Collier Elementary PreK - 6th
February 2025 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
Reading with your children at home is a great way to support their reading skills! Here are a few tips!
- Get a Public Library Card: The Kirk Bear Canyon Library is located at Bear Canyon and Tanque Verde
- Read anything: All reading is good reading!
- Read together: By reading 15 minutes each evening your child will read about 5.7 million different words before the end of high school
- Make reading fun: Read in fun voices or act out stories
- Ask questions: While you read stop and ask your child questions about the story or the characters to deepen meaning.
Upcoming Events
- Feb.4 New Preschool and Kindergarten Open House 9:00am or 5:30pm
- Feb. 4 Track Begins for Grades 3 - 6 Tuesday and Friday mornings 7:30am on playground, permission required
- Feb. 6 Coffee with the Counselor 7:45am Collier Library
- Feb. 7 - 14 Scholastic Book Fair Collier Library, Open Before and After School, Literacy Night
- Feb. 10 - 14 Love of Reading Week
- Feb. 11 Family Literacy Night 5:30pm
- Feb. 13 & 14 Parent Teacher Conference Days Students dismissed at 11:25am
- Feb. 20 & 21 No School Rodeo Break
- Feb 25 PTA Meeting on Zoom 6pm, Link will be emailed to members
- Feb. 27 Spring Picture Day
Collier Counseling
Happy February!
Join me for 'Coffee with the Counselor' on Thursday, February 6th at 7:45 am in the Collier library. This is a great opportunity to chat, ask questions, or just connect! As always, I’m here to support our students with anything they may need—whether it’s academic, social, or emotional. Don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here to help!
Health Office News
Hi all you Collier Cougars!
Tis the season for the spread of germs! We have a few reminders for you to help keep our school community healthy.
Your student has to stay home if they have a fever. They can return when their temperature is <100 for 24 hours WITHOUT any fever reducing medications.
Your student has to stay home if are vomiting or have multiple episodes of diarrhea. They can return when they have been vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours.
We ask that you use your best judgement and keep your student home if they are not feeling well even if they do not have the above symptoms.
Our teachers do an amazing job keeping their students healthy by encouraging hand washing and disinfecting commonly used areas, but they need your help!
If you have any questions, please call our health office at 520-584-4817.
Thank you!
Nurse Kristi
Nurse Abby
Health Assistant Maryluna
Collier Community School
Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 School Year!!
Please click the links below to fill out the forms!
OMA Gold News
As usual, things in OMA classes are very busy!
· All of our classes are now integrating their science curricula to various art forms in their weekly OMA classes.
· This month in visual art, we will explore monochromatic art and create another square for our narrative quilts based on this art concept.
· OMA Honor Choir students are working hard in preparation for the OMA Showcase in May.
· On February 6th the Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s String Quintet will be here for a concert.
· On February 11th, our kindergarten and first grade classes will be traveling to Sabino High School for a special presentation by their drama students that honors Love of Reading Week.
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
PTA News
The Collier PTA is so thankful for all the families that came to our Family Park Day! We had a great time with you all!!
We are in need of Board Members for the 2025-2026 school year! The PTA is an essential part of Collier and we need you to help us continue our support of the school. Please see the office if you are interested in joining the board.
We also need more members. As a member you do not have to commit to anything you do not wish to do, but we need members to join so that we are a viable system of support for Collier students and staff!
Please consider supporting students and staff by joining at this link! PTA Membership Form
Tucson, AZ 85749