The Weekly Penguin
September 22, 2024
Good, busy week
Hi all,
Thank you to everyone for coordinating conferences on Thursday. We try every day to promote the active communication between our families and teachers, and it sounds like for nearly everyone yesterday's chats were part of regularly occurring communications. I hope folks enjoyed their half-day on Friday, we'll see you tomorrow! Cheers!
Upcoming events:
09.24.24 College Admissions Testing - 6:00 pm - Zoom (See below for more info)
09.24.24 UHS Student of Month breakfast - 8:00am, RUHS auditorium lobby
09.25.24 fall choir concert - 6:30-7:30pm, RUHS auditorium
09.26.24 RUHS drama one-acts - more info to come!
10.01.24 fall orchestra concert - 7:00-8:00pm, RUHS auditorium
10.04.24 Grading Day (end of 1st quarter) - no school for students
10.04.24-10.13.24 Fall break - no school for students, school closed
10.17.24 UHS PSAT/NMSQT - more info to come!
10.18.24 Homecoming
10.19.24 UHS homecoming dance - time/info TBD
Table of contents
Admin office phone numbers
Athletics - fall sports
CCCC (College, Career, and Counseling Center) update
Major Road Construction
National Merit Semifinalists
Parent-teacher conferences - parent feedback
Social Media Threats
Teen Mobile Clinic
Tutoring is here!
UHSPA - info
Yearbook and retake info
Admin office phone numbers
As we reset our phone tree, please pause on calling the main phone line: 520.232.5900. Here are some direct numbers for our folks to help you in your needs as parents. You are also welcome to email any of our staff directly to have your questions answered or to be directed to the appropriate person to assist.
Alicia Villegas, UHS office assistant (front desk, general information)
Laura Feigenbaum, UHS attendance clerk
April Bull Calf, RHS admin secretary (RUHS athletics info)
Jacqueline Grassmyer, RUHS food services
Claudia Montano, UHS admin secretary (field trips, contact the assistant principals)
Martina Kimball, UHS office manager (school business, hotspot requests, contact the principal) 520.232.5903
Get your season pass for $30 in the finance office. This ticket allows you to get into all home game event excepting post-season competition/play. All proceeds generated from purchasing this pass stay at the school.
If you wish to participate in a winter or spring sport you can get your athletic packets done NOW. This will save time during the rush to get these done right before a season starts. Stop by Ms. Bull Calf's desk in the UHS admin office to pick up and drop off packets, or if you have questions.
See below for direct links to each sport offered for the Fall season at Rincon/University High School.
Girls’ Soccer, pre-season practices
Pre-season for girl's soccer begins this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school on the soccer fields. You must be cleared with the Athletics office before you can participate. Please bring appropriate equipment and protective gear. See Coach Ecelbarger in room 214 or the flyers around campus for more info!
CCCC (College, Career, and Counseling Center) update
-Join the UHS Counseling team for our quarterly College-Ready Seminars focusing on how juniors can prepare for applying to college. Each quarter we will focus on a different topic to assist juniors & families in their college planning by breaking down the process and helping you work smarter, not harder! We highly encourage all junior students and families to attend each quarter so they are best prepared for next year.
****[Q1] College Admissions Testing – September 24 (rescheduled from 9/10!)
[Q2] Building Your College List – November 19
[Q3] Financing College – February 4
[Q4] Planning & Preparing for the College Application Process – April 15
---All seminars take place on Zoom starting at 6:00 pm. See attachment for more info. We look forward to seeing you there!
Many colleges and university representatives visit UHS each year, primarily in the fall semester, to share admissions and application information. Unless noted otherwise, all grades are welcome to attend these visits. While we try to schedule visits when class is not in session, sometimes they do fall during class time. When you sign up for a visit, you will receive an email confirmation that can be used as your pass to leave class to attend the visit; however, you have to clear it with your teacher prior to missing any class for a visit! Students can review the current schedule and sign up for visits here: CCCC (tusd1.org) (go to the College & Career section, then look at the info under College Visits) Next week: University of Notre Dame, Grand Canyon University, Stanford University, Colby College, UC Santa Cruz, Boston University
Online Health and PE classes have now started. If you would like to be enrolled, please contact Mr. Encinas at Maximiliano.Encinas2@tusd1.org. To be eligible for online Health, you must have taken or be currently enrolled in AP Macro/Microeconomics, or you must have already taken Honors Economics. Please contact Mr. Encinas with any questions.
Study Smart Tutoring strives to prepare students for college, careers, and lifelong success. Through the Achievement Tutoring program, they can support students with math and reading schoolwork. They aim to provide tools so each student will improve and maintain their learning skills. This FREE tutoring service is available to TUSD students. Please complete this form Results Learning Tutoring Registration Form-Tucson (google.com) to reserve a seat for your student in this enrichment program. The form will ask for the student’s “state student ID number,” but you can leave this section blank as long as the tutoring is for a student in TUSD. Contact the TUSD Family Resource Centers if you have any questions - Family Resource Centers (tusd1.org)
Counseling team and assignments
Amy Villagio
Department chair
Counselor grades 11/12
Last names A-L
Max Encinas
Counselor grades 11/12
Last names M-Z
Sam Matz
Counselor grades 9/10
Last names A-L
Kate Brownstone
Counselor grades 9/10
Last names M-Z
Marcos Flores
504 coordinator, testing coordinator
Katrina Messing
Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
Megan Palos
College and Career Coordinator
Kirsten Pelot
MTSS Coordinator
Major road construction project forthcoming
The City of Tucson Transportation and Mobility Department has created a road construction plan that aims to permanently change the 5th/6th Street Corridor by reducing the four lanes currently existing down to two lanes, with construction beginning soon. The project is called a “road diet” project as it will reduce the lanes of east/west vehicle travel, by adding/maintaining a center lane for turning and pedestrian bike lanes. This construction will impact travel to and from University High School and is anticipated to affect student drop-off/pick-up in the area.
