Senior Newsletter
Class of 2024 - Latest News and Information!
Planning for the end of the Year!
The countdown is ON. There are only 7 more school days for our seniors! It is moving fast, I know I don't have to tell you, and these days are going to be jam packed. Take a look at the summary below.
As seniors get ready to walk the stage, some reminders are important:
- These days are important- finals, final review, senior projects- our seniors attendance has dipped quite a bit this month, and I want to boost them up and remind them to finish in a way that would make themselves proud.
- Behavior matters: walking at graduation is a privilege, not a right. Seniors who choose to engage in a destructive manner, including destructive "senior pranks", will be disciplined appropriately, which CAN include not walking at graduation. The graduation ceremony is one for the entire family- remind your senior that their choices can affect more than just them.
- Final transcripts- seniors will request their final transcripts to the college of their choice through Naviance. These will be sent out after transcripts are finalized the week of June 10th.
- Senior Circle- seniors who have been invited to senior circle because they are receiving an award are encouraged to bring their families and dress nicely for the occasion. Those who cannot attend can pick up their awards can get them in the office after Monday.
We are thrilled to see our seniors reach these last days, and this final high school achievement, and we look forward to celebrating them with you very soon!
Senior Ball Photo Booth
Choir at Musical America
Tennis at the DAL
Parent Volunteers Needed- Grad Night Committee
Parent Volunteers Needed > Join the Grad Night Committee or help the night of sign up here > Sign up Genius
2024 and Beyond!
This map shows where our Broncos have been accepted into colleges around the country! Not shown, but also included: Alaska, Hawaii, and Switzerland.
Graduation Lei Fundraiser
Graduation Lei Fundraiser> See flyer attached and order form here >> Lei Orders
Hello Senior Families!
Some calendar highlights:
May 17th- Movin' on Up Rally
May 20-21 Senior Finals (individually scheduled by teachers) (no altered schedule)
May 20th- Senior Honor Circle- 6pm (Awards Night0
May 22-23- Senior Project Presentations (Altered Schedule)
May 22- Spring Guitar Concert
May 24th- Final Improv Show
May 28th- Last day of School for Seniors- Senior Breakfast
May 29th- Grad rehearsal (9am) and Graduation (7pm)
May 30th- Grad Night
Seniors are then excused from school for the remaining days while the other grades are finishing, with the exception of seniors who did not earn enough credits to graduate.
Senior Fun Day- May 28th
Tuesday, May 28th is our Seniors Last Day of school! Congratulations! Check out the details below...
Seniors will be participating in a GRAD WALK at Walnut Acres Elementary OR Highlands Elementary. Even if the senior didn't attend these schools, it's a sweet event and the younger students love seeing high school grads in their caps and gowns.
Field trip forms are in the main office by attendance and you must fill the form out in order to attend the grad walk. You will be missing A period, 1st and 2nd periods. White form for Walnut Acres and Orange form for Highlands. You only choose one elementary school. Students are responsible to get themselves to the elementary school and return to NHS by 9:30am.
After the grad walks, all seniors report back to Northgate in the gym at 9:30am to enjoy friends, music, catered brunch (breakfast burritos, fruit, muffins, pancakes, sausage, bacon, veggie options, grab & go items), superlative awards ceremony, photo booths, games, cornhole, design a pennant for your next chapter, and watch the senior slideshow! After hanging out in the gym we'll move outside and play in the pool!
We still need childhood memories/photos for our Senior Slideshow - Please Submit photos here!
8:15am - Arrive at Walnut Acres or Highlands - Grad Walks until 9:30am
9:30/9:45am-12:30pm - Back to Northgate
12:30-2pm - Pool Party at Northgate
Thank you and make it a great day to be a BRONCO!
For more information please email howertonk@mdusd.org directly.
Graduation Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 09:00 AM
Concord Pavilion, Kirker Pass Road, Concord, CA, USA
What is it?
Graduation is the final celebration for seniors and their families, where seniors receive their high school diplomas. This event is held at Concord Pavilion. Mandatory rehearsal is the same morning.
Students need to report by 6pm. Gates for families/spectators open at 5:30pm. Parking lot opens at 5pm.
How much does it cost?
$0 for the event; $20 to park. Parking must be purchased on Ticketmaster/Live Nation. Link will be sent out when we have it. All students/families will need parking passes, so we suggest carpooling.
What is the attire?
Cap and gown. Many students wear nice clothes/business casual underneath.
Do parents attend?
Parents and families!
Are tickets required?
There are no tickets for this event, no limit to the number of people attending.
What is not allowed at the pavilion?
There will be specific notes sent out from the pavilion. Bags must be a specific size and clear, no inflatable items or balloons, no artificial noisemakers, no portable seating.
How is accessible seating handled?
Golf cart shuttles are available for assisted transport to the gates from the car. There is accessible seating available, with limited companion seating- this is first come, first served, they cannot be reserved.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
Concord Pavilion, Kirker Pass Road, Concord, CA, USA
Graduation is Live streamed!
Do you have family or friends who want to watch remotely? Graduation is live streamed at this link:
Graduation Photos
Parking at Graduation
All parking passes MUST be purchased online and in advance HERE. Tickets are $20, and graduates are encouraged to carpool.
The pavilion allows us to use their space at no cost, and provides staff for the event- this is how they recover costs for the staff on hand. Thank you for your understanding!
No tickets are required to get in the pavilion itself.
Grad Night
A safe and sober PFC sponsored event for graduates to celebrate graduation together, alcohol-free, with plenty of entertainment and excitement for the evening. This event will be a boat cruise along the bay.
How much does it cost?
What is the attire?
Casual and comfortable
Do parents attend?
No! This one is (graduated) students only!
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 04:30 PM
Grad Night- Once in a Lifetime!
It's Grad Night > Get your Tickets for May 30th!
Grad Night - Got tickets? Don't miss the final sunset of senior year. Tickets are still available for the cruise around the bay including transportation to the boat, dinner, DJ Silent Disco, Karaoke, and more. Awesome raffle prizes like a Gary Payton signed jersey, food baskets, A's tickets, concert tickets, and more. It's their only grad night! Purchase your senior's today- [bit.ly/GradNightTicket2024] Questions? Email nggradnight@gmail.com
Leave a Legacy
Now is the perfect time to buy your senior their Legacy Brick, and have their name emblazoned on our new Legacy Lane in the stadium!
Last Chance- get your Northgate gear!
Need some gear to remember your soon alma mater? Look no further!
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: (925) 938-0900
Instagram: @northgatehs