News from THE ROCK!
October 11, 2024
Daily Routines
Children can be dropped off beginning at 7:15 each morning and our building opens to welcome students at 7:30. Our school day begins together at 7:55 each day. If you arrive after 7:55, you will need to park in the front parking lot and escort your child to the main office to sign them in for the day. Leaving home a little early each day surely helps with the heavy traffic!
Just a reminder to our Pre K families that you will need to park in the front parking lot and use the crosswalk area to escort your child to the Pre K entrance each day.
Dismissal begins at 2:40 and ends at 3:00. All students who are car riders should be picked up by 3:00 PM each day.
Many thanks with your assistance!
Turkey Bowl T-Shirts
Orders are due by October 25th for Turkey Bowl T-Shirts
Profits from sales will benefit our ROBOTICS Club.
Please see the attached link to order!
Yearbook Shop is Open!
Direct link to the store:
- "Early Bird Special" Ends (Price increases by $5) on 12/15/24
- Final deadline to order 1/31/25
- Ad deadline 1/31/25 (BEST to order with your yearbook)
Contact: with questions!
TCS Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct will not be provided in the traditional format this year. The Code of Conduct is in digital form for your review. Forms were sent home to verify that parents and students have reviewed the code. If you have not returned signed forms for your child, please make this a priority.
The Code of Conduct is provided in the link below and will also be available on the TCS website, RQE website and on Schoology.
Code of Conduct - Tuscaloosa City School District
Code of Conduct - Tuscaloosa City School District
Outdoor Classroom Learning
Mr. Krout's class enjoyed learning outside in our new outdoor classroom setting.
Please be aware that check outs are now considered as a tardy. Please provide a doctor/dentist excuse to your teacher or to the front office.
PTA News
We are so very fortunate at RQE to have the support of an incredible PTA! You all are simply the best in supporting our teachers/staff/students, and our school.
PTA allows us to work together to share ideas about programs and activities that benefit our students and provides resources that strengthen the connections between children, parents, schools, and the community. We strive for 100% participation. The annual enrollment fee for PTA is $10 per family. Thank you in advance for your support!
To VOLUNTEER, please complete the following interest form:
Please consider "INVESTING" in our school through a contribution to INVEST. This is the only fundraiser that we promote and funds raised are used throughout the year to support our students. Special events like ROCKFEST, International Day and Spring Fling are supported using INVEST FUNDING. In addition, materials for instruction, technology and teacher appreciation are all sponsored for our school through INVEST funds.
We have only reached 2/3 of this year's goal! Please consider joining PTA and donating now and to help us prepare for the year.
Safety Drills
We have been practicing safety drills at RQE. Please discuss with your child the importance of practicing drills to ensure safety at all times.
Mark Your Calendars
Please note the following upcoming dates:
Monday, Oct. 14th- No School for Students (Teacher Professional Development Day)
Oct. 21-25 Book Fair - Children will have time assigned to visit the bookfair during the school day.
Oct. 22 Book Fair Open for Parents to Shop with Children (3:00-6:00 PM)
Oct. 28- Nov. 1 - Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 29th- Class Pictures and Fall Picture ReMakes
Save the Date for Rockfest! Rockfest will be held October 30th. More information to come soon regarding how you can volunteer to make this BIG day extra special for our students.
Let's Take Learning Outside
Take a look at Mr. Krout's fourth grade students enjoying the beautiful fall weather in one of our three outdoor classrooms!
Apple Awards
Congratulations to Meredith Evans! Mrs. Evans was selected by her colleagues to represent RQE as our Apple Award Winner "Teacher of the Year" at THE ROCK!
Apple Award Support Staff
Suress Noland was selected by a committee to represent RQE as our Apple Award Support Staff Winner. Congrats!