At this time, the Department of Transportation and Mobility has projected that the work will begin in mid-September 2024, beginning with a water line installation along 5th Street from Wilmot Road to Country Club Road. The waterline work is anticipated to take about 18 months to complete and will reduce travel down to two lanes. The roadway reconstruction along this segment of 5th Street is not expected to begin until the waterline work is complete.
Please see link below if you are interested in more details.
National Merit Seminfinalists
Congratulations to the 17 seniors who have been named National Merit Semifinalists! These academically accomplished students now have the opportunity to continue in the National Merit Scholarship program competition. According to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, the national pool of semifinalists includes those students who scored highest on the PSAT/NMSQT® in each state and honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies.
University High School's 2025 National Merit Semifinalists are Roy Cormode, Juliette Douglas Valdiserri, Ruth Gulilat, Katherine Lam, William Levine, Aayan Mapara, Gabriel Morales, Pasque Nelson, Debangshu Pramanik, Perrin Reynwar, Giselle Roemer, Nathan Sheinbein, Abigail Stadheim, Leif Terre, Crisanna Terrell, Ella Walsh, and Stella Wu. Congratulations Penguins!
Parent-teacher conferences - parent feedback
Thank you again for those who either scheduled conferences or walked in to speak with our teachers on Thursday, we are happy to keep these lines of communication open! We however are always happy to receive feedback to better our practices, please take a short moment (no, really it's very short!) to fill out our Fall 2024 UHS parent/teacher conference survey. You can also follow the QR code below, and thank you in advance!
Social Media Threats
In the last several days we have witnessed a series of social media threats against several schools in the state, including Tucson Unified schools, Phoenix area schools, Charter schools, and other educational organizations. Locally, The Tucson Police Department has investigated and determined that the series of threats are unsubstantiated.
We want to assure you that student and staff safety is our priority as we work to continue to keep everyone safe and in a positive learning environment and encourage you to remind your children of the dangers of social media and rumors. If they receive any posts or hear rumors that are dangerous or a threat to others, please report it immediately to an adult and school officials, and to not forward it to other students.
We want to emphasize the critical importance of maintaining the highest level of vigilance regarding the safety and security of our students, staff, and school communities. Our top priority is the well-being of our students, and by working together—schools, families, and law enforcement—we can continue to provide a safe learning environment for all.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your continued support.
Teen Mobile Clinic
The Teen Mobile Clinic will be on campus the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 8:30am-12:30pm. If you would like to be seen, you must sign up in the Rincon/University health office to be put on the schedule. This is a new addition sponsored by the Pima County Health Department. For more information, please read the letter below which was sent out at the end of last semester.
Tutoring is here!
UHS offers tutoring in a variety of subjects, and the schedule has now been finalized. Please see the UHS tutoring schedule on Canva for the full listing of available and regular tutoring sessions. You may also speak with any of your teachers at any time to arrange a time to work with them directly if they are not included on this list. You may go to any teacher of any subject for tutoring or help, it doesn't have to be your teacher! You can also follow the QR code below to see the flyer.
UHSPA info
UHSPA future meetings will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Our UHS families have been amazingly supportive of our classroom supply drive. The Wishlist will stay open to reflect current classroom requests. Teachers/ staff please send needed supply requests to uhspa@uhs-pa.org. Anyone shopping on Amazon and wanting to send an item of appreciation to the school can check out our Amazon Wishlist to support our most recent classroom needs.
** Sign Up for Remind- text [student grad year code] to 81010 -- ([student grad year code]: @uhspa2025, @uhspa2026, @uhspa2027, or @uhspa2028) ** Subscribe for communications from UHSPA ** Contact us at uhspa@uhs-pa.org **
Yearbook and retake info
The yearbook is discounted to our cost ($65) for a limited time. To make sure to get the lowest price, please purchase your yearbook soon. The link for purchase is https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/ and our school code is 15096125.
UNDERCLASSMEN picture retakes are done. Thank you to everyone who endured the process. If your student still does not have a Lifetouch photo completed, do not worry, Yearbook staff will make sure to get their photo represented with their class in the yearbook.
The senior ads (yearbook tributes) ARE NOW available for purchase! Senior ads can be purchased on the same link as the yearbook. If you already purchased a yearbook, make sure to select the separate option for only the student ad; otherwise, they can be purchased together.
Seniors - Please make sure to find the QR codes located around the school to find the form for senior quotes. All senior quotes are due on October 17th, so please get this completed as soon as possible.
If you have already signed up for your yearbook photo session, THANK YOU so much! It helps our yearbook staff tremendously that you completed this important task for the senior section.
If you have NOT signed up for your senior yearbook photo session yet, please see below:
If you plan to take your yearbook photo through Silhouette, please SIGN UP soon! Those images need to be taken by late October. https://www.silhouettephoto.com/
If you would like to take advantage of the on-campus Prestige senior photo option or would like to take advantage of their retake option, they will be back on campus Oct. 1st and 2nd. The signup for those dates will be ready next week.
Please email Ms. Wheeler with any questions you may have about the yearbook or yearbook photos. Patricia.wheeler@tusd1.org