Heritage School Newsletter
January 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to school after the Winter Break! We hope you all had a wonderful and restful time with your families. It is hard to believe we are already heading into January for the 23-24 school year.
As we return to our routine, we wanted to remind everyone about a few important points:
Dressing Appropriately for Recess: With the weather getting colder, please ensure your child is dressed warmly for outdoor activities during recess. Coats, gloves, and hats are encouraged to keep them comfortable while they enjoy their playtime.
Health Reminder: If your child is feeling unwell or showing symptoms of illness, we kindly ask that you keep them at home to rest and recover. This helps prevent the spread of illness within the school community. Please refer to the school's illness policy for guidance on when it's best for your child to return to school after being sick. Please ensure you are communicating to the main office regarding absences.
Upcoming Assessments: During the month of January the students will be taking the MOY DIBLES reading readiness assessment. Once completed we will send home the results as to how your child did. We will send a message out to inform you of when these results will be coming home. We are also going to take our first round of Math STAR testing. This is a computer based test that provides a personalized assessment by adapting to each student's learning level.
MCAS Schedule 2024: Please find below the initial MCAS schedule for the SPRING 2024:
April 3rd - 4th - 3rd grade
April 10th - 11th - 4th grade
May 14th - May 15th - 3rd grade
May 16th - May 17th - 4th grade
This schedule is subject to change and if needed we will inform families as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support in ensuring a healthy and positive learning environment for all our students. We're looking forward to an exciting and productive second half of the school year!
Upcoming Events (See other school wide events and spirit days below.)
January 17th - SEPAC Meeting - CMS
January 30th - HES School Council Meeting 3:30 PM
February 7th - SEPAC - Coffee and Conversation
February 8th - Early Release - Parent/ Teacher Conferences
Mr. Olson
Congratulations to our 3rd grader Ari!
Upcoming Spirit Days
- Jan 26 - Where Have You Been Day? Wear a shirt or item that shows somewhere you have been and then talk with someone else about where they have been!
- Feb 2 - Wear RED - American Heart Disease Month - Go RED for Women
- Feb 9 - SUPER BOWL LVIII Day - Who is your favorite NFL team? Wear your colors today
- Feb 14 - Wear your HEARTS for Valentine's Day