North Godwin News
Week of January 6, 2025
Steve Minard, Principal
Kristi Bast, Secretary
Telephone (616) 252-2010 and Fax (616) 252-2011
Welcome Back from Winter Break ~ Happy New Year 2025!
Parents and Guardians,
We hope that all of our North Godwin families had a joyous, warm, and memorable winter break. We wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025! Having our students back in the building, refreshed from a long break, gives us strong foundation to complete the remainder of the school year. We have challenging and rewarding learning opportunities ahead in terms of core instruction, state testing, parent and teacher conferences, March is reading month, after-school tutoring programs, and much more! Now is the time to buckle down, work hard, and focus!
Parents, school attendance is crucial to your student's success; academically, socially, and emotionally. It is important that all students are in school ON TIME and EVERY DAY, unless sick. Please be sure that any absences are reported to the school office on the day that they occur. You can call or leave a message at (616) 252-2010, or email Mrs. Bast at: bast@godwinschools.org to report an absence. Absences not reported to the school office are automatically marked as UNexcused.
Our teachers and support staff work very hard to provide a nuturing, safe, and progressive learning environment for all students. We believe that elementary school is a vital step in preparing children for secondary learning. It’s where most children learn to read, where they learn the fundamental concepts of science and mathematics, and where they gain a basic understanding of the world and its history. Studies have proven that learning to read before fourth grade can actually increase a student’s lifelong earning potential. In other words, the quality of education a child receives in elementary school can affect their entire life! Elementary school also provides an opportunity for children to learn life skills and mental health coping techniques by providing safe outlets for students to manage big feelings. We take our leadership role in these areas very seriously and find it a joy and privilege to teach your children!
Parents, we appreciate your support in communicating the needs of your student/s and your family as we progress into the second semester. We rely upon parents and guardians to convey the importance and value of an education to their students and help to hold them accountable at home for their learning and contributions in their classrooms. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
January is always about fresh beginnings and positive change. We welcome the promise of the New Year and all the possibilities that it offers for our North Godwin Elementary students! We hope that this year brings happiness, success, and peace to you and your wonderful families here in the Godwin Heights community!
North Godwin Elementary students enjoy 3 specials each week. During the 1st semester of the 2024-2025 school year they participated in Physical Education, Library and Art. During the 2nd semester, they will participate in Physical Education, Library and Music.
Mrs. Christine Jenkins is our Music Teacher. She is in classroom #1, which housed Art class last semester. In upper elementary, music education encourages self-growth through community. Students will express themselves creatively through these essential skills: singing, composing, improvising, expanding their understanding of music literacy, and listening to an increasingly diverse repertoire of music.
Under the direction of Mrs. Jenkins, our North Godwin students will host a Spring Music Performance event on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the Godwin Heights High School Auditorium.
We are pleased to give a nice NORTH GODWIN WELCOME to the following individuals who have been placed at North Godwin Elementary for the winter 2025 semester. These are all future educators who are either learning about teaching as a career while still in high school, or fulfilling teacher assistant or student teaching requirements at the collegiate level. Each semester candidate is assigned to a North Godwin teacher that mentors them through their differing requirements. We feel that North Godwin Elementary is a perfect learning environment for future teachers -- our leadership is strong, our classroom teachers are highly experienced, our community is welcoming, our student population is diverse, and our teaching techniques are well researched and modeled for effectiveness.
Student Teachers
Peyton Cheney, Grand Valley State University, with mentor Ms. Jen Meyers, 5th Grade
Nereida Martinez, Grand Valley State University, with mentor Miss Shannon, 5th Grade
Elizabeth Vos, Calvin University, with mentor Mrs. David, 3rd Grade
Teacher Assistants
Lily Wasik, Grand Valley State University, with mentor Mrs. Krepps, 3rd Grade
Dylan Hoffman, Grand Valley State University, with mentor, Mrs. Tidey, 4th Grade
Evan Kussner, Grand Valley State University, with mentor, Mrs. Lamos, Special Education
Kennedy Mikel, Grand Valley State University, with mentor, Ms. Bowen, Special Education
Grace Welke, Grand Valley State University, with mentor, Mrs. Friel, Special Education
Elisa Aguilar-Orozco, Kent Career Technical Center Teacher Academy
(Godwin Heights High School Senior), with mentor, Mrs. Krepps, 3rd Grade
Brizeida Figuroa-Zuniga, Kent Career Technical Center Teacher Academy (Grand River Preparatory High School Senior), with mentor, Mrs. David, 3rd Grade
Our annual after-school tutoring for select ELL/MLL students will begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. This program is held every Tuesday and Thursdsay after school from 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM. The last day of the program is Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Invitations for this program were only extended to our ELL/MLL learners at North Godwin who are most in need of the added support academically. Transportation is provided for RESIDENT students who are participating in the program.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact our ELL/MLL Teacher, Mrs. Mindy Lange at: lange@godwinschools.org
North Godwin Recess Policies
Parents and Guardians,
Each day our students are OUTSIDE for up to 15 minutes (earliest drop off is 8:00 AM and the starting bell rings at 8:15 AM) in the morning, during lunch recess for 15 minutes, and for a short extra afternoon recess, UNLESS:
1. It is raining
2. Our school area is under a thunderstorm or tornado warning
3. The temperature is below 16 degrees
4. The wind chill is below zero
5. A student has a medical note for exclusion from a physician
In order for a student to be exempt from outdoor recess on any given day, we MUST HAVE A NOTE FROM A PHYSICIAN on file stating the reason, temperature threshold for staying indoors, and/or the duration of the exemption (dates).
