Cosmos Community Connections

Nov. 14- Fall Family Fitness Night/ PTA General Meeting
Nov. 18-22 - Book Fair
Nov. 19- Thanksgiving Luncheon
Nov. 25-29- Fall Break
Dec. 19 - Winter Wonderland (All School Celebration)
Dec. 19- Student Led Conferences *more information to follow
Dec. 20- Early Release
Dec. 23- Jan. 3 - Winter Break
Looking Out Into The Cosmos ~ 2025
Jan. 6- No School/ Staff Development
Jan. TBD- Watch Dogs Intro Meeting
Jan. 20- Student/ Staff Holiday
Feb. 13- Boots and Bling PTA member dance
Feb. 17- No School/ Staff Development
Mar. 5- Read Across America Week
Mar. 14- Christine Camacho Fun Run
Mar. 17-21- Spring Break
Mar. 24- No School/ Staff Development
Apr. 10- PTA Elections/ Mad Scientist Night
Apr. 18- Student/ Staff Holiday
Apr. 21- No School/ Staff Development
May 8- Spelling Bee
May 16- Field Day
May 22- Fifth Grade Celebration
May 23- Early Release Day
Have a picture(s) taken at any of our Camacho events? Check this spot in our weekly updates to upload throughout the year so we can share with our Yearbook team.
Camacho Communication
At Camacho, we strive to provide multiple ways to inform students and parents about upcoming events and announcements. Here are a few ways to stay connected:
Website: www.camacho.leanderisd.org
Cosmo Weekly Updates: We typically send out weekly newsletters every Friday through the Remind system. Please make sure that we have an up-to-date email in our system by registering in our Student Information System or emailing our Registrar Brendak.edwards@leanderisd.org also send your absence notes to camattendance@leanderisd.org
Twitter: @Camacho_Elem
Facebook: Christine Camacho Elementary
Remind: @lisdcam
Stay in Touch with Camacho Elementary
Website: Camacho.Leanderisd.org
Location: 501 Municipal Drive, Leander, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-7800
Twitter: @Camacho_Elem