Chisholm Update
August 30, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving Chisholm Families!
Happy last fews days before Thanksgiving Break! I'm pretty sure we've never experienced the threat of severe or possible tornadic weather at arrival time during the month of November, and I'm almost certain it's never happened two times on a Monday within two weeks. Just as Will Rogers famously quoted about Oklahoma, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute". Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we've navigated through some unusual weather canceling school one of the Mondays (a few weeks ago) and going to Remote Instruction on Monday of this week.
Typically, when we've had to close school or go to remote instruction it is due to the potential of snow or ice. When that type of weather occurs, our teachers will send devices and work home the day or days before, and students will have work in the event we do have to close. We will always send notice that students have work or devices for possible Remote Instruction days. If the weather doesn't occur as forecasted, be sure to send materials back to school with your students.
Again, thank you for your patience and understanding Monday as we scrambled to get work and devices together. Obviously, we knew everyone couldn't come to school to get the work, which is why we extended the time throughout the week to complete what was sent home.
Last Friday, November 15th, was a busy day at school as we were wrapping up the Book Fair, our 3rd graders were celebrating Pioneer Days, and we held Turkey Bingo during the evening at New Covenant Church. It goes without saying that the success of each event was, in large part, due to the volunteers that offered help throughout each event. These volunteers helped organize, supervise, and operate the Book Fair throughout the week. They supplied cobblers, helped with games and crafts throughout the Pioneer Days. They secured prizes and Turkeys for the bingo games, organized the event, and supervised the pie auction and pizza orders. During this month of Thanksgiving, we are forever thankful for our amazing PTO, parent volunteers, and community organizations like New Covenant for their support to activities and events in and around Chisholm.
This morning, students in Pre-K to 2nd had a presentation from Captain Supertooth on the importance of brushing and taking care of their teeth. We also received toothbrushes for students, which will be sent home with students. A picture of Captain Supertooth during this presentation was added below.
Arrival Drop-off Procedure Reminders - Please help us in making sure students safely to school by following these procedures:
- If you’d like to stay in your car, enter the drop-off using the entrance by our school marquee. Students can exit via passenger side of car using the sidewalk and entering the building towards our front doors. Do not drop students off in the west parking lot.
- If you don't want to use the drop-off line, you may park your vehicle and walk your students through the parking lot to one of the crosswalks. Please wait for the duty teacher to tell you when to cross. Do not allow your child to walk in the parking lot unattended by an adult.
- Do not use one of the handicapped parking spaces without proper identification on display.
- If you arrive after 8:45 and the duty teachers have entered the building, please plan to park and walk your child into the building to check them in using the kiosk by our office.
EMHS Cheer Clinic - An information flyer along with a registration link has been added for those interested in signing up for an upcoming Cheer Clinic. The deadline to submit your registration is Dec. 9. The Clinic will take place on December 16 from 4:30 to 6:30. Students that attend the clinic will be able to perform during the half-time of the girls basketball game on December 17.
UCO Broncho Baseball Clinic - There is an informational flyer added below on a UCO Broncho Baseball Clinic that is taking place on December 20. Space in this camp is limited.
Veterans' Day Video - The link to view this presentation can be found below in this newsletter. Thank you again, Ms. Gomez, for putting this video teacher and for everyone that submitted a picture.
Just a reminder that school will be closed for Thanksgiving Break the week of November 25 - 29. School will resume on Monday, December 2.
A flyer was added below for some holiday dress up days during the last week before Winter Break for those that wish to participate.
I hope you have a great rest of the week and enjoy holiday break next week!
Thomas Higdon
Dismissal Reminders
At the end of the day, we ask that early checkouts happen before 3:00. If your student is a 33rd Street Walker, they should live in Old Farm or Thornbrook. If your student is a Spring Hill Walker, they should live in the Springhill Neighborhood or the subsequent neighborhoods that are too close to receive bus transportation. Students that ride a bus will load from the gym once their bus arrives at school. If you need specifics on bus numbers and times please click this link, which will ask you to fill out your address.
Car Riders will need to use the Red Hangtag, which was given out at Meet the Teacher. (If you were unable to attend Meet the Teacher, our office is open 8-3:30 on Wednesday August 14.) Please be sure to make sure this tag is visible to the person out front entering the number by our marquee. Once their number has been entered, students will come out of the building by the first grade hallway and be positioned by one of the concrete bollards numbered 1-6 (please be sure to stay out far enough aways from the bollards so your car door doesn't get dinged). If you don't have your hangtag, you will need to pull in and check your student out from the office. There is a button below that goes through the Car Rider procedures.
Looking Forward...
November 25 - 29 - No School for Thanksgiving Break
December 2 - School Resumes
December 4 - Chat-n-Chew (2nd-5th Grade)
December 6 - November and December Birthday Books
December 9 - PTO Meeting, 9:00 in the cafeteria
December 10 - Panera Restaurant Day (4:00 to 8:00)
December 12 - 1st Grade Program (6:00, Brown, Kosmala, Spence) & (7:00, Dreiling, Rodriguez, Foxx)
December 18 - Winter Parties for Pre K, Kinder, and 1st Grade
December 19 - Winter Parties for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
December 20 - January 6 - Winter Break - No School
January 7 - School Resumes
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal begins
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond