Ernest W. Seaholm Weekly e-News
January 9, 2025 Volume 11, Issue 19
Seaholm High School - National School of Character and Evergreen Green School
Location: 2436 West Lincoln Street, Birmingham, MI, USA
Phone: 248-203-3700
Instagram: @seaholmhs_maples
BPS District Homepage:
Important Upcoming Dates
Jan 13: FAFSA/Financial Aid Night
Jan 14: Seaholm PTSA Meeting, 7:00pm in Media Center or on Teams (Teams link)
Jan 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly
Jan 17: Half Day, 10:50a Dismissal (All Schools 1/2 Day)
Jan 20: NO SCHOOL, MLK Day Observance
Jan 21: Freshmen Cocoa & Cram, 3-5pm
Jan 22: Semester Final Exams, Hours 1 & 2
Jan 23: Semester Final Exams, Hours 3 & 4
Jan 24: Semester Final Exams, Hours 5 & 6
Jan 24: Elementary & Middle School Night, Boys Basketball Event (see Athletics section below)
Jan 27: First day of 2nd Semester
Jan 29: Chinese New Year
Feb: 5: Half-Day, 10:50a Dismissal
Feb 6: Junior Student & Parent Night
Feb 12: Count Day
Feb 13: Mid-Winter Choir Concert
Feb 14: Valentine's Day
Feb 17-21: Mid-Winer Break, NO SCHOOL
Full Approved 2024-25 BPS Calendar:
Semester Bell Schedule:
Cocoa & Cram
Join the Make Me a Maple mentors for Cocoa & Cram on Tuesday, Jan 21 from 3-5pm in the cafeteria to study for 1st Semester Final Exams. See you there!
BPS Parent Pride Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 7-9PM
1525 Covington Road, Bloomfield Hills
A support group for parents and allies of LGBTQ+ students. This meeting is confidential and for adults only. For additional details, please contact the organizers at
Katie Kezelian, Group Moderator
Seaholm Library’s Tea Station Donations
The Seaholm Library’s Tea Station has been a hit with students! We love seeing the excitement on students’ faces when they discover that they can help themselves to a warm drink in this cozy corner of the library.
But due to the overwhelming success, we are now running low on disposable cups, tea, and hot cocoa mix. Students are encouraged to bring reusable mugs, but having disposable cups for those who forget would be much appreciated, as would any donations of teas or cocoa to keep us stocked up for winter. We are also continually accepting donations for other tea-related supplies as well. Thank you from the Seaholm Library and our student patrons for any and all donations!
NHS Tutoring
Seaholm NHS is offering tutoring after school every Tuesday and Thursday in the media center from 3-4pm. Just stop by.
Birmingham Youth Assistance
BYA Dog Show
February 2nd, Berkshire Middle School
BYA Presents "The Magic of Hope!"
Don’t miss the opportunity to experience an inspiring evening with Anthony Grupido, “The Mind Magician,” as he presents The Magic of Hope!
Thursday, January 23, 2025
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Groves Auditorium
Here is the link for the registration
BEF Unabashed Bash 2025
Time is running out to get your Bash tickets! This year's Unabashed Bash will take place on Saturday, February 1 @ Daxton Hotel in downtown Birmingham. You won't want to miss this amazing night of dinner, dancing, Live & Silent Auctions, student performances, and more!
Tickets: $250 Individual | $500 Couples
Purchase your tickets today:
For questions or if you need assistance, please contact:
Kathy Zanolli, Executive Director | (248)203-30303
Academic Departments News
No updates at this time.
College & Career Department News
College and Career Center Events are listed on the CCC Calendar
Please note college visits and events are being added rapidly, please check the CCC Calendar for updates.
College & Career Center - Seaholm High School (
Jan. 13 - Financial Aid Night/FAFSA Workshop - Virtual Presentation Hosted and Presented by Oakland University - 6:00 p.m.
Registration link: Sign-up must be completed before start of workshop (at least 24 hours in advance).
