Black Bob Family Newsletter
November 18, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so very grateful to all of our families here at Black Bob and your amazing kids! You all make BB such a special place!
BB Site Council is tomorrow , Tuesday at 6:30 in the library. Anyone is invited!
Hearing Screening
Our annual hearing screening day will be Wednesday, November 20th, 2024. I have started doing vision screen and will continue to screen over next few weeks. Please make sure if your child normally wears glasses/hearing devices that they wear them over next few weeks. If they do not have them on I will just rescreen another day. It is a state requirement that all students PK, K-3rd, and 5th receive annual hearing and vision screenings. If your child has already seen their eye/audiologist for the year (after May 1st, 2024) please send in a note and/or report from the doctor so that I can mark them down for their annual visit. As a reminder, you will only receive a notification if something comes back abnormal. These are basic screenings only and are not meant to diagnose any conditions. Follow up with an Ophthalmologist and/or Audiologist is needed for abnormal screenings. If you need assistance with follow up, please reach out to me as I have some resources available to assist your student in getting those referrals completed.
Nurse Crystal
We are thankful for... (last week to turn this in for our staff)
Every week I send out a staff newsletter that highlights the great things we see around our building and a way to lift one another up. We would love to include our families in this as well as a way to lift our teacher and staff up with words of appreciation and gratefulness from you. If there is a teacher or staff member that you would like to thank, please share below using the button provided called "We are Thankful...".
Example: Every time I walk into the front office I'm greeted with a smile and kindness. Thank you _______.
or Mrs. _______has gone above and beyond helping my child to love school. Thank you, ______.
I will put these in our weekly staff newsletter for the month of November/ December!
School Store Donations
Our students turn in their color cash cards for items or experiences at our school store. Please check out our amazon wish list if you would like to help fill our store!
Items that we always could use:
- full size candy and candy bars of any kind
- Individual bag of chips, popcorn, treats
- 12 packs of Pop
- Packs of gum
Thank you to the following families:
Glass Family
Newbill family
How to report an absence
You can also go to our website and use the icon to the left and email us.
If you do not report the absence, we will call you each day.
If you need to order a lunch for your child, you can send that in the email or message for the office.
Black Bob Elementary
Email: tputthoffbb@olatheschools.org
Website: https://www.olatheschools.org/blackbob
Location: 14701 South Brougham Drive, Olathe, KS, USA
Phone: 913-780-7310
Twitter: @bbelementary