WJHS Highlights
November Leader of the Pack!
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
As I mentioned last week, we are having some Winter Fun ⛄ this month and I am linking the calendar of events so that you can see what's happening and encourage your child to participate. Our Student Council met last week and rounded out the final week of fun - the upcoming week. Check it out!
Tony DeMonte hosted a Parent Education Event this week that is particularly relevant for our 5- 8 families. Please check out the links in the "District Update" below to learn more.
What a great first couple of months of school we have had at WJHS! There are so many fun, creative, and exciting things going on in our building. In short, there are a lot of things to like about WJHS! Please enjoy this short, celebratory video as we wrap up calendar year 2024!
Kate, Jeff and Rob
Drop Off and Pick Up Pattern
Drop-off/Pick-up Traffic Pattern
As a reminder, and for the safety of our students and staff, there is no left turn into the circle drive during both drop-off and pick-off and no left turn leaving the circle drive in front of the school. Not adhering to the designated traffic pattern impacts student safety and traffic flow.
The Village of Wilmette has replaced the sign into the traffic circle to make the message more clear and visible. Please be advised that this is a Village of Wilmette sign enforceable by the Wilmette Police Department. Since there have been recent complaints made to the Wilmette Police Department about left turns, there will be enforcement periods in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation.
Lost & Found Will Be Donated on 12/18!
The lost and found has grown immensely in the past few weeks and it will be officially donated on December 18. If you are among the many family members wondering where all of their drinkware, lunch bags, coats, etc. have gone, please stop by WJHS to visit the Lost & Found!
Buzz, buzz! The 2024 WJHS Spelling Bee is just around the corner!
This year, we will use the Scripps National Spelling Bee’s online testing platform to hold our grade-level spelling bee via an online spelling test.
The first step to spelling bee participation is registering for the online testing platform by visiting https://online-test.spellingbee.com.
Here is a video tutorial that will walk you through the registration process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ThKRsffiFc
Tests can be taken on any device with a web browser, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge are our preferred browsers. We do not support Safari for desktop or Internet Explorer.
The students from each grade with the highest scores will move on to compete in the district bee. This year, our school-level competition will be administered via an in-person bee at WJHS in January 2025
Our district champion will then move on to represent Wilmette District 39 in the next level of the regional spelling bee program, which may include online tests instead of in-person spelling bee events.
Remember, the first step to participating in the spelling bee is to register at online-test.spellingbee.com. Please register your student as soon as possible, as I will begin assigning tests soon. If you have already registered another child in the online testing platform, you can log in to your account and add an additional child to that same parent account. There is no need to register a different email address for each child in your household.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions about our school spelling bee program.
Mary Kate Lubawski - Lubawskm@wilmette39.org
Wilmette Junior High School
SEL News
December often finds us in a season of giving and offering gratitude for the things that we are thankful. Practicing gratitude with our children is a wonderful way to help them build empathy, support the development of their relationship skills, support finding creative solutions to conflict, and can help kids make positive choices when they interact with others.
This month as we all reflect on the past year and look forward to a fresh start in 2025, try one of these simple ways to practice gratitude as a family…even the simplest acts can make a big difference in the lives of others…as well as your own!
As you tuck your child in bed at night or as you converse at the dinner table, ask your child, “What were you thankful for today?” Share your own as well! This will help to reframe even the negative thoughts (i.e. “Ugh…the snow…”) to positive thoughts (i.e. “The snow today made everything look clean and bright outside.”) and by sharing your own thoughts of gratitude, you serve as a model for your child.
Write thank you notes…but not only for gifts! Gratitude can be expressed to others (teachers, grandparents, siblings, etc.) with a simple note of thanks for anything! See if you can get crafty and creative as you send notes to others expressing your thanks.
Create a family gratitude jar. After creating the jar, put it in a special place in the house where you add to it on a regular basis with little slips of paper. You can use questions such as, “Who makes you laugh?” or “What are the things that made you happy this week?” to prompt thinking about gratitude, or just keep it as a spot for family members to add regularly. Open it and look through it every few months, to see how many things in our lives have created a sense of gratitude.
Thank you to all of the families who contributed to the Teacher/Staff Holiday Gift Fund this year. As the holidays approach, the WJHS PTO organizes a one-time gift during the school year from the WJHS families to all teachers, admins, building staff and crossing guards to be given before Winter Break. We will be delivering the gifts next week! Thank you parents for your generosity!
All families who have contributed to the WJHS iGNITE Fund will receive a complimentary magnet. Be on the lookout within the next week for your complimentary magnet which will be coming home through “backpack express” (aka given to your student during their homeroom).