Please note - This virtual event is hosted and presented by Oakland University - and is open to the public for sign up/registration. Suggestion - sign up early!
Click on link to register for event -
Michigan Assured Admissions Pact (MAAP) Info - "The Michigan Assured Admissions Pact participating universities are committed to admitting all Michigan high school graduates who earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above."
For MAAP info: Home | Michigan Assured Admission Pact (
Joyce Ivy Summer Scholars Program - "Provides scholarships for talented female high school students to participate in a summer academic program at one of our partner programs – some of the most rigorous and selective colleges and universities in the country. For info and application: Summer Scholars - The Joyce Ivy Foundation
Pre-College & Summer Programs Info
Summer Programs and Pre-College Programs are listed on the College & Career Center website under
Pre-College & Summer Programs - Seaholm High School ( Various programs are listed – topics, requirements, and deadline dates vary. More programs will be added as they are announced, and some programs have application or registration deadline dates.
Upcoming events (outside of Seaholm) -
Saturday Academy - "Diversity & Inclusion at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine presents Saturday Academy – a pathway
program into medicine for 9th–12th grade high school students interested in medicine. Students spend a half day on Oakland University’s campus..."
For info and registration: See flyer in CCC or Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
Financial Aid Info:
The 2025-26 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is now open.
FAFSA Resources - MI Student Aid - FAFSA Resources
Virtual Financial Aid Presentations - MI Student Aid
Financial Services offers a variety of financial aid events available to students and their families who wish to learn more about the financial aid process, completing the FAFSA, or evaluating financial aid awards. For registration: Virtual Financial Aid Presentations ( - Various dates listed.
Jan. 13 - Financial Aid Night/FAFSA Workshop - Virtual Presentation Hosted and Presented by Oakland University - 6:00 p.m.
Registration link: Sign-up must be completed before start of workshop (at least 24 hours in advance).
Click on link to register for event -
Oakland University - Financial Aid Events
"The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships offers a variety of financial aid events available to students and their families who wish to learn more about paying for college, get help completing the FAFSA, or better understand financial aid offers."
Financial Aid Events - Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships - Oakland University
Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Informational Sessions (Webinars) "Informational webinar provided by Michigan Department of Treasury’s MI Student Aid team.” For registration: - Michigan Achievement Scholarship Informational Sessions Various dates listed.
"High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid." Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Scholarship Information – For a list of scholarship information and to see past listed opportunities, visit the College & Career Center website – Scholarship link
Scholarships - Seaholm High School ( . Check individual scholarships for student eligibility and grade level requirements.
**Please check this information periodically, as scholarships and deadline dates for the 2024/2025 school year continue to be updated.**
Lawrence Technological University - FIVE IMAGES Scholarship Award Program - College of Architecture & Design - For info and eligibility: LTU_CoAD_five images scholarship 2025 Deadline date: February 1, 2025.
National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan - Jewish Youth Awards 2024 - For information and application visit: Home - NCJW Michigan - National Council of Jewish Women | NCJW Michigan – National Council of Jewish Women. Application deadline: February 7, 2025.
Southfield Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Scholarship information, requirements, and application are available at Application deadline: February 7, 2025.
University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit - “Offer 18 outstanding scholarships to incoming freshman at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.” Visit website for information about the scholarships, eligibility criteria, and application: U-M Club of Greater Detroit: Scholarship Application - Alumni Association of the University of Michigan ( Application deadline: no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, February 7, 2025.
Community & Service
City of Birmingham Student Rep Applications
The City of Birmingham is looking for current Juniors to apply to be a City of Birmingham Student Board Rep. Student must be a resident in the city of Birmingham to apply.
Application deadline: Friday, January 31
Appointments are placed on Monday, February 10 at 7:30 p.m. city council meeting
Design Review Board/Historic District Commission
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month; 7 p.m.
