NMS Tiger Times
May 24, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear NMS Families,
Our students participated in such exciting events over the past week. Student's talents were illuminated through the Dani Duggan Fine Arts Festival, our performance of Alice in Wonderland, and the winner of the newest art piece to be hung in the NMS hallways.
We also got to add a few fun events into the work that we do. Students participated a Unified Cornhole Tournament against other Massasoit League Students. A BIG thank you to Mrs. Enos, PE teacher and the PTA for our Rocks, Paper, Scissors event. Each grade level cluster held a competition to see who could to get the most beads. A Cluster competed on the basketball courts, B Cluster of the soccer fields, and C Cluster on the softball fields. Please see below for the rules and great pictures of student in their element!
Have a beautiful long weekend!
Dr. Tucker
NMS Fine Art, Festivals, Plays and FUN
Lucy Bradford Artist
Lucy Bradford's art work was selected to be made in to a poster. Lucy's NMS Tiger will be placed in the main lobby stairwell for all to see. Her use of colors and attention to detail brought this tiger to life!
Dani Dugan Fine Arts Festival
Our NMS students had a beautiful display of art work.
Alice in Wonderland Cast and Crew
Tiger Stripes Tiger Stripes
Our weekly Tiger Stripe winners were acknowledged during grade level lunches. we appreciate their model behaviors.
Unified Cornhole Tournament
Rocks, Paper, Scissors
Competition lasts during this class period only
Each cluster will compete against themselves
Every player starts with one necklace
If you lose a Rock Paper Scissors match, you MUST give ALL of your necklace(s) to your opponent
Teachers are playing too
Can you get back in?
YES! Challenge any player with at least one necklace to a best of 3 competition. If you get the two wins that player will give you ONE necklace to get you back into the game
At the end of the competition the students from each cluster will face off against each other.
Student Activities
Spring Sports: On-going
NMS Teams
- Baseball (grades 6,7 & 8)
- Boys MHS Tennis (grades 7 & 8 only pending MIAA approval)
- Boys MHS Lacrosse (grades 8 only)
- Softball (grades 6,7 & 8)
Student Clubs Information: On-going
Art Club - Michele Francoeur: Every other Tuesday (5/28- last meeting)
Chess Club - Dave Leonard: Every other Wednesday (6/5 - last meeting)
GSA - Madison Tyler: Every other Monday (6/10 - last meeting)
Yearbook Committee - Cammy Schiller: First Monday of each month (NO MAY meeting, JUNE TBD
Save the Date
Summer Reading Options from Ms. Walgreen
The NMS Library has 2 options for summer reading involving the Sora app.
One of the newsletters is for the Mass Teen Choice Book Award which grades 7 and 8 may participate in. The other option is the Sora Summer Sweet Reads Program which all grades may participate in.
Summer Reads link
Mass Teen Choice Award Link
In the Community
Booster Meeting
Join the Middleboro Performance Arts for an organizational meeting on Tuesday, June 11th
at 6:30pm in the Black Box Theatre.
Calendar Events
May 27th: Memorial Day Parade- 7th and 8th grade band performing
June 3rd: NMS Orchestra, Chorus, and Band Spring Concert
August 14th &15th: Start STRONG
Start Strong Save the Date- Repeat
Mark your calendars with the Middleboro Stay Strong event happening on August 14th and 15th. The StartSTRONG program provides students with information, guidance, and confidence for their transition as 8th grades at NMS to 9th grades at MHS. Discover what it means to be a Sachem!
Faculty Newsletters
From the District
Late Bus:
There are four late buses. In the cafeteria, where students gather prior to boarding, there are four books with addresses. Each book tells the students which bus they board based on their address. The bus passes given to the driver has your student's address. This allows the driver to make sure students are able to make it home appropriately.
PTA Contacts
NMS Parent- Teacher Association (PTA)
The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) supports important programming for our students and staff through fundraising. The PTA assists with funding field trips, teacher appreciation events, and family nights.
The PTA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM at the NMS Media Center.
Below are three easy ways to help contribute to the NMS PTA while shopping:
1. NMSPTA.ShutterflyStorefront.com - the PTA gets 8% of all items purchased
2. Use your phone to scan your grocery receipts: Hannaford, Walmart, Shaws, Trucchi's etc., via the Box Tops App
3. Baystate Textile Bin - located near the gym doors
NMS Contact Information
NMS Front Office
Phone Number: 508-946-2020
Fax Number: 508-946-2019
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday
Guidance Department
Check out the NMS Guidance Department smore! Here you will find information and resources for students to utilize. Our team works directly with students to assist with problems and help them work towards their goals. Please us the link below to see the department's newsletter. Guidance Department Smore
Communication Guide
Please use this link to see the Communication Guide outlines what families can expect for communications about events and important information from the schools.
Transportation Contact Information
Late Busses are available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Five Star Bus Company
(Regular Bus and Late Bus)
Contact: Terry Carvalho
Phone: (508) 657-2205
Email: tcarvalho@ridesta.com
Mini-Bus/Van Transportation
Department Head: Joan Hall
Title: Specialized Transportation Supervisor
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2121
Email: jhall@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Dispatcher: Kristina Stuart
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2120
Email: kstuart@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Inclement Weather
Please use this link to access the inclement weather smore.
John T. Nichols Jr. Middle School
Nichols Middle School services 6th, 7th and 8th graders and the total enrollment is about 705 students.
Website: https://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/NMS
Location: 112 Tiger Drive, Middleborough, MA, USA
Phone: 508-946-2020
Twitter: @JTNicholsMS