October 31, 2024
Parents & Families,
This week, students engaged in activities and discussions focused on safety and wellness as part of Red Ribbon Week. While Red Ribbon Week emphasizes saying "No to Drugs," it also encourages making smart, healthy choices to care for our bodies and minds. Thank you to Ms. Smith for planning a great week!
Below are some tips to help your child "Say No to Drugs!"
Open Communication: Talk to your child regularly about the dangers of drugs and the importance of making healthy choices. Keep the conversation open so they feel comfortable discussing any questions or pressures they might face.
Teach Refusal Skills: Role-play scenarios with your child to help them practice saying "no" confidently. Phrases like “No, thanks” or “I’m not interested” can be effective and easy to remember.
Encourage Positive Friendships: Help your child identify and spend time with friends who support healthy, drug-free lifestyles. Encourage them to avoid situations where they might feel pressured.
Set Clear Expectations: Establish family rules about drug and alcohol use and explain the reasons behind them. Knowing your expectations helps your child feel empowered to make good choices.
Be a Role Model: Children learn a lot by observing. Show them what it means to live a healthy, drug-free life by modeling positive behaviors in your own choices.
Build Self-Confidence: Encourage activities that build your child’s self-esteem, such as sports, hobbies, and interests. When children feel good about themselves, they’re less likely to seek approval through risky behaviors.
Stay Involved: Know where your child is, who they’re with, and what they’re doing. Being actively involved in their life reduces the likelihood they’ll encounter drug-related situations.
By fostering a supportive environment, you help your child build the confidence and skills they need to say no to drugs and make choices that benefit their well-being.
Halloween Safety Tips
Read the latest Safety Bulletin here. This month, we’ve included a special section on safety tips for Trick or Treating!
Upcoming Campus Events
We have a few upcoming events in November & December. Click here to pre-register to have your Raptor badge pre-printed for each event. The badge will be available for you to pick up on campus, the day of the event. Remember, we cannot pre-print your badge if we have not scanned your driver's license this year.
Veteran's Day Program-November 7th, Need to register by November 5th
Thanksgiving Feast-November 21st, Need to register by November 19th (contact your child's teacher for more information)
Christmas/Winter Party-December 19th, Need to register by December 17th (contact your child's teacher for more information)
Staff Shout Outs
Has a staff member made an impact on you or your student? If so, please take a moment to fill out a Staff Shout out! We love sharing these with our staff and in our parent newsletter!
Dyslexia Information
Please click this link to access important information about dyslexia and related disorders to help support students who may need additional resources. (Spanish version)
Gifted and Talented
The Gifted/Talented referral window is open October 21 - November 1, 2024. Referrals must be submitted by November 1, 2024. Please contact your student's teacher or campus counselor for further information regarding prerequisites and the referral process.
November 1-No School
November 4-Native American Heritage Month Beings
November 7-Chick-fil-A Red Oak Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00
November 7-Gifted Talented Fall Referral Window Closes
November 8-No School
November 11-Veterans Day, we do have school
November 14-Cici's Waxahachie Spirit Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
November 15-Staff Development, No School for Students
November 18-21-Lost & Found On Tables
November 18-5th Grade Science Benchmark
November 19-3rd-6th RLA Benchmark
November 20-3rd-6th Math Benchmark
November 20-National Education Support Professionals’ Day
November 21-Birthday Thursday/$3 Free dress Day
November 21-Lost & Found Donated
November 21-Thanksgiving Celebrations, see teacher for details
November 21-Benchmark 1, Makeup Testing 3rd-6th Grades
November 21-Substitute Educators Day, thank you to our wonderful subs!!
November 21-Progress Reports available to families in Parent Portal
November 22-No School
November 25-29-Thanksgiving Break, No School
Turn your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night!
- Mrs. Greer & Mrs. Espana-I am grateful for this "dynamic duo." My child is new to LIFE and he needs a little help adjusting to new situations. They have been so patient with him. They consistently provide resources and support to help him excel. I know everyday is not always sunshine, but these ladies do extremely well dancing in the rain!
- Mrs. Gaynor- I want to thank Ms. Gaynor for keeping the kids safe during drop offs. We really appreciate her!
We would like to recognize LSRO staff for all the amazing things that they do each day for our students. If you have someone that you would like to brag about, please fill out this form and we will share the Shout Outs through the weekly Thursday Exchange.
Want to submit a staff shout out? Click here: Staff Shout-Outs!!!! (Google Form)
Life Habits
Every day we have Life Habits time that is focused on building social, emotional and behavioral skills. Each week we will post Life Habits conversation starters in our newsletter that are aligned with the Life Habits lessons from the week. We will also have signs in the pick up line for you to access the questions of the week. We hope you enjoy hearing about what your child is learning at school.
Weekly I Will Statements
During morning announcements, we will focus on one LifeLeader Attribute each week and learn what we need to do to develop each attribute so that we can become effective leaders in our school and in our community. We encourage students and families to memorize these statements together and talk about how the attribute is exhibited at home, school and work. We will share the I Will statement in the weekly newsletter and on our campus Facebook page. We look forward to hearing how students are exhibiting the attributes at school and home. Click here to view all 15 LifeLeader attributes.
All households need to complete the Free and Reduced Price School Meal Application each school year, even if your child does not purchase school meals. The application is available throughout the school year and available to complete again should your family have a change in income or additional family members in the household.
Click here to view the breakfast and lunch menus.
Breakfast is served each day from 7:15-7:45.
Make sure you sign up to be a part of our Partners for Life parent organization to receive the most up to date opportunities to engage on campus. After you sign up, be sure to become a fan of our campus.
Katherine Cypher-November 2nd
Trudy Berry-November 3rd
Cassie Peterson-November 4th
Victoria Celaya-November 12th
Rebecca Salinas-November 16th
Christen Arroyave-November 20th
Stephanie Zajicek-November 23rd
Leslie Mathews-November 23rd
Melissa Herbert-November 25th
Monica Borjas-November 25th
Mercedes Rocha-November 27th