Parents, please be sure that your student is properly dressed for outdoor weather EVERY DAY. This includes a warm, waterproof coat, snow pants, gloves, hats, and boots. If you need help securing any of these items, please call the school office, or email Mrs. Bast at: bast@godwinschools.org
Parents and Guardians,
Please note that our next EARLY DISMISSAL will be on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Parent car line pick up will be at 1:30 PM. Buses depart when the final bell rings at 1:45 PM. Please plan accordingly and arrive on time! Thank you!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, 2025
Parents and Guardians,
In obervance of Martin Luter King, Jr. Day, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, 2025!
Martin Luther King Jr. fought for the rights and dignity of all people, and his legacy inspires us to continue working towards a more just and equitable world. By honoring his memory and ideals on this day, we can reaffirm our commitment to creating a better future for all.
Medications given at school require:
- Parent/Guardian needs to walk medication into the front office. Students CANNOT transport medications.
- Medications brought in by students without proper documentation will NOT be administered and a parent will need to complete the correct forms before medication can be given.
- Written parental and doctor’s permission for prescriptions (Rx) and parental consent for over the counter medications (OTC).
Links for forms needed:
Medication Administration Form English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ESERuy0u0iSgLs8RdPIluDXNWkIP8TyP/view?usp=sharing
Medication Administration Form Spanish:
- Prescription medication must be in the original bottle with the current order on the label.
- Must indicate a time on the bottle OR a separate order is needed. Rx must be current.
- Over the counter medication must be in the manufacturer’s container and must be kept in the office for student to use as needed. Medication cannot be expired. A doctor’s order in not needed for over the counter meds.
- ONLY 9 th -12 th Grade Students may SELF-CARRY inhalers and EpiPen/AuviQ’s – self-carry form must be on file for each school year.
To protect all students from contagious illnesses, students must be:
- Fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications before returning to school.
- Free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
- On antibiotics for 24 hours after taking the first dose of antibiotic for an infection.
Because of all the infectious germs around us, it is particularly important to practice good hand washing skills, avoid sharing drinks with each other, and aim to get at least 9-12 hours of sleep each night.
Activity Restrictions/Injuries:
- Students need a note from a DOCTOR explaining what restrictions are needed for school, such as an elevator pass, P.E. limitations, etc. The doctor's note should include an end date for restrictions. Provide this note to your school’s front office.
- If your student needs a wheelchair, walker or any other assistive device for mobility, it will need to be provided from home.
- Concussions- Students MUST be cleared by a doctor BEFORE returning to SPORTS/ACTIVITIES. Please keep your coach informed. Cherry Health is available to help with concussions. Call 616-965-0435 for an appointment.
Does Your Child Have a Medical Condition? WE NEED TO KNOW!
Does your child have Diabetes, a Seizure diagnosis, Anaphylaxis, Sickle Cell, a mental health condition, limited mobility, food allergies, Asthma, a cardiovascular condition, an autoimmune condition, etc.?
We need to know in order to keep your child safe while at school. Please email our District Nurse: Meagan.Schaefer@GodwinSchools.org or our North Godwin Administrative Secretary: bast@godwinschools.org to ensure your child’s medical needs are met!
You can look PARENT VUE to see if your child’s medical condition is up to date. If not, please reach out to your child's school office!
Parents, we thank you for your support!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 is Student Count Day across the State of Michigan. Each year, there are two Count Days in Michigan; one in the fall and one in the winter.
1st Wednesday in October
Fall counts occur on the 1st Wednesday in October and represent 90% of state funding.
2nd Wednesday in February
Spring counts occur on the 2nd Wednesday in February and represent 10% of state funding.
