In this issue, we cover:
(一) 重要日期
Important Dates
(二) 便當代購
Bento Ordering 3/16
(三) 識字詞比賽
Academy contest 3/16
(四) 線上上課後續報導
Online Class Follow-up Report
(五)《 BIG 》華語電影欣賞
Movie《 BIG 》 3/30
(一) 重要日期
Important Dates
- 3/16 識字識詞比賽(Academic Contest): 五年級(5th grade)
- 3/23 春假(Spring Break)
- 3/30 春假(Spring Break)
- 4/6 識字識詞比賽(Academic Contest): 四年級(4th grade)、六年級(6th grade)、傳統班幼稚園(Kㄅㄆㄇㄈ)
美中寫作觀摩收件截止日期(Deadline for Midwest Chinese Composition) - 4/13 識字識詞比賽(Academic Contest): 一年級(1st grade)、二年級(2nd grade)
- 4/20 識字問答比賽(Oral Proficiency Interview): CSL 1, 2, 3
校內寫作觀摩收件截止日期(Deadline for CAoC Chinese Composition)
畢業典禮預演(Commencement Rehearsal) - 4/27 畢業典禮預演(Commencement Rehearsal)
團體照(School and Class Pictures)
傳統班期末考(Traditional Class Final Exam)
校內寫作觀摩(CAoC Chinese Composition Exhibition)
獎盃頒發(Trophies Given)
- 5/4 學年最後一天(Last Day of School Year)
(二) 便當代購
Bento Ordering - 3/16
若有需要便當代訂服務的朋友們,請於3/14 (四)中午12點前結單。請至google form填寫便當表單,並完成付款手續。
If you are interested, please fill out the google form for ordering bento and complete the payment procedure before 12 noon on 3/14 (Thursday).
致便當忠實訂購的朋友們,請加入『中文書院之友』聯誼區,若確定有義工可以幫忙領便當,我們會於週二在LINE 群組發布便當訂購的訊息。
To our loyal bento ordering friends, please scan the QR Code to join『Friends of CAoC』LINE group in order to get bento information on Tuesday if the volunteer driver is confirmed!
Thank you very much!
(三) 識字識詞比賽
Academic Contest - 3/16
Our Academic Contest for traditional class and Oral Proficiency Interview for CSL class start on March 16th, this coming Saturday, in 5th grade classroom.
Let’s wish 5th graders for the best and make good use of the rest preparation time. Efforts will be paid off. CAoC wishes you all good luck!
(四) 線上上課後續報導
💻 Online Class Follow-up Report
Thank you to the parents for their full cooperation and the teachers for their wonderful preparation of online teaching materials! So that we can enjoy the two-hour alternative course on March 9 safely and smoothly.
Meanwhile, we also thank teachers and parents for their feedbacks and understanding. We learned that we should separate each class to avoid distraction.
(五)《 BIG 》華語電影欣賞
Movie《 BIG 》 3/30
Director Wei will be invited to share his latest film: BIG in Cleveland on March 30th. Wei is the director of the two highest grossing local films of all time in Taiwan: musical drama Cape No.7, which grossed $16.8m (N$$534m) in 2008, and historical epic Seediq Bale Part 1: Sun Flag which garnred $14.9m (NT$473m) in 2011.
BIG tells a story about a group of children warriors who share the same cancer ward in the hospital, fighting against life-threatening diseases. The movie showcases heartfelt stories of families from different walks of life. This is a family friendly movie, all ages are welcome.
A forum with Director Wei will be followed after the screening, please feel free to stay with us after the movie. If you are interested in coming to the screening, please click on the link or scan the QR Code within the flyers to save your spot.
時間 Date
March 30th, Saturday, 10:30-16:00
地點 Location
Shaker Heights Middle School, 20600 Shaker Blvd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122 (Auditorium)
Shaker Heights 中學 (禮堂)
行程 Schedule
- 10:30 Registration 報到
10:30-11:30 Refreshments 茶點時間
11:30 Movie Screening 電影播放
14:30-16:00 Director’s Talk & Forum 導演座談會
票價 Ticket
$10 (Pay at the door 入場付費)
Student: Free Admission 學生免費
CAoC Principal: 鄭有為 (Tim)
Academic Affairs: 韓宜潔 (EJ)
TCML: 王雅真 (Erica)
CAoC Webpage: Chinese Academy of Cleveland
TCML Webpage: Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning
CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAOCOH/
Friends of CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1408977282704803/
Send an email to us if you would like to unsubscribe from our newsletter.