WCS Weekly Newsletter
June 7, 2024
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and may not be reproduced without express written permission.
6/11 - Fall Sports Info Night at WCS; 6:00 pm
6/11 - Election Day (Municipal Elections & Budget Validation Referendum)
6/12 - Field Day! 🌞
6/12 - Last Day of School for WCS Pre-K
6/13 - WCS 8th Grade Recognition Night: 7:00 pm @ WCS
6/14 - K-7 Step Up Day
6/17 - Last Day of School for WCS K-8 Students (Dismissal at Noon)
Great things are happening at WCS!
This Thursday our Pre-K students had a chance to eat lunch in the cafeteria, as part of their preparation for next year! We are proud of our students and all of their hard work this year. This group is certainly ready to make the transition to Kindergarten in the fall!
As part of our summer reading kick-off, the Mockingbird Bookshop in Bath is hosting an in-store book fair for WCS! WCS families will be treated to 20% off of their total purchase today and tomorrow (June 7th & 8th) Stop by to pick up something to keep the reading going this summer!
Next Tuesday (6/11) the state primary election and RSU1 budget validation referendum will be held from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm in Woolwich Central School's cafeteria.
Our 8th graders spent the past week travelling around NYC and Washington, D.C., sightseeing at museums, monuments, civic spaces, and the zoo. The group walked approximately 12+ miles a day. They were troopers, though, and even a downpour on the way from the Air & Space Museum to the American History Museum didn't stop them!
In preparation for their trip, the 8th graders had a chance to meet with two Vietnam Veterans.They listened attentively and respectfully to their firsthand accounts of serving. The veterans provided each student with the name of someone they knew personally, whose name is on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The students found and took a rubbing of the names when they visited the Memorial. While there, they offered extra paper and charcoal to a couple who were remembering a loved one. In true Wildcat fashion, our staff and students worked together to reach the name high up on the wall. The couple were extremely grateful and the wife shared that she always wanted to make it to DC to honor her boyfriend who was killed in action. It was truly a memorable experience for all.
Tuesday's Boston Trip was a great success for the 5th grade. The students worked to gather support from friends and family and raised the funds for this trip through a Read-A-Thon earlier this year. Once again they participated in a day of walking the historic Freedom Trail, and exploration & wonder at the Museum of Science. "It's the original wood. We are touching the actual same wood as George Washington," said one student, while walking through The King's Chapel. As we left dinner we heard various compliments on the manners of this crew. What a wonderful way to end their final year in elementary school.
This Monday, our third grade students took a field trip to Morse Mountain in Phippsburg! Students spent the day exploring and experiencing the natural surroundings as part of their science unit.
Our 4th graders participated in the annual Famous Mainers Wax Museum this week. Students have spent weeks researching notable people from Maine's history and creating displays to go with their Wax Museum performance. On the day of the event, parents were invited in to walk through the classrooms and see the students dressed as their "Famous Mainer" and hear the students present a first-person biographical speech. Everyone worked very hard on this project, and the final result was AMAZING!
The last day of school for WCS K-8 is Monday, 6/17. It is a half day with dismissal at noon. Buses should be dropping students off at home 3 hours earlier that day.
Remember to check the Lost & Found! Any unclaimed items will be donated after the last day of school.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.