The iGNITE! Fund for Enrichment raises funds to pay for enrichment programs like field trips, cultural experiences, traveling authors, and school sponsored clubs/activities. The German students went downtown last week for their annual Christkindlmarket field trip on behalf of the WJHS iGNITE FUND! If you are interested in making a year-end donation, we’d really appreciate it!
Do you love to sing, dance, do stand-up comedy, play an instrument or act in a skit? Show us your unique talent at the WJHS Talent & Variety Show! We welcome all kinds of performances!
AUDITIONS: 12/16, and 12/19, 3:15pm in the Auditorium. Sign up HERE! Rehearsals will be on Thursdays afterschool in January and February, with the performance on 3/6/25. Questions? Email Vandita Pateriya at vandita9@gmail.com for any questions.
Is your student a budding artist? Whether they’re skilled in pencil/paint or in digital/app use, students are encouraged to join the Yearbook Cover Design Challenge! Students received the submission link via their Schoology Lunch Course with a due date of December 20th! Questions? Email Mr. Donhost at donhostm@wilmette39.org.
Does your student know how to think fast and speak well? Winter registration is now open for the Aces Debate club. This 8-week session is open to all students, no matter what level. For more information and to register click HERE. Questions? Email instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
Previous students will take ADVANCED DEBATE on Mondays at WJHS at 3:30-4:30pm beginning 1/13. Beginners can take the INTRO TO DEBATE class, held at Highcrest Middle School Fridays 3:45-4:45pm beginning 1/10. Students who started in the fall at HMS can continue on Thursdays beginning 1/23. The Winter Session ends with a 2-hour debate tournament for all levels to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new skills in full debates! For more information and to register click HERE.
THREE OPEN DAYS STILL LEFT IN DECEMBER! FRIDAY 12/13, MONDAY 12/16 and TUESDAY 12/17. Sign up HERE and thank you!
The WJHS Student Council is sponsoring a book drive for students and staff for Bernie’s Book Bank until the start of winter break. Drop off any books in the collection bins in the school lobby and they will be delivered and donated to Bernie’s Book Bank. Thank you to parent Trina Platt for coordinating!
The WJHS PTO has been asked to pass along some relevant community information:
The New Trier Parent Association is looking for volunteers to help fill packets for the incoming Class of 2029's Activity Night.
Date: Tuesday, 1/7/25
Time 10:15am - 1:00pm (or come when you can)
Where: Room C234 Northfield Campus
Enter through D or B building. Security will check in volunteers please bring your ID.
Sign up HERE and thank you!
Appreciation Certificates are now available! For a $39 donation, the staff member(s) of your choice will be honored with a personalized certificate sent via email and their name will be posted on our website’s virtual Wall of Honor. All donations benefit D39 schools by funding the Gripp Grant program. Purchase your Appreciation Certificate HERE.
District Update
Parent Education Event
Thank you to everyone who joined us Wednesday for our Parent Education event titled “Youth Substance Use Trends Parents Should Know About.” If you were unable to join us live, the recording and presentation materials are now available below.
We are grateful to have partnered with PEER Services and the Knowledge Empowers Youth (KEY) Coalition for this presentation, which provided outstanding guidance on an important topic. Please visit our Parent Education webpage for our full schedule of events as well as archived recordings of past events.
Board of Education – Committee of the Whole Meeting Recap
This past Monday, the Board of Education gathered for its monthly Committee of the Whole meeting. These committee meetings, characterized by dialogue and an exchange of ideas, inform the Board’s monthly business meeting and offer an opportunity to review, discuss, and provide valuable insight on District initiatives. Just like the monthly business meetings, these committee meetings are open to in-person attendance and also streamed live on our YouTube channel, with a recording available for later viewing.
At Monday’s committee meeting, the Board was presented with a five-year projection of capital projects as well as a five-year financial projection report that covers FY26 through FY30. The Board also received a preliminary presentation on transportation fees and heard a report on the work of our D39 Joint Leadership Team, a group that includes faculty, staff and administrator representatives, that was established last year to focus on culture and climate within each of our schools and make recommendations to address needs together. The complete agenda and all accompanying materials for this meeting are available online.
Save the Date – Registration for the 2025-26 Academic Year
With the end of the calendar year rapidly approaching, we wanted to share that registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. District 39 is excited that it will be offering full-day kindergarten for all families beginning in Fall 2025! Additionally, our school calendar committee is currently finalizing next year’s school calendar. The committee will be presenting a draft of the 2025-26 Academic Year Calendar at next Monday’s Board of Education meeting (Dec. 16) and is expected to receive final approval of the calendar at the January Board meeting.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @wjhswolves39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family