Wayland All Schools News
September 18, 2024
Beginning the week of October 1, the All Schools News will appear as a link at the top of your child's school newsletter. Information included in the ASN will be updated biweekly. This change is being made in an effort to reduce the number of emails filling your inbox.
This E-Blast is full of school news and school-related community announcements that are not building specific. All announcements that interest families of multiple schools are published here, allowing each individual school to focus their e-blasts on announcements that are specific to their families only.
Please email any submissions to All_SchoolsNews@WaylandPS.Org no later than end of day on Friday for distribution on the following Wednesday. All Schools News is published every other week during the summer.
Dates To Remember
10/3 Rosh Hashana - No School
10/9 Super Early Release
10/14 Indigenous People's Day - No School
11/11 Veterans' Day - No School
11/13 Super Early Release
11/27 Super Early Release (no lunch)
11/28-29 Thanksgiving Recess - No School
12/4 Super Early Release
School Committee Meetings
September 18
October 9, 23
November 6, 20,
Public welcome! The agendas will be posted here. (Please note this information may change. Please check the website before attending)
MLK Luncheon
Please save the date for the Boston Parent Council's MLK celebration luncheon. This event is open to our Wayland Public School community and is a fundraiser for the Wayland METCO program. All proceeds and donations benefit the Wayland METCO Scholarship Fund.
WSCP - After School Programs
WSCP Enrichment
New WSCP Enrichment classes are available for 60-90 minutes at each elementary school daily starting at school dismissal, 5 days/week. Each class can accommodate at least 12 registrations per day/school. Families will register for classes directly through each vendor and pay the per-semester fee to attend.
CODE NINJAS - sign up deadline 9/22/24
With Code Ninjas now offered as an after-school program inside Wayland Schools, parents have a new opportunity to provide their kids with engaging, educational activities right after school. This program brings convenience and quality to after-school care, offering a fresh option for parents looking to enrich their children's afternoons with coding and STEM.
Semester 1 : Sep 9 - Jan 16
Semester 2 : Jan 20 - May 30
Time: 2:30-4pm
Cost: $675 per semester
Available at:
Claypit: Every Monday
Happy Hollow: Every Tuesday
Loker: Every Thursday
K-2: Coding with Scratch
3rd to 5th: Coding with Roblox (Semester 1), Modding with Minecraft (Semester 2). Register Here
Beginner classes in Spanish, French, Chinese, and Italian
Kidstock (Drama Club):
Drama Club for Grades K-2 explores all the foundational elements of theater with creativity and imagination. Students will have the opportunity to become the center of their own story while also fostering teamwork, expression, interpersonal skills and much more.
Hover mouse over "SCHOOL 2024/25" -- "SCHOOL DRAMA CLUBS" -- "WAYLAND"
The registration button at the bottom of the page leads to an emailmeform. Click through each button for a confirmation page upon completing the form.
Wayland Youth Soccer
WYS is now accepting K-2 soccer players in Wayland Youth Soccer's Monday Clinics!
Register here
WYS is partnering with the Boston Dream on Saturday, September 21st. Boston's semi-pro soccer players will lead a clinic for female players 5th-8th grades 5:00-6:30 followed by a scrimmage between Boston Dream players and Garden City FC. Sign Up Link https://forms.gle/WCDcziMqPKBErowc8
Eliza J. Norton Foundation
Eliza's Celebrate with Heart Community Festival
Gather at the Cochituate Ball Fields on Sunday, October 6 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (rain date October 20). The festival includes many activities including, games, food, a D.J. and lots of special surprises.
Books will be available on site to purchase and donate to underserved communities through the Read With A Heart initiative
Please register here! Contact ejnfevents@gmail.com with questions!
Wayland Dads' Golf
Join 'Waylnd Dads' for their annual golf tournament 12:45 pm on Friday, October 4th at the Sandy Burr Country Club. Enjoy music and food
For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Human Rights, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Please join the HRDEIC to recognize World Peace day, Sept 21 at 4pm on the town center green space. The goal is to promote unity, understanding, and peace within our community.
Arts Wayland
Check out the art exhibits, music, classes, performances and Community events currently being offered by ArtsWayland!!!
Wayland Public Library
Happenings At The Library
Check out the classes, events and enrichment opportunities at the Wayland Public Library this week
Parent Teacher Organization
Discover all the ways Wayland PTO supports our students, staff and community. From playground balls, to movie nights, to robotics equipment to cultural enrichment programming and more!
Your child is sure to have benefited from PTO funding. We can’t do this without your financial support. Our goal is 100% family participation in our Gift Your Child fundraiser.
Whether you have children in elementary, middle or high school, you can donate with this link TODAY!
WHS Class of 2026
Mattress Fundraiser
October 5, 2024 at Wayland High School Field House from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Save up to 50% on name brand twin, queen, and king mattresses (other sizes available), pillows and beanbag chairs all while supporting the Class of 2026
WHS Interact Club
Diaper Drive
The Wayland High School Interact Club is having a donation drive to collect diapers, wipes, clothes, and toys for BWH's Bridges to Moms program until October 1. There are different donation areas at each Wayland School.
For information on BTM click here
Wayland Hockey Association
Golf Fundraiser
Wayland Youth Basketball SIgn Ups
Hoop season comes fast with evaluations done in late September and all teams formed by mid October. https://wyba.teamsnapsites.com.
Please note, not all announcements included in the Wayland All Schools News are school sponsored, but are community based, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political, and are included here as a service to the Wayland school community.