Headlines & Virtual Backpack
Week ending August 28, 2020
Homeroom Teacher Assignments, 2020-2021
Need Tech Support?
Voluntary Return of Devices
All students in grades 1-8 have/will be provided with a District-issued iPad (grades 1-2) or Chromebook (grades 3-8). Although we ordered devices for kindergarten, due to the disruption in the supply chain, our vendor has informed us that we will not receive these devices for several more weeks. Please complete this form to indicate your ability and willingness to return your District-issued device if your child has a personal device that can be used at home.
Meals for Families
Click this link, enter your home address and search the USDA database to find the nearest site to receive free meals this summer. For details, view these flyers: Summer Food Service and en espanol. The Flemington Food Pantry (154 Route 31, Flemington) also assists families in need throughout the summer.
Summer Reading Links
Summer Reading is in full swing! Our district's Summer Reading Initiative strives to empower readers through choice; enable students to develop an independent reading life by cultivating interests and curiosities; and increase students’ reading volume and stamina, encourage “talk” around books, and allow for positive experiences with reading. Visit our District’s Summer Reading Initiative web page and explore all the possibilities.
Virtual Backpack Flyers
Barley Sheaf
School Supply List - Kindergarten (revised August) (8/12/20)
School Supply List - Grade 1 (7/13/20)
School Supply List - Grade 2 (7/9/20)
School Supply List - Grade 3 (7/9/20)
School Supply List - Grade 4 (7/9/20)
Copper Hill
Invitation to FAD PTO Site - En Espanol
FAD Masks Headbands & Lanyards at Cost!
FAD Summer Reading Challenge Board
Robert Hunter
Robert Hunter Back to School Supplies (8/10/2020)
2020-2021 Student Supply List (8/24/20)
JP Case
J.P. Case Spiritwear (7/16/20)
Greater Flemington Soccer Registration (8/28/20)
Hunterdon Hoops Fall Training (8/24/20)
Pack 61 (8/24/20)