Environmental Sustainability Committee
1 Monday of the month TBD, 6 p.m.
Multi-Modal Transportation Board
1st Thursday of the month; 6 p.m.
Museum Board
1st Thursday of the month; 5 p.m.
Parks & Recreation Board
1st Tuesday of the month; 6:30 p.m.
Planning Board
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month; 7 p.m.
Sports Cycle will be open every Friday for both A and B lunch through the end of the school year in the cafeteria at their store. Shop upcycled sports clothing and equipment free of charge! Sports Cycle is a non-profit student organization that redistributes and repurposes gently used sports gear of all ages, sizes, and sports back to the community. If you have any questions, contact by DM on Instagram or X at sportscycle_shs or email at
Cleaning out your closets? Donate to Bloom!
Our inventory is getting LOW and we are asking our Seaholm AND all BPS families to bring your gently used clothing items to donate and help stock our store! There is a Bloom collection box at the Pool Door entrance and in the Main Entrance Security Office for easy, convenient drop off.
Bloom is a second hand store that promotes students to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Instead of paying for store items, students share a positive note with a special faculty/staff member or friend, creating a caring and positive community! Bloom is open for students to shop on Tuesdays during A/B lunches or by appointment.
This is a valuable resource for families in the district, not just at Seaholm! Please keep Bloom in mind when you are cleaning out closets at home!
NEED: All sizes, men's/women's: clothing, outerwear, shoes, accessories, MAPLE gear!
- Seaholm High School offers many community service opportunities that are continuously updated at Community Service Opportunities.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Parker, Community School Organizer,
**New Community Service Opportunities**
Get a jump start on Service Hours for next school year! Hours earned from May 1 through summer count toward next school year's service logs for White Cords and Presidential Volunteer Service Awards!
**To log and submit community service hours for service awards and Senior's white cord, join the Community Service Google Classroom:
Seaholm Maple Athletics
Seaholm has a proud tradition of athletic excellence. Nearly 1,000 students participate in 35 varsity programs on 64 teams. For information on tickets to games, registration for sports, team schedules and for a list of sports offered at Seaholm with coach contact information, click Athletics.
- Fall Athletics Team Schedules
Athletic team schedules are posted at You can also use the schedule page to find direct links for each team this season. Hint: Visit the schedule site and sign up for email updates.
Clubs & Extra Curriculars
PTSA News & Updates
Thank you, Seaholm PTSA
Thank you, Seaholm PTSA for supporting our students and teachers with your generous grant program!
UPDATES from your 2024/2025 Seaholm PTSA
UPDATES from your 2024/2025 Seaholm PTSA
Your PTSA is a great resource helping to bridge the gap between Parents & Teachers on behalf of our
Learn more:
PTSA MEETING January 14, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
The next PTSA meeting is January 14, 2025 at 7:00pm in the media center or via Teams
Meeting ID: 283 753 581 897
Passcode: Ekcq3b
Join the PTSA!
$25 a year includes a printed Student directory, voting rights, and more.
Payment Options:
Learn more:
Direct Donations
Improve Students' learning experience with a Direct Donation to the PTSA.
Venmo: @seaholmPTA
eFunds - Optional Funds:
First Fridays
The Seaholm parent community recognizes the staff throughout the year on the First Friday ( or second if there is a vacation or half day) of each month. All Seaholm staff member's names are placed in a drawing at the beginning of the year ,and each month names are selected at random for a chance to win one of the many gifts provided by the wonderful community of Seaholm families. The goal is that by the end of the year, every Seaholm staff member has received a gift. Therefore, we need many donations to make this happen! The gift is usually in the $20 and up range and has been anything from gift cards, household items, event tickets, or anything you feel is appropriate. Please consider donating by signing up below. If you are able, please sign up to recognize and thank our teachers for all they do.
Send Venmo Donations to : @SeaholmPTA
Seaholm Monthly Staff Treats
Each month the Seaholm parent community and PTA provide a fun treat for the Seaholm staff. The treats are set up in the staff lounge with a note of gratitude for all they do. The note also includes the name of the Seaholm family who sponsored the treats. This is a simple way to help add some fun to the day of our Seaholm staff!
