September 2nd, 2024
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SFJHS Quote of the Week
At SFJHS, we believe that every individual is important, and we are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We strive to treat all students, staff, and community members with kindness and understanding, recognizing that each person contributes uniquely to our school community. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and compassion, we ensure that SFJHS is a place where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging.
This Week
Upcoming Events
Cross Country
PTA Announcements
Greetings from SFJHS PTA,
- Mr. Rawlin's 8th grade Exploring Technology Class will be going on a walking field trip Sept 4 from 9:30-10:15am. He is looking for 8 parents that can accompany his classes to Adventure Heights Park! (WE DO NOT HAVE ANYONE SIGNED UP!)
Sept 17-20: BOOK FAIR
Sept 19: Teacher SEP Dinner
Sept 27 from 8:30am-12pm (possible this will be shorter)
This month's meeting is on September 19th at 9:30am. We will be setting up decorations and food for the SEP Dinner as well as getting Book Fair items ready during this meeting.
We are also still looking for a Parent Leader over Birthdays/Christmas presents, Vice President and a Secretary. :) We have an awesome team come join us!
Amy Rosenvall
PTA President SFJHS
In case the links above don't work here they are again:
- Rawlin's Volunteers/Vision Screening/Vice President and Secretary: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DABAE2DABFECE9-50634323-volunteers#/
- SEP Dinners: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4DADA62CA6F85-51109444-sfjh
- Book Fair: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C084EAEAB28A2FF2-51088399-sfjh
Drama Competition Team
Have you ever wanted to be a part of something great? Do you love to sing, dance or act? Do you enjoy being the center of attention? Do you want to make friends and have something to do after school? Well, here’s your chance to do it all: On the 29th and 30th of this month, we’ll be having auditions for the Spanish Fork Jr. Competition Team.
Every student in this school has the opportunity to audition for this team. We need actors, singers and dancers. You don’t need to be a pro in any area to be cast.
Auditions will be in the little theatre for the musical and dance ensemble. The auditions will be on Thursday, August 29 after school. Come pick up the paperwork in Miss Holley’s room, #37. You also need to sign up. If you’re not much of a performer, we have openings on our tech team. Pick up an information page and permission form in Miss Holley’s room.
Come join the fun at auditions for our competition team. If you have any questions, check out the flyers on the bulletin boards or ask Miss Holley.
Intramurals Information
Our first INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENT begins on Thursday!
FUTSAL! This 5 v 5 indoor soccer tournament will be played during lunches. Get your teams of 6 together (that way you have a sub), and sign up using this link: Futsal Intramural Sign-up Form
If you have questions, ask Mrs. Anderson in room 10.
Attendance Office Announcement
Just a few attendance reminders:
If you’re leaving school, your parent or guardian will need to check you out at the front office.
If your smiling face never makes it school, please remember to have a parent or guardian call and excuse your absence within two days.
Missing or being tardy to class can prevent you from participating in school activities like school dances, end of term rewards, and Lagoon at the end of the school year.
One Tardy = 15 Minutes of Detention
One Sluff (skipping class) = 45 Minutes of Detention
3 Hours of Detention = No School Activities
Finance Office Announcement
School Fees School fees may be paid online at My School Fees. Other items, such as the Chromebook Protection Plan and yearbooks, can also be paid through My School Fees under “optional fees.” All credit card transactions, whether in person or online, will incur a $2 fee as directed by district finance policy.
Chromebook Protection Plan
Just a reminder now that Chromebooks have been passed out an optional Chromebook Protection Plan is available for $30. This will cover the initial cost of a lost or damaged chromebook. We encourage parents to purchase the Chromebook Protection Plan in case of loss or damage. The cost to replace a chromebook is $300. This fee will be assessed to the student in the event of a lost, stolen or damaged chromebook. The Chromebook Protection Plan can be paid for online through myschoolfees.com long with all other fees listed under “optional fees.” Additional information regarding the Chromebook Protection Plan coverage is located on our website at https://sfjhs.nebo.edu/content/parent-and-student-information. We encourage purchasing the protection plan.
Lunch Room Announcement
Students: Do you have second lunch and do you enjoy helping and serving others? Then come be a Student Lunch worker!! You’ll get a FREE LUNCH on the same day you work. Just come to the kitchen door in the cafeteria at the start of your lunch and we'll happily put you to work. We have plenty of help for first lunch, but could really use more help for second lunch. Thanks!
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Counseling Center
We are here to listen, help, and cheer you on! We can help you with coping strategies, career exploration, high school and college planning, changing classes, problem solving and stress management, anxiety, anger, and much more!
Your assigned counselor is based on the first letter of your last name:
Mrs. Brown A-D
Mrs. Lewis E-K
Mrs. Bennett L-R
Mrs. Lott S-Z (Spanish speaker)
Mrs. Palmer- Social Worker
We have a website with a lot of helpful resources: sfjhscounseling.weebly.com
SafeUT is a great resource and students can download the app. Their tip line is always available to call, chat, or submit a tip.
My529 Bookmark Scholarship Contest
Official entry forms can be picked up in the counseling office. Entries are due to my529 by September 30, 2024. More information can also be found on their website: https://my529.org/my529-make-your-mark-scholarship-contest/
Student Newsletter
Student Clubs
Parent Resources
SFJHS Social Media
Follow us on Instagram at sfjh_lobos and Facebook at Spanish Fork Junior High!
Website: https://sfjhs.nebo.edu/
Location: 600 South 820 East, Spanish Fork, UT, USA
Phone: (801) 798-4075
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sfjhs
Twitter: @sfjrhigh