We greatly appreciate your support February 12 -- all students should be in school ALL DAY and ON TIME, unless sick. Very important tax dollars for our school are dependant on the number of students in attendance on each Count Day!
2nd Semester P/T Conferences
Parents and Guardians,
Parent and Teacher Conferences for the 2nd semester of the 2024-2025 school year will be held on the following dates:
Monday, February 17, 2025 (NORMAL SCHOOL DAY)
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (EARLY DISMISSAL DAY; Parent pick-up begins at 1:30 PM)
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (HALF DAY; Parent pick-up begins at 11:30 AM)
More information will be coming home with students in the coming weeks!
Mid-Winter Break begins upon dismissal at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, February 20 and Friday, February 21, 2025.
Classes will resume as normal on Monday, February 24, 2025.
January Events Kent District Library
January 16: SnowFest Craft Party
January 23: Kid Zone Storytime
January 30: Art Party!
For more information, contact:
Jackie Boss
Youth Librarian | Wyoming Branch
Kent District Library
3350 Michael Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49509
616-784-2007 x4983
Please remind your students to check the Lost & Found bins, located in the main lobby. Our bins are overflowing with misplaced items. Thank you!
North Godwin House Teams -- 5 HOUSES STRONG ~ EVERYONE BELONGS!
At North Godwin Elementary, our entire school, staff included, is part of one of our 5 HOUSE TEAMS, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space! Students are assigned to a team in 3rd grade and stay on that team for their entire 3 years at North Godwin. New students in all grades are assigned to teams after they enroll.
House teams in schools are a fun, positive way to build stronger relationships among students, faculty, and staff. By setting up houses that include students from all grade levels, we enable students and staff to make investments in each other and share powerful moments together. House teams in schools also:
- Make large schools feel smaller
- Create stronger peer connections
- Cultivate a sense of belonging
- Improve school culture and climate
- Enable organic character education
- Foster faculty, staff, and student ownership
- Promote positive relationships
- Instill a sense of school pride
- Help reduce behavior issues
- Increase academic achievement
All absences must be called in to the school office each day at 616-252-2010! OR, emailed to Mrs. Bast: bast@godwinschools.org.
Absences not reported to the office will be recorded as UNexcused.
The Literacy Center of West Michigan is offering FREE classes for North Godwin Elementary parents who wish to learn English as a second language. Classes are held from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays. Free childcare is available. Please call McKenna at 616-551-4553 to register.
Our Feeding America truck distributions will be once a month on WEDNESDAYS! Food trucks start at 4:45 pm in front of the high school. If you have your own bags, you are encouraged to bring them!
Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
Godwin Heights 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
January 15 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
January 20 ~ No School
January 29 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
February 18 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM Spring P/T Conferences
February 19 ~ 1/2 day of school -- Dismissal at 11:45 AM for MID-WINTER BREAK
February 20 ~ No School MID WINTER BREAK
February 21 ~ No School MID WINTER BREAK
February 26 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
March 12 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
March 26 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
April 3 ~ 1/2 day of school -- Dismissal at 11:45 AM
April 4 ~ No School SPRING BREAK
April 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 ~ No School SPRING BREAK
April 23 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
May 7 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
May 21 ~ Early Release @ 1:45 PM
May 23 ~ 1/2 day of school -- Dismissal at 11:45 AM MEMORIAL WEEKEND
May 26 ~ No School -- MEMORIAL DAY
Attendance Policy
The normal attendance expectations for any given child in the Kent County Intermediate School District are as follows:
> that a child miss not more than 10 days of Excused Absences for the entire school year,
> that a child have no Unexcused Absences for the entire school year
> that a child have not more than 5 Tardies combined with Leave Early check-outs per semester.
> that a child have no Suspensions for the entire school year.
Godwin Heights Public Schools are held by law to report tardies and absences in excess of the guidelines listed above to the Kent Intermediate School District Office of Truancy and School Attendance-State Law Enforcement Division.
The primary rationale for positive attendance is the strong relationship between student attendance and student achievement. Chronic student absences reduces even the best teacher's ability to provide learning opportunities. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career. A recent study looking at young children found that absenteeism in kindergarten was associated with negative first grade outcomes such as greater absenteeism in subsequent years and lower achievement in reading, math, and general knowledge.
Poor attendance has serious implications for later outcomes. High school dropouts have been found to exhibit a history of negative behaviors, including high levels of absenteeism throughout their childhood, at higher rates than high school graduates. These differences in absentee rates were observed as early as kindergarten, and students who eventually dropped out of high school missed significantly more days of school in elementary school than their peers who graduated from high school.
North Godwin Elementary
Email: bast@godwinschools.org
Website: www.godwinschools.org
Location: 161 34th Street Southwest, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2010
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthGodwin/