Buffalo Express
November 15, 2024
Buffalo Families,
Exciting news! The Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation's Major Saver Card fundraiser has gone DIGITAL, making it easier than ever to support our schools! By participating, you'll play a vital role in funding valuable programs and resources for our students. The fundraiser benefits the Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation and our school. Open our school's Launch Guide https://bit.ly/4hFXY4f to see all the deals for this year and student prizes. Click the link at the top of the Launch Guide to learn how to start your student's Major Saver Card fundraiser account.
We also continue to collect gently used shoes for an organization called Sole Reason that gets shoes to children and adults in need.
With Buffalo Pride,
Mrs. Bervert
Berryton Links
BES Art Corner
This week in art we focused on learning about our artist of the month, Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade, he created approximately 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. The students learned about his interesting life and saw pictures of some of his artwork! In art they are focusing on two of his most famous paintings, Sunflowers and Starry Night. Kinders started working on a ripped sunflowers art! Their cutting and following directions skills are really improving!! 1st grade made ginormous sunflowers! They are so bright and cheery! 2nd grade worked on folded paper sunflowers in a vase! 3rd graders started their sunflower chalk pastel art and loved how messy it was! 4th graders are using construction paper crayons, crayons and oil pastels to create a more realistic sunflowers in a vase! 5th graders started their Starry Night background with a handmade sunflower on top! 6th grade's focus in on Starry Night! I gave them freedom to use any art supplies to make their own piece that looks like Starry Night! They loved the having the freedom to create and really push themselves to make something they had never done before! All of the students really loved learning about Van Gogh and are having a blast in art class!
Upcoming Intramural Days
- 11/18
- 11/20
- 11/21
- 11/25
- 12/2
- 12/4
Support the BES PTO
Upcoming Events and Calendars
- Monday, November 18- Skate Night from 6-8 pm
- Saturday, November 23- Pancake Feed from 8-11
- Saturday, November 23- Craft Fair from 9-3 pm
- Wednesday, November 27- December 1- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Tuesday, December 3- 1st Grade Field Trip to Shawnee County Public Library
- Tuesday, December 10- 4th and 5th Field Trip to SHHS for Concert Practice
- Tuesday, December 10- 4th and 5th Music Concert at SHHS- 7 pm
- Thursday, December 12- Elementary Orchestra Concert in SHHS Auditorium- 6 pm
- Thursday, December 12- Elementary Band Concert in SHHS South Gym- 7 pm
- Friday, December 20- Last Day of School before Holiday Break
- Saturday, December 21- Monday, January 6- Holiday Break
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
About Me
As an elementary principal I enjoy working collaboratively with staff members to support student learning. I am passionate about continuing to learn professionally, and building relationships with staff and students at Berryton Elementary. When I'm not serving at Berryton Elementary I am usually with my husband and two sons. We can be found at sporting events, cheering on Kansas State University, or just enjoying a movie at home.
Email: bervertk@usd450.net
Website: bes.usd450.net
Location: 2921 Southeast 69th Street, Berryton, KS, USA
Phone: (785)861-1300