Mustang Memo
January 3rd, 2025
Grades 2-5
Our school will be administering the mySAEBRS universal screener through FastBridge between Jan. 6th-31st. MySAEBRS is taken by students in grades 2-12 and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary. To opt-in and give permission for your child to take the survey, please login to skyward by Jan. 5th. A message to parents will appear with the option to opt- in or opt-out. Students will only participate if parent permission is given through skyward.
What is mySAEBRS?
USD 230 began using FastBridge and the SAEBRS tool during the 2021-2022 school year. Each school will offer the screener in the fall, winter, and spring. Parental consent will be requested each time. mySAEBRS provides valuable information that will help support the district’s school improvement plans and goals.
The mySAEBRS tool, produced by FastBridge for grades 2 through 12, is a quick, five-minute social, academic, and emotional behavior risk screener. It is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening students to identify those who are at risk for social-emotional behavior concerns. This is the same company that is used for the district’s math and reading assessments. Having all three assessments on the same platform allows educators to have easy access to the results while meeting state requirements for assessment and screening. All data is securely gathered and specific to each student, with results containing a scaled score. Student-specific results are available to parents.
Information gained from all FastBridge assessments directly informs the district’s Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) for reading, math, and social-emotional learning, allowing educators to proactively meet the needs of students.
What are the questions students will answer?
Students use “Never, Sometimes, Often, or Almost Always” to identify how frequently they experience described behaviors. Before parents provide consent, we request that they review the questions below:
Social Behavior
I argue with others.
I get along with my peers.
I lose my temper.
I disrupt class.
I am respectful.
Other people like me.
I have trouble waiting my turn.
Academic Behavior
I like school.
I am ready for class.
I get good grades.
I have trouble working alone.
It's hard to pay attention in class.
I participate in class.
Emotional Behavior
I feel sad.
I feel nervous.
I like to try new things.
I am happy.
I am worried.
When bad things happen.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Save the Date
This year, conferences will look a little different! We are excited to introduce Student-Led Conferences, where students (K-5) will take an active role in sharing their learning and progress.
Student-Led Conferences allow students to develop important skills such as self-reflection, accountability, and communication. By leading the conversation, they can take ownership of their achievements and growth areas, fostering a deeper connection to their learning. It’s important that students attend the conference with you so they can share their experiences firsthand.
Conference Dates & Times
Wednesday, February 12: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Thursday, February 13: 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Volunteer Opportunities
Dates to Remember
Jan. 6th - Classes Resume
Jan. 15th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Jan. 20th - No School - MLK Jr. Day
Jan. 21st-Jan. 31st - KAP Interim Grades 3-5
Jan. 29th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Jan. 30th - 5th Grade Music Recruitment Day @ SHHS
Jan. 31st - Leader in Me Assembly 8:30am
Feb. 3rd - Spring Picture Day
Feb. 3rd - Site Council Meeting in the Library @ 3:45pm
Feb. 5th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Feb. 11th - Valentines Parties 2:00pm
Feb. 12th - 2 Hour Early Dismissal (1:10pm)
Feb. 12th - Student Led Conferences 4:00-8:00pm
Feb. 13th - No School - Student Led Conferences 1:00-8:00pm
Feb. 14th - No School
Feb. 17th - No School - Presidents' Day
Feb. 26th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Feb. 28th - Leader in Me Assembly 8:30am
School Hours
7:30 AM Office opens
7:40 AM Earliest doors are open for students, breakfast begins
8:00 AM Tardy bell - school begins
3:10 PM Dismissal of students
7:40 AM - 9:00AM PLC
7:40 AM - 8:00AM YMCA drop-off (Must be signed up)
8:40 AM Breakfast
8:40 AM - 9:00AM Drop-off
9:00 AM School start
About Us
Location: 17077 West 165th Street, Olathe, Kansas, United States
Phone: (913) 592-7255
Twitter: @PCESMustangs