The PZ Press
October 10th, 2024

What puts the “POWER” in the POWER Zone?
Dear POWER Zone Families,
Did you know the word POWER in POWER Zone is an acronym? We embody the POWER Priorities every day in all that we do in the POWER Zone. As we head into Fall Break, I would like to share with you some of the wonderful opportunities, celebrations, and news from the first quarter of this school year.
People First - safety & support for students, staff, and families
The POWER Zone started off this school year with a reminder that it only takes one invested adult to change a child’s life. Staff had the pleasure of learning from an outstanding guest, Jonathan Mooney. Jonathan is a national award-winning author, speaker, and neurodiversity advocate who inspired us with words about his life journey as a student and young adult with dyslexia and ADHD. He thanked our staff and reminded us, “You are a movement of people who are solving the most critical social issue of the 21st century. The challenges facing young people. You've always mattered. But you matter more than ever.” Staff from across the zone expressed how much Jonathan’s words resonated with why they became a teacher and/or with their own experiences as a child. This was an excellent way for us to gather as a zone-wide team and start the year off right!
Do you have a teacher or staff member who is making a difference? Please reach out to us and share your story:
Opportunities - effective instruction & curriculum; pathways for every learner
POWER Forward ~ Inspiring Futures, One Step at a Time
Our first annual zone-wide POWER Forward Day was on September 19th and 20th. POWER Forward Day was an exciting and transformative event for all POWER Zone students, designed to help students reflect on their futures and explore the myriad of opportunities available to them. This special day is a POWERed-up career day, college day, and future opportunities day, all rolled into one. Elementary-age students dressed up in their future career outfits and looked amazing! We had guest speakers share their pathway stories. We had an amazing group of volunteers who spoke about their personal pathways, among them were health professionals, police officers, small business owners, and even haunted makeup artists! Students learned how their education connects with many opportunities and pathways. It was a great day full of education, fun, and high energy– focused on the future of each student.
Exciting News about the New CTE Wing at Vista Ridge!
Speaking of pathways, our VRHS teachers are moving into the new CTE (Career and Technical Education) wing at Vista Ridge during Fall Break! They are super excited, and the future possibilities for pathways are tremendous. Our students have the opportunity to engage in things that truly interest them and leave high school prepared for work settings and/or additional education and training in a pathway. We already offer a variety of strong, career-focused pathways and there are new ones on the way for the 2025-26 school year and beyond!
Whole Person - growth & achievement in academics, character, and passions
2nd Annual Senior Retreat - What is your legacy?
The culmination of a student’s pre-K through high school journey is their senior year and high school graduation. The PZ celebrates our seniors, and we celebrate all of the teachers and staff along the way who helped get them to this year! VRHS seniors and staff enjoyed the 2nd annual senior retreat where our students were inspired to finish strong and to leave a legacy. Principal Tom Payne shared with the students, “You have so much power. Infinitely more than I have. So what are you going to do to make this place just a little bit better?” The event was held at Fox Run Regional Park, where the seniors came together for games, and team building. Each student signed a blue robe that will be worn by the class-elected staff speaker at graduation, symbolizing their dedication and commitment to graduation. Check out our seniors working with Principal Tom Payne here.
State Testing Data Celebrations
Across the POWER Zone, students are growing and achieving and our staff is more focused than ever on guaranteeing excellent outcomes for every learner! Check out this slideshow that highlights some state testing data celebrations: PZ Data Celebrations
Engaged Stakeholders - voice & choice for students, staff, and families
D49 Committees
There are many ways for your voice to be heard and for you to make a difference. POWER Zone collaborates with both the Falcon Zone and Sand Creek Zone. One of these collaborations is called Engage 49. This group endeavors to connect and provide resources for families, the community, and D49. We are D49, and we are one team!
We have many opportunities for all District 49 stakeholders. Here are some committees available for families to serve on:
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) - The SEAC helps ensure that students with special needs receive the most appropriate education. D49 SEAC is used to provide suggestions to improve performance indicators from the State Performance Plan and services for students with disabilities.
School Accountability Committee (SAC) - Each school in the district has a SAC composed of family members, staff members and community members. They meet to review the school’s budget, Unified Improvement Plan (UIP), and to learn more about the inner workings of the school.
District Accountability Advisory Council (DAAC) - The committee advises the board on the adequacy and efficiency of educational programs, including school charters, school improvement goals and district objectives. The DAAC also makes recommendations to the Board of Education related to the expenditures of school district funds.
Champions of Gifted Services (COGS) - This is the D49 Gifted Education Advisory Council. Their mission is to advocate for the unique needs of students with gifts in D49 by being liaisons between families and the district, sharing information and community resources, and increasing the visibility of students with gifts.
District-wide Wellness Advisory Council (DWAC) - The DWAC seeks ways to increase engagement through education and opportunities for the D49 community to follow best practices around physical, mental, social, and emotional wellness.
Preschool Advisory Council - This committee provides assistance and makes recommendations in implementing and coordinating the district’s preschool program. Members of the Council are volunteers throughout our community.
Respectful Environments - collaborative and reflective culture
Community Code of Conduct
The POWER Zone utilizes a Community Code of Conduct that guides how parents/guardians and guests interact with our staff as a community. We ask all parents, guardians, family members, and guests of POWER Zone campuses to carefully review this document to gain an understanding of what we prioritize and expect in the POWER Zone. This document will be shared out periodically and will be accessible on our websites. It will also be available via a QR code at our campus front entries. Given the wide availability of the document, we will operate from the understanding that our stakeholders have reviewed it and understand its contents.
A Big Shoutout!
A big shout out to Ridgeview Elementary School who achieved their 7th consecutive year of selection as a Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase school! In addition, Skyview Middle School has been awarded as a “Best of Springs” workplace and middle school, and a Jostens Renaissance platinum level school of distinction! Culture, relationships, and respect are at the core of all that we do in the POWER Zone.
The POWER Zone is strengthened by our partnership with parents and families as we all strive to help students be their very best. Thank you for being active participants and supporters in your children’s lives and educational journeys. We love and appreciate our POWER Zone families, and we wish you a restful and fun Fall Break! Enjoy the beauty of the changing season and all that comes with it.
Theresa Ritz
POWER Zone Superintendent
Say Boo to the Flu!
Dear District 49 Community;
Please see resources below to access your vaccine needs including Flu, Pneumonia, COVID-19. Links below include information from community pharmacies with an appointment link. All of these pharmacies offer walk-in services except for El Paso County Public Health Department.
COSTCO Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler:
King Soopers/The Little Clinic Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler:
Safeway Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler:
Target/CVS Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler:
The El Paso County Health Department: Please call ahead to make an appointment at 719-578-3199, option 5.
The Medicine Shoppe: ONLY takes WALK-IN appointments (no way to schedule an appointment).
Walgreens Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler:
Walmart Pharmacy Appointment Scheduler: