Giesinger Gazette
December 31, 2023
January 14, 2024
January 15th
School Holiday
January 18th
Kona Ice $3
Screen Time Tips
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting screen time to no more than 2 hours per day for teens.
Attendance Reminders
When your child is absent, call/email their homeroom teacher and the school registrar, Robin Rickwalt at rrickwalt@ 936- 709-2610.
Following a school absence, a note/email and a doctor's note (when appropriate) should be sent by the parent/guardian explaining the absence in order to be documented on the students attendance record. Attendance is officially recorded at 9:00 am each day. If possible, routine medical appointments should be scheduled before or after this time period. A child enrolled in prekindergarten or kindergarten is subject to compulsory attendance laws and policies.
Please plan to take family vacations during school holidays or long weekends. It is important that children remain in school until the close of each school day at 3:10 p.m. unless illness has caused a child to leave earlier.
Attendance Matters
Attendance is super important and a large indicator of school success. Help us reach our attendance goal by having students at school each day, on time. We were VERY close to our attendance goal last week! :)
Last Week: 95.91%
Our Goal: 96%
Message from the Clinic
Please Keep a Change of Clothing in Your Student’s Backpack
Please make sure that you provide your student with a change of clothing to keep in their backpack. This will cover spills, mud, and bathroom accidents that may happen during the school day. As the weather changes, consider updating the clothing to fit the season. Having a change of clothing available will provide comfort for your child and peace of mind for you!
Reminder for change of season:
It’s a good time to check the backpacks and make sure the spare clothing you have packed is weather appropriate for the season. Brrrrr!!! You never know when spills, mud, or bathroom accidents may occur. Having a change of clothing available will provide comfort for your child and peace of mind for you!
Proclamation 2024 Instructional Materials Adoption
Conroe ISD is seeking community feedback for the Proclamation 2024 Instructional Materials Adoption through April 5, 2024. Community members may review materials online or they may request to view the materials in person at the Conroe ISD Textbook Warehouse. More information is located on the CISD Instructional Materials website.
New Date due to Missing 1/16/24
PTO Popcorn Fundraiser January 9-23, 2024
Our annual PTO Popcorn fundraiser begins this week. This is a great opportunity to support a local Conroe business, Back in Time Popcorn, as well as support our school.
Thank you for your participation in this tasty fundraiser!
Guidance & Counseling
There are two community events in January. These are really for older aged students but we wanted to share this information in case it would benefit anyone in your family or friends.
Sponsor our Boosterthon Shirts!
Giesinger Families,
Giesinger is excited to launch our Community Shirt Partnership program! Through this program, we will be able to provide a spirited custom shirt to EVERY student in our school, while also raising needed funds.
The primary component of our shirt partnership program is our Event Shirt for our Boosterthon fundraiser. We are hoping to partner with local businesses to help sponsor these shirts. Their logo or name will be displayed on the shirt, and worn by every student in our school.
If you know of, or are part of, a business that would be interested in becoming a Giesinger Community Partner, please give us your email address and we will send you the sponsorship form.
We need a commitment from all Community Business Partners by February 29th in order to supply all our students with a shirt.
Thank you in advance for supporting our school! If you have any questions, please contact us at
Conroe ISD YOUniversity
We appreciate our School Board!
Yearbook Sales EXTENDED
The deadline to order your 2023-2024 Giesinger Yearbook has been extended for last minute orders. Click here for the link to order.
Eagles Shopping Network & Teacher Cart
Our teacher and student stores open monthly and we need your help stocking it!
Teacher store
Eagle shopping network
Grade Level Lunch Times
Pre-K- 11:50-12:20
Kindergarten- 11:10-11:40
1st Grade- 11:25-11:55
2nd Grade- 12:35-1:05
3rd Grade- 12:00-12:30
4th Grade- 12:15-12:45
Happy Birthday to our Staff!
Your Giesinger Administration Team
Left to right: Jaime Peek (Asst. Principal), Amy Barber (Principal), Nadia McCord (Asst. Principal),
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber -
Assistant Principals
Jaime Peek-
Nadia McCord-
Counselor-Cathey Costas-
Secretary- Neva Hammonds-
Receptionist - Dawn Stabler
Nurse -Gloria Green, RN-
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt-
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916