Oregon ACTE
Fall 2024 Newsletter
"Reunite, Excite, and Ignite CTE Potential"
Upcoming Events:
ACTE Best Practices and Innovations: Portland, OR, October 9-11. Yes, Best Practices is coming to our backyard this year! This administration-focused conference will unite leaders from across the country to talk about how to move CTE forward. You can also meet Oregon ACTE board members at our table there, and several are also presenting breakout sessions. You can learn more and register here: https://www.acteonline.org/bestpractices/
ACTE CareerTech Vision Conference: San Antonio, TX, December 4-7. This is the largest ACTE conference every year, and Oregon is often well represented. Oregon ACTE will (once again) be hosting a reception, so come and learn, and meet others from around the state and country who care about CTE like you do! Information here: https://www.careertechvision.com/index.cfm
Oregon ACTE Conference: Seaside, OR, April 16-19. Last year's conference in Portland included over 500 CTE professionals. This Spring, we are once again returning to beautiful Seaside. Come and network, and learn from CTE specialists from around the state. Call for Presenters and Registration announcements will be coming later.
ACTE membership benefit highlights
Networking and Professional Development – ACTE’s events, such as CareerTech VISION, National Policy Seminar, Work-based Learning, and of course, the annual Oregon ACTE Conference– provide you with high-quality professional development and a knowledgeable network of CTE professionals for sharing and exchanging the latest information in CTE. Networking time is specifically built into our Oregon conference to give professionals the opportunity to find work-alike partners from around the state, and for time to talk through new ideas. Access to https://or.ctelearn.org/ where you can access hundreds of free and for-pay PD courses and webinars.
Scholarships: Oregon ACTE gives out multiple scholarships to students throughout Oregon, both in secondary and post-secondary CTE programs. We are proud to support your students in their career efforts. You can see the winners from last year, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/fw7p8
Professional Recognition
ACTE’s Excellence Awards recognizes individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to CTE programs that exemplify the highest standards, and organizations dedicated to supporting CTE programs.Advocacy and Awareness
ACTE’s Public Policy Department advocates, analyzes and informs policymakers, members and the public about the impact of proposed legislation and funding decisions affecting CTE programming. Get the latest legislative and policy updates via CTE Policy Watch Blog.CTE News, Research and Updates
Stay informed with these electronic publications, including member-only ACTE News and Legislative Alerts along with Career Tech Update, STEM SmartBrief and CTE2Workforce.Techniques Magazine: This magazine provides updates and stories from around the country in CTE.
Member Discounts
Receive member-only discounts to all ACTE events and on the latest CTE publications and products at ShopACTE.
Check out this video about Team Oregon Build from this summer!
Medsplash Summer Camp in Lane County
Benson High School Reopens: ACTE tour available!
Check out this article and video about Benson Tech reopening. You can take a tour before ACTE Best Practices!
Video: Benson Polytechnic opens doors for 1st time after 3 year rebuild
Article: Renovated Benson High School reopens in NE Portland
ACTE Legislative Updates
As we move towards an Oregon legislative session, Oregon ACTE will be keeping membership apprised of updates and bills related to CTE. We will also be working to help members know how to advocate for CTE in the state. Here are a few things to get started this fall:
SB 3 Guidance resources: The legislature has implemented guidance on SB3, requiring the teaching of Personal Finance Education. This can be done in CTE courses as well. Here are some helpful links:
- Guidance for Personal Financial Education in Secondary CTE
- Higher Education and Career Path Skills and Personal Finical Education
Legislative Updates: You can check on national policy updates here: https://ctepolicywatch.acteonline.org/
ACTE Awards
Each year, Oregon ACTE gives out awards to recognize outstanding CTE professionals. The winners of these awards are then put up to the regional, and then can be put to the national level. We will once again be asking for submissions for the awards in the winter. Be thinking about your colleagues who deserve to be nominated for their great work! Read about last years' winners here
Here are the categories:
- ACTE Teacher of the Year
- ACTE Administrator of the Year
- ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year
- ACTE Counseling & Career Development Professional Award
- ACTE New Teacher of the Year
Learn more about award eligibility and guidelines here: https://acte.secure-platform.com/a/page/awards/national/excellence_awards
CTE Videos!
Awesome Video promoting CTE in Crook County (Prineville) here! https://www.crookcountycte.org/
CTE – Education at Work, Part 1: Preparing students with work-ready job skills
Video Willamette Career Academy Dental Program Ribbon Cutting