WBHS Student Newsletter
September 2024
Message from Administration
Dear WBHS Students,
I’m thrilled to welcome each and every one of you to a new school year! Whether you’re returning or joining us for the first time, I’m looking forward to the journey we’re about to take together.
This year, our theme is Better Together. What does that mean? It means that when we work together, support each other, and embrace our differences, we create a school environment where everyone can feel safe and successful. Each of you brings something unique to our school community, and together, we’re stronger, smarter, and better!
I’m also excited to announce that we are introducing new grade level assemblies! These assemblies are designed just for you. They’re a chance for you to connect with your classmates, learn about what’s happening throughout the school year, and get involved in activities that will make your time at West Bend High Schools even more memorable. These gatherings will help give us all a chance to discuss important topics that matter to you at your grade level.
There are so many opportunities waiting for you this year—whether it’s in academics, sports, the arts, or student clubs. I encourage you to take advantage of them and to remember that we are truly better together. Your contributions, ideas, and energy are what make our school a special place.
Let’s make this year our best yet! I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing things you’ll accomplish.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Jennifer Potter
WBHS Executive Principal
Important Dates
September 3: First Day of School
September 4 & 5: Picture Days
September 6: 9th & 10th Grade Assemblies (during the school day)
September 13:
- PreACT Testing (Grades 9-10) (during the school day)
- Grade Level Assemblies (Grades 11-12) (during the school day)
- Frosh Fest (4:30-6:30 p.m. - see flyer for details)
Important Reminders & Updates
Traffic Patterns
As you may know, there is currently construction that is causing back-ups at the intersection of Main Street and Decorah Road. If you or your child is driving to or from school using that intersection, please consider getting to the school another way. If that is not possible, please allow for some extra time due to the lane closures and traffic. We have been told that the construction should last about one more month.
If your child walks to school or home through that intersection, please advise them of this information from the City of West Bend engineer:
The West Bend Police Department will have a crossing guard at this corner as they have in past years along with extra staffing on site to help.
The south crosswalk (corner where Kwik Trip is located) will be closed for several weeks. Pedestrians can reach and go through all sides of the streets by using the north, east, and west crosswalks.
WBSD Way Expanded Release Pass
We are excited to continue our Junior and Senior Expanded Release Plan available for students with parent/guardian permission. Participation in this program is optional, allowing our Juniors and Seniors in good standing the flexibility to manage their free periods effectively. Below are the key details and requirements for students who choose to take part:
Participation Details:
On-Campus Option: Students who opt to remain at school during their off periods will be assigned to the cafeteria and sign in with the staff member on duty.
Eligibility Criteria:
Scheduling Requirements:
Students must have 1st period, 7th period, or consecutive study halls and lunch periods off prior to the start of the school year.
Students may also request Period 0 off from Tuesday through Friday if they meet all the requirements below.
Academic Requirements:
Juniors must be on track to have 18 credits by the end of their junior year.
Seniors must be on track to graduate.
Students must maintain a B- (79.5%) or higher in all classes at all reporting times (mid-quarter and report card).
Behavior and Attendance Requirements:
Students must carry their student ID and pass at all times and present them to any staff member upon request.
Entry and exit must be in and out of the main West doors only. Any student who violates this is subject to have their pass removed for the remainder of the year.
Attendance in scheduled classes, homeroom classes, and assemblies is mandatory unless excused by a parent/guardian.
Requests for teacher or class changes to obtain a release pass are not permitted.
Students must not engage in any behavior that results in any major behavior referral including personal technology violations.
Students must acknowledge that they have no outstanding fees or are on a payment plan for any fees owed.
Please review these requirements to ensure you understand your responsibilities as a student if you choose to participate in the WBSD Way Expanded Release Plan. We believe this opportunity can help students develop independence and time management skills, contributing to their overall success. We will issue passes beginning the week of September 16th. Students may submit a request for a pass to the attendance office beginning the week of September 9th. Printed applications will be available in the Attendance Office (Room 1415), or you may download and print your own here: WBHS Expanded Release Form 2024-25.
