HiCap News
Spring 2024
Program Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year
Steady and Impactful
ESD is working towards a sustainable Highly Capable Program that will provide purposeful and impactful services K-12. To do this well, it takes time and coordination of several departments and resources. We are excited that each year we continue building towards the vision of supporting each learner in a variety of ways. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and advocacy as we work to continue growing our program.
Services Continuing
Integration Model Elementary Levels:
- -WIN Groups. What I Need groups continue to provide differentiated instruction and learning opportunities to meet the needs of all learners
- -Walk To Model. Allows for student enrichment and exploration. It also provides time and space for like-minded students to collaborate and learn together
Middle School Levels:
- Advanced Math Placement
Newly Implemented Services
Middle School Levels beginning Fall 2024:
- HiCap Focus (TMMS) and HiCap Wolf Den (EMS). Students will be encouraged to rise to STEM and ELA challenges using effective collaboration and clear communication all while enhancing academic and social skills
- Grouping students together in English Language Art classes
There will be more to come about these new opportunities at our Parent HiCap Social in October!
*The icon above is a link to resources for understanding the gifted brain.
HiCap Timeline 2024-2025
Washington State has increased its funding for Equitable Identification of Highly Capable students (RCW 28A.185.020), providing Highly Capable Screening twice prior to middle school. Below is the HiCap Timeline for Referrals and Screening for the 2024-2025 school year:
- September- Early October: Open Referral Period & Highly Capable Testing
- October- November: 2nd Grade Screener
- January-February: 5th Grade Screener
- March- April: 1st Grade Screener
Season's Highlights
Elementary School Highlights
- WIN Groups. These What I Need groups allow flexibility and fluidity, as well as time and space (4 days a week for 40 minutes) for like minded students to work together, challenge each other, get creative, and work in their zone of proximal development. Students engaged in Problem Based Learning where they became math detectives, designed theme parks, conquered evil dragons with division, and created resorts using multidigit multiplication- just to name a few.
- Entrepreneur Exhibition. Some students chose an alternative to recess by taking their passion to the next level. Student innovations came to life when they designed a business, created some persuasive advertising to elicit customers, and developed lessons where they taught and evaluated their "customers" in a new skill set. Some lessons consisted of roping, playing the violin and reading music, and developing rhythm with fractions in dancing.
- Podcasting. A few brave 5th grade students took on NPR's Student Challenge by creating and submitting their own podcasts. If chosen, their podcast will air on NPR! You will be impressed by their creativity and articulation when getting a point across! Listen here: Elementary Student Podcasts
- Advanced Math. Some students have begun working on 6th grade math concepts such as ratios, expressions and equations, and rational numbers. This will help create a solid foundation for our 5th grade students who will be on the advanced math path in middle school.
Violin lesson taught by a student!
Learning how to operate Screencastify to create Podcasts!
Roping lesson taught by a student!
Middle School Highlights
- Destination Imagination Instant Challenges. Students had a great time in these challenging situations they found themselves in. From building scenes in improv, to designing machines, to creating and developing shoes then designing a persuasive ad and creating a commercial, these students pushed their creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills to the limit.
- NPR Student Podcast Challenge. Many brave 6th-8th students worked diligently to express their passions, thoughts, and/or concerns through podcasting in a very school appropriate way. Whether their goal was to bring awareness, delight in a hobby, or express concerns these student created podcasts will have you thinking and pondering! Listen here: Middle School NPR Student Podcast Challenge
- Student Lessons. Students have been taking on leadership roles as they experience what it is like to develop, analyze, synthesize, assess, and reflect on a lesson they've created and delivered to a group of students. From self defense to cooking pancakes, these students have helped develop a range of social emotional skills in each other! Anxiety has turned into excitement, failure turned to giggles, and the ability to agree to disagree has helped many become unstuck in many sticky situations. These kids have grown each other beautifully! Our Focus HiCap Pilot has been a success!
- ClawMUN. Enumclaw's Mock United Nations Club joined our HiCap Focus group enriching and demonstrating for our students about the only club available that is wrapped around law, multiple perspectives, and debate! Many of our 8th grade students plan on joining next year as freshman, as well as attended the BellarMUN Debate in May! We are hoping to bring this club to the middle school level next year. (Picture above: EHS ClawMUN visits TMMS for a Mock United Nations Debate around International Fishing Laws)
Kori teachers her class how to take down someone twice their size. A huge thanks for all parent & grandparent volunteers who helped with student lessons!
Peyton and Leah teach the class how to properly handle and take care of bunnies.
Neal teaches his students about the art of mountain biking.
Questions, thoughts, or ideas? Please don't hesitate to reach out.
Nicole Webb
Highly Capable Facilitator