academic Challenge FMMS @ RRMS
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 04:00 PM
RRMS Media Center
Boys Basketball RRMS @ DCMS
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 05:30 PM
Dutchman Creek Middle School, Mount Gallant Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Girls Basketball DCMS @ RRMS
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 05:30 PM
Raider Gym
Beta Club Meeting
Friday, Jan 17, 2025, 07:45 AM
RRMS Media Center
Upcoming Events:
January 20th - MLK Day Holiday- District Closed
January 23rd - ATC WinterFest
January 29th - National History Day Competition
January 29th - Rising 9th Grade Orientation @ All HS's
January 31st - Early Dismissal
February 14th - No Student Attendance, Teacher Professional Development
February 17th - District Closed for Presidents Day (Potential Weather Make Up Day)
February 28th - Early Dismissal
March 14th - Student and Staff Holiday (Potential Weather Make Up Day)
March 17th - No Student Attendance - Teacher Work Day
March 18th - 8th Grade Job Shadow Day
March 25th - Rising 9th Grade Jump Up Day @ All HS's
March 28th - Early Dismissal
April 14th - 16th, 2025 8th Grade Washington DC trip
April 21st - Spring Break (Potential Weather Make Up Day)
April 22nd - 25th - Spring Break
May 2nd - 8th Grade Dance
May 22nd - Early Dismissal
May 23rd - Early Dismissal/Last Day
May 26th - District Closed for Memorial Day
About Us
Email: ncauthen@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/rrms
Location: 2631 West Main Street, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1500
Facebook: facebook.com/rawlinsonroadmiddle
Twitter: @RawlinsonRoadMS