Exam Exemptions
Last year, we piloted semester exam exemptions for the second semester. We are happy to be able to continue to offer this reward for excellent academic, attendance, & behavior performance, students who meet eligibility requirements will be able to exempt up to 2 exams. In order to qualify, students must meet the following parameters:
The student has no more than 1 unexcused absences from the exempted course for the semester.
The student has no more than 2 unexcused tardies to the class for the semester.
The student has earned an 89.5% or higher in the class at the time of exemption request.
The student has zero major behavior referrals for the semester.
The student may exempt up to two exams for the semester.
*Technical Credit and Advanced Placement courses are subject to different requirements. Please work directly with the classroom teacher for more information in these courses if exemptions are allowed.
Forms will be made available to students further into the first semester.
Grade Level Assemblies
New this year, we will be hosting monthly grade level assemblies led by your student’s administrative, counseling and WBSD Way teams. These will traditionally take place once a month per grade level during the last week of each month. To start the year strong, we will have an additional assembly for each grade level as well. The dates for September are as follows:
September 6: 9th & 10th Grade
September 13: 11th & 12th Grade
September 24: 12th Grade
September 25: 11th Grade
September 26: 10th Grade
September 27: 9th Grade
Personal Technology Expectations
To maintain an effective and distraction-free learning environment, the use of personal technology devices by students is prohibited (not visible) from 7:15 a.m. to 2:25 p.m in all learning environments. Students are only permitted to use their personal technology during their lunch or passing periods in the hallway.
Additionally, we are committed to ensuring the safety and privacy of all individuals in our school. Therefore, the use of audio/visual recording devices, including cell phones, is strictly prohibited in bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing areas. Everyone has the right to a safe and secure environment, and we will not tolerate any violations of this expectation.
For more information on personal technology please see board policy 443.5.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to create a positive and respectful atmosphere for all.
Attendance Process
We are committed to ensuring that every student attends school regularly and on time, as consistent attendance is key to academic success. To support this goal, we are focusing this year on early intervention and enhanced communication with students.
Similar to previous years, if you have any unexcused learning time throughout the day, your families will be contacted at the end of the day. New to this year, if you miss multiple days of learning within a week, our student support teams will work with you to begin providing support and resources to help overcome possible attendance barriers and to help you stay current on your learning.
Our goal is to work together to create a supportive environment where you are safe, happy, and learning! If you have any questions or need assistance with attendance matters, please do not hesitate to contact our attendance office, your counselor, or your administrator.
Picture Day
WBHS Picture Days are September 4 or 5. You may have your picture taken on either day in the auditorium. Photographers are available from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students should plan to go before school, during a free period or lunch, or after school. Click here for picture ordering information.
Picture retakes will be taken on October 25 from 7:00-3:00 in the auditorium. Network photography requires that all online photo orders be placed no later than September 10 regardless of if you will be having pictures taken in September or on the retake day. Pre-paid orders are guaranteed to be sent to the school without a shipping charge. Any orders mailed, called in, or turned in to their office after the initial photo shoot date are subject to a shipping/handling charge and will be mailed directly to the home.
Network Photography Contact Information:
Website: https://networkphoto.net/
Phone: 262-677-8662
Email: info@networkphoto.net
Senior Photos
Senior Photos are due in mid January. Please watch for information and a link to upload your senior’s photo from the yearbook advisor later in Fall.
Counseling Office Updates
We are looking forward to a New School Year! WIth that comes changes in our Department. We want to welcome to New faces to the counseling office!
Mrs. Jamie Thomas–She has been working at West Bend High Schools as a Student/Family Liaison for 8 years and we are excited about her joining our team as a school counselor!
Mrs. Anna Timmers–We are excited for her to be one of the first to greet you, whether at the front desk in the counseling office or when answering the phone!