If your family would like to help sponsor one of the monthly treat days, you can Venmo $150 to @SeaholmHS-PTA. Please include the family name you would like included on the sign placed with the treats.
To sign up:
Send Venmo Donations to : @SeaholmPTA
Seaholm E-news, Facebook, Instagram are your best sources of communication so sign up for them now.
Be sure to sign up for both your specific class (i.e.: class of 2024, etc) and PTSA Facebook pages to be in the know.
Pay and signup for everything you can before school starts to ensure a smooth transition to the new year
Jan 13: FAFSA/Financial Aid Night (Seniors and Parents)
Jan 14: Seaholm PTSA Meeting
Jan 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly
Jan 17: Half Day, 10:50am dismissal
Efunds- Pay for all extra school funds (yearbook, athletic pass,etc)
Final Forms -pay to participate in sports
Meal magic- pay for lunch
Get Connected - PTA Facebook Groups
If you have a freshman starting at Seaholm this fall, please join the Seaholm Class of 2028 Families Facebook group. We also invite everyone to join the main Seaholm PTA Facebook group too!
Be sure to join the PTA and "Class of" Facebook Groups:
Seaholm Class of 2025 Families
Seaholm Class of 2026 Families
The Seaholm PTA main Facebook group has over 700 members and is a great place where families can ask any questions about Seaholm and get a quick answer from other parents. There is also a group for each grade that can be used for grade specific questions. We encourage all families to join the main page and their grade level group as well! Link to all grade groups:
And on Instagram, too:
Covid Guidance Update
Recently, the Oakland County Health Division updated its’ Covid guidance. A 5 day isolation is no longer required. Students and staff may return to school when their symptoms overall have improved, they do not have fever and they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) Motrin or Advil (ibuprofen). Masking is not mandated, but strongly recommended by the county for 5 days when returning to normal activities to prevent the spread of illness to others. Proper hygiene (cough & sneeze etiquette) and handwashing (20 seconds, all hand surfaces) preventive strategies to prevent the spread of illness to others. Link to Oakland County Health Division guidance (below)
Attendance Reminder
To report absences, pre-planned absences or for other questions, email
Birmingham Education Foundation
Each year the BEF grants $100,000+ to support exceptional education programs both in and out of the classroom by connecting innovative teachers with community support. Please consider donating to the Annual Fund today!
To find out more about other ways to support the BEF, such as sponsoring the Bash or donating to the Bash Auction, contact: Kathy Zanolli, Executive Director @
Bloom Upcycle Boutique
Food Deliveries Prohibited - REMINDER
To stay aligned with BPS policy, Seaholm students are prohibited from ordering delivery food during the school day. Breakfast and lunch will be provided free of charge for all students this year in the Seaholm cafeteria.
Please be aware of this policy and talk to your student about the policy. It is strictly enforced.
"Students are prohibited from ordering delivery food during the school day, either directly from a restaurant or through smart phone applications and websites. Any food deliveries will be confiscated by the front office and, at the discretion of the front office, may either be retrieved at the end of the school day or discarded. Violation of this policy may result in student discipline."
Need Another Laptop Charger?
If you need to replace your laptop charger or would like to order a charger to have at home, CLICK HERE FOR AMAZON LINK to a Dell genuine part on Amazon.
You may find one less expensive. Just please make sure it matches the specs of the original charger to avoid damage to the laptop. Specs can be found HERE.
BPS Saturday School
BPS Saturday School Coordinators work together with NHS students from Groves and Seaholm and student teachers from Oakland University, to tutor to any K-12 BPS students in any academic area. WHEN: Every Saturday (excluding holidays, breaks, summer), 9:00am
No need to register, but they ask for a $3 donation to help us provide snacks
For more details: Saturday School website.