Additionally, as administration has shared in previous communications, we have shifted our caseloads to partner up with the Assistant Principals in creating teams to support each grade Level. Counselor Caseloads are as follows and are sorted by Student’s Last Name:
9th Grade
A-Ha Mrs. Kara Phillips
He-Z Mrs. Jenni Hanni-Schmitz
10th Grade
A-Ha Mrs. Kara Phillips
He-Z Mrs. Kris Kemp
11th Grade
A-P Mrs. Jamie Thomas
Q-Z Mrs. Nicole Miller
12th Grade
A-P Mr. Matt Coyle
Q-Z Mrs. Nicole Miller
All Students Grades 9-12 with a 504 Plan or who have any WVS virtual Courses
Ms. Juliana Delgado
**Ms. Delgado is currently on family leave until Mid-November. To find out which counselor is supporting your student in her absence please reach out to our counseling office at 262-335-5580.
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes can be made up through 7:00 pm on Thursday, September 5 as long as the request fits within the WBSD course change policy which can be found on page 21 of the Course Planning Guide.
Schedule Requests can be made/accommodated in the following ways:
Complete the Schedule Change Request Form
Email your Counselor
Schedule an Appointment or Stop into the Counseling office during a free period (Study Hall, Lunch, Before/After School)
Counselors will be available after school until 7:00 p.m. on September 4 & 5
Seniors Applying to College
Most College Applications have opened. We encourage you to begin the application process if you haven’t already.
If you are utilizing CommonApp or any other platform that requires your counselor’s information, please ensure you provide the accurate Name/Email based on the new caseloads shared above.
If you need a counselor recommendation for CommonApp or other college application, please complete a Letter of Recommendation Request form. Additionally, please allow a minimum of 2 weeks to complete the request. The same is expected when asking teachers/other staff to write letters of recommendation.
Career Readiness Center Updates
We are excited to announce that West Bend High Schools will be hosting a College and Job Fair on Friday, September 13th for our Juniors and Seniors. This event will be a fantastic opportunity for students to explore a wide range of colleges, universities, and career options all in one place.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, September 13th
Time: 8am - 10:00am
Location: High School South Gym
Representatives from various colleges, universities, trade schools, and local employers will be available to share valuable information about admissions, programs, scholarships, internships, and job opportunities. Students will have the chance to ask questions, gather resources, and gain insights that will help them make informed decisions about their futures.
All Juniors and Seniors will have an opportunity to participate in this event. We also welcome any Junior and Senior families to join and support their students as they explore these opportunities.
We look forward to seeing you there!
WBHS Highlights & Celebrations
We were excited to have the incoming freshmen & new students attend our annual Mini Day to familiarize themselves with our building and begin their journey as Suns & Spartans!
Thank you to all of the students & families who were able to attend our Open House event! It was a great way to get everyone ready for the 2024-2025 school year.
Helpful Links for Students
WBHS Contact Information
1305 E. Decorah Road
West Bend, WI 53095
Phone Numbers:
(262)335-5530 (East Office)
(262)335-5570 (West Office)
(262)335-5550 (Attendance)
(262)335-5580 (Counseling Office)
Athletics Websites: East | West
Jennifer Potter- Executive Principal
jpotter@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5629
Dave Uelmen - Associate Principal
duelmen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5592
Jared Kiesow - Assistant Principal - Freshmen
jkiesow@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5587
Bob Feldkamp - Assistant Principal - Sophomores
rfeldkamp@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5571
Dave Riley - Assistant Principal - Juniors
dsriley@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5532
Kelsey Petersen - Assistant Principal - Seniors
kmpetersen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5569
Kara Phillips - Freshmen & Sophomores with last names A-Ha
Jenni Hanni-Schmitz - Freshmen with last names He-Z
Kris Kemp - Sophomores with last names He-Z
Jamie Thomas - Juniors with last names A-P
Matt Coyle - Seniors with last names A-P
Nicole Miller - Juniors & Seniors with last names Q-Z
Juliana Delgado - Virtual Students and Students with 504 Plans
Audrey Sobczak - School Psychologist